/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" using namespace std::literals; #if defined(__BIONIC__) #define _REALLY_INCLUDE_SYS__SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_H_ #include #include #include #include class SystemPropertiesTest : public SystemProperties { public: SystemPropertiesTest() : SystemProperties(false) { appcompat_path = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/appcompat_override", dir_.path); mount_path = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/__properties__", dir_.path); mkdir(appcompat_path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH); valid_ = AreaInit(dir_.path, nullptr, true); } ~SystemPropertiesTest() { if (valid_) { contexts_->FreeAndUnmap(); } umount2(dir_.path, MNT_DETACH); umount2(real_sysprop_dir.c_str(), MNT_DETACH); } bool valid() const { return valid_; } const char* get_path() const { return dir_.path; } const char* get_appcompat_path() const { return appcompat_path.c_str(); } const char* get_mount_path() const { return mount_path.c_str(); } const char* get_real_sysprop_dir() const { return real_sysprop_dir.c_str(); } std::string appcompat_path; std::string mount_path; std::string real_sysprop_dir = "/dev/__properties__"; private: TemporaryDir dir_; bool valid_; }; static void foreach_test_callback(const prop_info *pi, void* cookie) { size_t *count = static_cast(cookie); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); (*count)++; } static void hierarchical_test_callback(const prop_info *pi, void *cookie) { bool (*ok)[8][8] = static_cast(cookie); char name[PROP_NAME_MAX]; char value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; __system_property_read(pi, name, value); int name_i, name_j, name_k; int value_i, value_j, value_k; ASSERT_EQ(3, sscanf(name, "property_%d.%d.%d", &name_i, &name_j, &name_k)); ASSERT_EQ(3, sscanf(value, "value_%d.%d.%d", &value_i, &value_j, &value_k)); ASSERT_EQ(name_i, value_i); ASSERT_GE(name_i, 0); ASSERT_LT(name_i, 8); ASSERT_EQ(name_j, value_j); ASSERT_GE(name_j, 0); ASSERT_LT(name_j, 8); ASSERT_EQ(name_k, value_k); ASSERT_GE(name_k, 0); ASSERT_LT(name_k, 8); ok[name_i][name_j][name_k] = true; } #endif // __BIONIC__ TEST(properties, __system_property_add) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "value1", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("other_property", 14, "value2", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property_other", 14, "value3", 6)); // check that there is no limit on property name length char name[PROP_NAME_MAX + 11]; name[0] = 'p'; for (size_t i = 1; i < sizeof(name); i++) { name[i] = 'x'; } name[sizeof(name)-1] = '\0'; ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add(name, strlen(name), "value", 5)); char propvalue[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get("property", propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value1"); ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get("other_property", propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value2"); ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get("property_other", propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value3"); ASSERT_EQ(5, system_properties.Get(name, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value"); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_add_appcompat) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) if (getuid() != 0) GTEST_SKIP() << "test requires root"; SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); char name[] = "ro.property"; char override_name[] = "ro.appcompat_override.ro.property"; char name_not_written[] = "ro.property_other"; char override_with_no_real[] = "ro.appcompat_override.ro.property_other"; ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add(name, strlen(name), "value1", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add(override_name, strlen(override_name), "value2", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add(override_with_no_real, strlen(override_with_no_real), "value3", 6)); char propvalue[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get(name, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value1"); ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get(override_name, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value2"); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Get(name_not_written, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, ""); ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get(override_with_no_real, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value3"); int ret = mount(system_properties.get_appcompat_path(), system_properties.get_path(), nullptr, MS_BIND | MS_REC, nullptr); if (ret != 0) { ASSERT_ERRNO(0); } system_properties.Reload(true); ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get(name, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value2"); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Get(override_name, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, ""); ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get(name_not_written, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value3"); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Get(override_with_no_real, propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, ""); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_update) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "oldvalue1", 9)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("other_property", 14, "value2", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property_other", 14, "value3", 6)); const prop_info* pi = system_properties.Find("property"); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); system_properties.Update(const_cast(pi), "value4", 6); pi = system_properties.Find("other_property"); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); system_properties.Update(const_cast(pi), "newvalue5", 9); pi = system_properties.Find("property_other"); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); system_properties.Update(const_cast(pi), "value6", 6); char propvalue[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get("property", propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value4"); ASSERT_EQ(9, system_properties.Get("other_property", propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "newvalue5"); ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get("property_other", propvalue)); ASSERT_STREQ(propvalue, "value6"); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, fill) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); char prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX]; char prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; char prop_value_ret[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; int count = 0; int ret; while (true) { ret = snprintf(prop_name, PROP_NAME_MAX - 1, "property_%d", count); memset(prop_name + ret, 'a', PROP_NAME_MAX - 1 - ret); ret = snprintf(prop_value, PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1, "value_%d", count); memset(prop_value + ret, 'b', PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1 - ret); prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX - 1] = 0; prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1] = 0; ret = system_properties.Add(prop_name, PROP_NAME_MAX - 1, prop_value, PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1); if (ret < 0) break; count++; } // For historical reasons at least 247 properties must be supported ASSERT_GE(count, 247); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ret = snprintf(prop_name, PROP_NAME_MAX - 1, "property_%d", i); memset(prop_name + ret, 'a', PROP_NAME_MAX - 1 - ret); ret = snprintf(prop_value, PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1, "value_%d", i); memset(prop_value + ret, 'b', PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1 - ret); prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX - 1] = 0; prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1] = 0; memset(prop_value_ret, '\0', PROP_VALUE_MAX); ASSERT_EQ(PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1, system_properties.Get(prop_name, prop_value_ret)); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(prop_value, prop_value_ret, PROP_VALUE_MAX)); } #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_foreach) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "value1", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("other_property", 14, "value2", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property_other", 14, "value3", 6)); size_t count = 0; ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Foreach(foreach_test_callback, &count)); ASSERT_EQ(3U, count); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_find_nth) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "value1", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("other_property", 14, "value2", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property_other", 14, "value3", 6)); char name[PROP_NAME_MAX]; char value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; EXPECT_EQ(6, system_properties.Read(system_properties.FindNth(0), name, value)); EXPECT_STREQ("property", name); EXPECT_STREQ("value1", value); EXPECT_EQ(6, system_properties.Read(system_properties.FindNth(1), name, value)); EXPECT_STREQ("other_property", name); EXPECT_STREQ("value2", value); EXPECT_EQ(6, system_properties.Read(system_properties.FindNth(2), name, value)); EXPECT_STREQ("property_other", name); EXPECT_STREQ("value3", value); for (unsigned i = 3; i < 1024; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.FindNth(i) == nullptr); } #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, fill_hierarchical) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); char prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX]; char prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; char prop_value_ret[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; int ret; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { ret = snprintf(prop_name, PROP_NAME_MAX - 1, "property_%d.%d.%d", i, j, k); memset(prop_name + ret, 'a', PROP_NAME_MAX - 1 - ret); ret = snprintf(prop_value, PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1, "value_%d.%d.%d", i, j, k); memset(prop_value + ret, 'b', PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1 - ret); prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX - 1] = 0; prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1] = 0; ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add( prop_name, PROP_NAME_MAX - 1, prop_value, PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { ret = snprintf(prop_name, PROP_NAME_MAX - 1, "property_%d.%d.%d", i, j, k); memset(prop_name + ret, 'a', PROP_NAME_MAX - 1 - ret); ret = snprintf(prop_value, PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1, "value_%d.%d.%d", i, j, k); memset(prop_value + ret, 'b', PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1 - ret); prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX - 1] = 0; prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1] = 0; memset(prop_value_ret, '\0', PROP_VALUE_MAX); ASSERT_EQ(PROP_VALUE_MAX - 1, system_properties.Get(prop_name, prop_value_ret)); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(prop_value, prop_value_ret, PROP_VALUE_MAX)); } } } bool ok[8][8][8]; memset(ok, 0, sizeof(ok)); system_properties.Foreach(hierarchical_test_callback, ok); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { ASSERT_TRUE(ok[i][j][k]); } } } #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, errors) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); char prop_value[PROP_NAME_MAX]; ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "value1", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("other_property", 14, "value2", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property_other", 14, "value3", 6)); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Find("property1")); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Get("property1", prop_value)); ASSERT_EQ(-1, system_properties.Add("name", 4, "value", PROP_VALUE_MAX)); ASSERT_EQ(-1, system_properties.Update(NULL, "value", PROP_VALUE_MAX)); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_serial) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "value1", 6)); const prop_info* pi = system_properties.Find("property"); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); unsigned serial = __system_property_serial(pi); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Update(const_cast(pi), "value2", 6)); ASSERT_NE(serial, __system_property_serial(pi)); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_wait_any) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "value1", 6)); unsigned serial = system_properties.WaitAny(0); prop_info* pi = const_cast(system_properties.Find("property")); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); system_properties.Update(pi, "value2", 6); serial = system_properties.WaitAny(serial); int flag = 0; std::thread thread([&system_properties, &flag]() { prop_info* pi = const_cast(system_properties.Find("property")); usleep(100000); flag = 1; system_properties.Update(pi, "value3", 6); }); ASSERT_EQ(flag, 0); serial = system_properties.WaitAny(serial); ASSERT_EQ(flag, 1); thread.join(); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_wait) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add("property", 8, "value1", 6)); prop_info* pi = const_cast(system_properties.Find("property")); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); unsigned serial = __system_property_serial(pi); std::thread thread([&system_properties]() { prop_info* pi = const_cast(system_properties.Find("property")); ASSERT_TRUE(pi != nullptr); system_properties.Update(pi, "value2", 6); }); uint32_t new_serial; system_properties.Wait(pi, serial, &new_serial, nullptr); ASSERT_GT(new_serial, serial); char value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; ASSERT_EQ(6, system_properties.Get("property", value)); ASSERT_STREQ("value2", value); thread.join(); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } class KilledByFault { public: explicit KilledByFault() {}; bool operator()(int exit_status) const; }; bool KilledByFault::operator()(int exit_status) const { return WIFSIGNALED(exit_status) && (WTERMSIG(exit_status) == SIGSEGV || WTERMSIG(exit_status) == SIGBUS || WTERMSIG(exit_status) == SIGABRT); } using properties_DeathTest = SilentDeathTest; TEST_F(properties_DeathTest, read_only) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) // This test only makes sense if we're talking to the real system property service. struct stat sb; ASSERT_FALSE(stat(PROP_DIRNAME, &sb) == -1 && errno == ENOENT); ASSERT_EXIT(__system_property_add("property", 8, "value", 5), KilledByFault(), ""); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_extra_long_read_only) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); std::vector> short_properties = { { "ro.0char", std::string() }, { "ro.50char", std::string(50, 'x') }, { "ro.91char", std::string(91, 'x') }, }; std::vector> long_properties = { { "ro.92char", std::string(92, 'x') }, { "ro.93char", std::string(93, 'x') }, { "ro.1000char", std::string(1000, 'x') }, }; for (const auto& property : short_properties) { const std::string& name = property.first; const std::string& value = property.second; ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add(name.c_str(), name.size(), value.c_str(), value.size())); } for (const auto& property : long_properties) { const std::string& name = property.first; const std::string& value = property.second; ASSERT_EQ(0, system_properties.Add(name.c_str(), name.size(), value.c_str(), value.size())); } auto check_with_legacy_read = [&system_properties](const std::string& name, const std::string& expected_value) { char value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(expected_value.size()), system_properties.Get(name.c_str(), value)) << name; EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, value) << name; }; auto check_with_read_callback = [&system_properties](const std::string& name, const std::string& expected_value) { const prop_info* pi = system_properties.Find(name.c_str()); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, pi); std::string value; system_properties.ReadCallback(pi, [](void* cookie, const char*, const char* value, uint32_t) { auto* out_value = reinterpret_cast(cookie); *out_value = value; }, &value); EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, value) << name; }; for (const auto& property : short_properties) { const std::string& name = property.first; const std::string& value = property.second; check_with_legacy_read(name, value); check_with_read_callback(name, value); } static constexpr const char* kExtraLongLegacyError = "Must use __system_property_read_callback() to read"; for (const auto& property : long_properties) { const std::string& name = property.first; const std::string& value = property.second; check_with_legacy_read(name, kExtraLongLegacyError); check_with_read_callback(name, value); } #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } // pa_size is 128 * 1024 currently, if a property is longer then we expect it to fail gracefully. TEST(properties, __system_property_extra_long_read_only_too_long) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; ASSERT_TRUE(system_properties.valid()); auto name = "ro.super_long_property"s; auto value = std::string(128 * 1024 + 1, 'x'); ASSERT_NE(0, system_properties.Add(name.c_str(), name.size(), value.c_str(), value.size())); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } // Note that this test affects global state of the system // this tests tries to mitigate this by using utime+pid // prefix for the property name. It is still results in // pollution of property service since properties cannot // be removed. // // Note that there is also possibility to run into "out-of-memory" // if this test if it is executed often enough without reboot. TEST(properties, __system_property_reload_no_op) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) std::string property_name = android::base::StringPrintf("debug.test.%d.%" PRId64 ".property", getpid(), NanoTime()); ASSERT_EQ(0, __system_property_find(property_name.c_str())); ASSERT_EQ(0, __system_property_set(property_name.c_str(), "test value")); ASSERT_EQ(0, __system_properties_zygote_reload()); const prop_info* readptr = __system_property_find(property_name.c_str()); std::string expected_name = property_name; __system_property_read_callback( readptr, [](void*, const char*, const char* value, unsigned) { ASSERT_STREQ("test value", value); }, &expected_name); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(properties, __system_property_reload_invalid) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) if (getuid() != 0) GTEST_SKIP() << "test requires root"; SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; // Create an invalid property_info file, so the system will attempt to initialize a // ContextSerialized std::string property_info_file = android::base::StringPrintf("%s/property_info", system_properties.get_path()); fclose(fopen(property_info_file.c_str(), "w")); int ret = mount(system_properties.get_path(), system_properties.get_real_sysprop_dir(), nullptr, MS_BIND | MS_REC, nullptr); if (ret != 0) { ASSERT_ERRNO(0); } ASSERT_EQ(-1, __system_properties_zygote_reload()); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } // Note that this test affects global state of the system // this tests tries to mitigate this by using utime+pid // prefix for the property name. It is still results in // pollution of property service since properties cannot // be removed. // // Note that there is also possibility to run into "out-of-memory" // if this test if it is executed often enough without reboot. TEST(properties, __system_property_reload_valid) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) if (getuid() != 0) GTEST_SKIP() << "test requires root"; SystemPropertiesTest system_properties; // Copy the system properties files into the temp directory std::string shell_cmd = android::base::StringPrintf( "cp -r %s %s", system_properties.get_real_sysprop_dir(), system_properties.get_path()); system(shell_cmd.c_str()); // Write a system property to the current set of system properties std::string property_name = android::base::StringPrintf("debug.test.%d.%" PRId64 ".property", getpid(), NanoTime()); ASSERT_EQ(0, __system_property_find(property_name.c_str())); ASSERT_EQ(0, __system_property_set(property_name.c_str(), "test value")); // Mount the temp directory (which doesn't have the property we just wrote) in place of the // real one int ret = mount(system_properties.get_mount_path(), system_properties.get_real_sysprop_dir(), nullptr, MS_BIND | MS_REC, nullptr); if (ret != 0) { ASSERT_ERRNO(0); } // reload system properties in the new dir, and verify the property we wrote after we copied the // files isn't there ASSERT_EQ(0, __system_properties_zygote_reload()); ASSERT_EQ(0, __system_property_find(property_name.c_str())); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_SKIP() << "bionic-only test"; #endif // __BIONIC__ }