diff options
authorBruno Oliveira <>2020-12-11 12:50:40 -0300
committerBruno Oliveira <>2020-12-11 12:50:40 -0300
commit9d2c3c49ed765b452a7201cecb5146707642899e (patch)
parent2990b481521b8b4c8577954836b4008f863c386b (diff)
Remove Travis and AppVeyor configs
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ecb64593..00000000
--- a/.appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- matrix:
- # note: please use "tox --listenvs" to populate the build matrix below
- - TOXENV: "py27-pytest29"
- - TOXENV: "py27-pytest30"
- - TOXENV: "py27-pytest31"
- - TOXENV: "py35-pytest29"
- - TOXENV: "py35-pytest30"
- - TOXENV: "py35-pytest31"
- - TOXENV: "py36-pytest29"
- - TOXENV: "py36-pytest30"
- - TOXENV: "py36-pytest31"
- - TOXENV: "py37-pytest30"
- - TOXENV: "py37-pytest31"
- - echo Installed Pythons
- - dir c:\Python*
- - C:\Python37\python -m pip install --upgrade --pre tox
-build: false # Not a C# project, build stuff at the test step instead.
- - C:\Python37\python -m tox
-# We don't deploy anything on tags with AppVeyor, we use Travis instead, so we
-# might as well save resources
-skip_tags: true
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 25fb8ca3..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-dist: xenial
-language: python
- - '2.7'
- - '3.5'
- - '3.6'
- - '3.7'
- # - 'pypy'
- - 'pypy3'
- global:
- matrix:
- - DEPS="pytest~=2.9.0"
- - DEPS="pytest~=3.0.0"
- #- DEPS="pytest~=3.1.0"
- - name: test
- if: tag IS NOT present
- - name: deploy
- if: repo = pytest-dev/py AND tag IS present
- include:
- - python: '2.7'
- # using a different option due to pytest-addopts pytester issues
- env: PYTEST_XADDOPTS="-n auto --runslowtests" DEPS="pytest~=3.0.0 pytest-xdist<1.25 pytest-forked<0.3"
- - stage: deploy
- python: '3.6'
- env:
- install: pip install -U setuptools setuptools_scm
- script: skip
- deploy:
- provider: pypi
- user: nicoddemus
- distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
- skip_upload_docs: true
- password:
- secure: 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
- on:
- tags: true
- repo: pytest-dev/py
- exclude:
- - python: '3.7'
- env: DEPS="pytest~=2.9.0"
- allow_failures:
- - python: 'pypy'
- - python: 'pypy3'
- - pip install -U coverage coverage-enable-subprocess pip setuptools setuptools_scm
- - pip install $DEPS
- - pip install -U . --force-reinstall
- - coverage run -m pytest --lsof $PYTEST_XADDOPTS
- - coverage combine
- - coverage report -m
- - coverage xml
- - bash <(curl -s -Z -X gcov -X coveragepy -X search -X xcode -X gcovout -X fix -f coverage.xml -e TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION