#!/bin/bash # locate some directories cd "$(dirname $0)" SCRIPT_DIR="${PWD}" cd ../.. TOP="${PWD}" message='usage: banchan ... [|arm|x86|arm64|x86_64] [eng|userdebug|user] banchan selects individual APEX modules to be built by the Android build system. Like "tapas", "banchan" does not request the building of images for a device but instead configures it for an unbundled build of the given modules, suitable for installing on any api-compatible device. The difference from "tapas" is that "banchan" sets the appropriate products etc for building APEX modules rather than apps (APKs). The module names should match apex{} modules in Android.bp files, typically starting with "com.android.". The product argument should be a product name ending in "_", where is one of arm, x86, arm64, x86_64. It can also be just an arch, in which case the standard product for building modules with that architecture is used, i.e. module_. The usage of the other arguments matches that of the rest of the platform build system and can be found by running `m help`' echo "$message"