path: root/doc/build/filtering.rst
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diff --git a/doc/build/filtering.rst b/doc/build/filtering.rst
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index 0000000..b4c3323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/build/filtering.rst
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+.. _filtering_toplevel:
+Filtering and Buffering
+.. _expression_filtering:
+Expression Filtering
+As described in the chapter :ref:`syntax_toplevel`, the "``|``" operator can be
+applied to a "``${}``" expression to apply escape filters to the
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${"this is some text" | u}
+The above expression applies URL escaping to the expression, and
+produces ``this+is+some+text``.
+The built-in escape flags are:
+* ``u`` : URL escaping, provided by
+ ``urllib.quote_plus(string.encode('utf-8'))``
+* ``h`` : HTML escaping, provided by
+ ``markupsafe.escape(string)``
+ .. versionadded:: 0.3.4
+ Prior versions use ``cgi.escape(string, True)``.
+* ``x`` : XML escaping
+* ``trim`` : whitespace trimming, provided by ``string.strip()``
+* ``entity`` : produces HTML entity references for applicable
+ strings, derived from ``htmlentitydefs``
+* ``str`` : produces a Python unicode
+ string (this function is applied by default)
+* ``unicode`` : aliased to ``str`` above
+ .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0
+ Prior versions applied the ``unicode`` built-in when running in Python 2;
+ in 1.2.0 Mako applies the Python 3 ``str`` built-in.
+* ``decode.<some encoding>`` : decode input into a Python
+ unicode with the specified encoding
+* ``n`` : disable all default filtering; only filters specified
+ in the local expression tag will be applied.
+To apply more than one filter, separate them by a comma:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${" <tag>some value</tag> " | h,trim}
+The above produces ``&lt;tag&gt;some value&lt;/tag&gt;``, with
+no leading or trailing whitespace. The HTML escaping function is
+applied first, the "trim" function second.
+Naturally, you can make your own filters too. A filter is just a
+Python function that accepts a single string argument, and
+returns the filtered result. The expressions after the ``|``
+operator draw upon the local namespace of the template in which
+they appear, meaning you can define escaping functions locally:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%!
+ def myescape(text):
+ return "<TAG>" + text + "</TAG>"
+ %>
+ Here's some tagged text: ${"text" | myescape}
+Or from any Python module:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%!
+ import myfilters
+ %>
+ Here's some tagged text: ${"text" | myfilters.tagfilter}
+A page can apply a default set of filters to all expression tags
+using the ``expression_filter`` argument to the ``%page`` tag:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%page expression_filter="h"/>
+ Escaped text: ${"<html>some html</html>"}
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ Escaped text: &lt;html&gt;some html&lt;/html&gt;
+.. _filtering_default_filters:
+The ``default_filters`` Argument
+In addition to the ``expression_filter`` argument, the
+``default_filters`` argument to both :class:`.Template` and
+:class:`.TemplateLookup` can specify filtering for all expression tags
+at the programmatic level. This array-based argument, when given
+its default argument of ``None``, will be internally set to
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ t = TemplateLookup(directories=['/tmp'], default_filters=['str'])
+To replace the usual ``str`` function with a
+specific encoding, the ``decode`` filter can be substituted:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ t = TemplateLookup(directories=['/tmp'], default_filters=['decode.utf8'])
+To disable ``default_filters`` entirely, set it to an empty
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ t = TemplateLookup(directories=['/tmp'], default_filters=[])
+Any string name can be added to ``default_filters`` where it
+will be added to all expressions as a filter. The filters are
+applied from left to right, meaning the leftmost filter is
+applied first.
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ t = Template(templatetext, default_filters=['str', 'myfilter'])
+To ease the usage of ``default_filters`` with custom filters,
+you can also add imports (or other code) to all templates using
+the ``imports`` argument:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ t = TemplateLookup(directories=['/tmp'],
+ default_filters=['str', 'myfilter'],
+ imports=['from mypackage import myfilter'])
+The above will generate templates something like this:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ # ....
+ from mypackage import myfilter
+ def render_body(context):
+ context.write(myfilter(str("some text")))
+.. _expression_filtering_nfilter:
+Turning off Filtering with the ``n`` Filter
+In all cases the special ``n`` filter, used locally within an
+expression, will **disable** all filters declared in the
+``<%page>`` tag as well as in ``default_filters``. Such as:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${'myexpression' | n}
+will render ``myexpression`` with no filtering of any kind, and:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${'myexpression' | n,trim}
+will render ``myexpression`` using the ``trim`` filter only.
+Including the ``n`` filter in a ``<%page>`` tag will only disable
+``default_filters``. In effect this makes the filters from the tag replace
+default filters instead of adding to them. For example:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%page expression_filter="n, json.dumps"/>
+ data = {a: ${123}, b: ${"123"}};
+will suppress turning the values into strings using the default filter, so that
+``json.dumps`` (which requires ``imports=["import json"]`` or something
+equivalent) can take the value type into account, formatting numbers as numeric
+literals and strings as string literals.
+.. versionadded:: 1.0.14 The ``n`` filter can now be used in the ``<%page>`` tag.
+Filtering Defs and Blocks
+The ``%def`` and ``%block`` tags have an argument called ``filter`` which will apply the
+given list of filter functions to the output of the ``%def``:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%def name="foo()" filter="h, trim">
+ <b>this is bold</b>
+ </%def>
+When the ``filter`` attribute is applied to a def as above, the def
+is automatically **buffered** as well. This is described next.
+One of Mako's central design goals is speed. To this end, all of
+the textual content within a template and its various callables
+is by default piped directly to the single buffer that is stored
+within the :class:`.Context` object. While this normally is easy to
+miss, it has certain side effects. The main one is that when you
+call a def using the normal expression syntax, i.e.
+``${somedef()}``, it may appear that the return value of the
+function is the content it produced, which is then delivered to
+your template just like any other expression substitution,
+except that normally, this is not the case; the return value of
+``${somedef()}`` is simply the empty string ``''``. By the time
+you receive this empty string, the output of ``somedef()`` has
+been sent to the underlying buffer.
+You may not want this effect, if for example you are doing
+something like this:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${" results " + somedef() + " more results "}
+If the ``somedef()`` function produced the content "``somedef's
+results``", the above template would produce this output:
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ somedef's results results more results
+This is because ``somedef()`` fully executes before the
+expression returns the results of its concatenation; the
+concatenation in turn receives just the empty string as its
+middle expression.
+Mako provides two ways to work around this. One is by applying
+buffering to the ``%def`` itself:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%def name="somedef()" buffered="True">
+ somedef's results
+ </%def>
+The above definition will generate code similar to this:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ def somedef():
+ context.push_buffer()
+ try:
+ context.write("somedef's results")
+ finally:
+ buf = context.pop_buffer()
+ return buf.getvalue()
+So that the content of ``somedef()`` is sent to a second buffer,
+which is then popped off the stack and its value returned. The
+speed hit inherent in buffering the output of a def is also
+Note that the ``filter`` argument on ``%def`` also causes the def to
+be buffered. This is so that the final content of the ``%def`` can
+be delivered to the escaping function in one batch, which
+reduces method calls and also produces more deterministic
+behavior for the filtering function itself, which can possibly
+be useful for a filtering function that wishes to apply a
+transformation to the text as a whole.
+The other way to buffer the output of a def or any Mako callable
+is by using the built-in ``capture`` function. This function
+performs an operation similar to the above buffering operation
+except it is specified by the caller.
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${" results " + capture(somedef) + " more results "}
+Note that the first argument to the ``capture`` function is
+**the function itself**, not the result of calling it. This is
+because the ``capture`` function takes over the job of actually
+calling the target function, after setting up a buffered
+environment. To send arguments to the function, just send them
+to ``capture`` instead:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${capture(somedef, 17, 'hi', use_paging=True)}
+The above call is equivalent to the unbuffered call:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ ${somedef(17, 'hi', use_paging=True)}
+.. versionadded:: 0.2.5
+Somewhat like a filter for a ``%def`` but more flexible, the ``decorator``
+argument to ``%def`` allows the creation of a function that will
+work in a similar manner to a Python decorator. The function can
+control whether or not the function executes. The original
+intent of this function is to allow the creation of custom cache
+logic, but there may be other uses as well.
+``decorator`` is intended to be used with a regular Python
+function, such as one defined in a library module. Here we'll
+illustrate the python function defined in the template for
+simplicities' sake:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%!
+ def bar(fn):
+ def decorate(context, *args, **kw):
+ context.write("BAR")
+ fn(*args, **kw)
+ context.write("BAR")
+ return ''
+ return decorate
+ %>
+ <%def name="foo()" decorator="bar">
+ this is foo
+ </%def>
+ ${foo()}
+The above template will return, with more whitespace than this,
+``"BAR this is foo BAR"``. The function is the render callable
+itself (or possibly a wrapper around it), and by default will
+write to the context. To capture its output, use the :func:`.capture`
+callable in the ``mako.runtime`` module (available in templates
+as just ``runtime``):
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%!
+ def bar(fn):
+ def decorate(context, *args, **kw):
+ return "BAR" + runtime.capture(context, fn, *args, **kw) + "BAR"
+ return decorate
+ %>
+ <%def name="foo()" decorator="bar">
+ this is foo
+ </%def>
+ ${foo()}
+The decorator can be used with top-level defs as well as nested
+defs, and blocks too. Note that when calling a top-level def from the
+:class:`.Template` API, i.e. ``template.get_def('somedef').render()``,
+the decorator has to write the output to the ``context``, i.e.
+as in the first example. The return value gets discarded.