AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-02-09fix isActiveNetworkMetered with VPNsEric Enslen
2018-02-09Handle onBindingDied in notification managerRyan Lothian
2018-02-09Relax Instant Apps Settings whitelist enforcementChad Brubaker
2018-02-08Merge cherrypicks of [3581037, 3581038, 3580473, 3580624, 3580656, 3580657, Robot
2018-02-08[RTT] ParcelableRttResults parcel code fixEtan Cohen
2018-02-08Fix VerifyCredentialResponse parcelling codeRubin Xu
2018-02-08Update diskstats to break out code & data.Daniel Nishi
2018-02-08Adjust URI host parsing to stop on \ character.Adam Vartanian
2018-02-08Check for null-terminator in ResStringPool::string8AtAdam Lesinski
2018-02-08OutputConfiguration: Fix missing mIsShared in parcel readShuzhen Wang
2018-02-08Fix bad type for txPower in PeriodicAdvertisingReport serializationJakub Pawlowski
2018-02-08Use correct user id for permission check for instant foreground serviceSvet Ganov
2018-02-08Metrics wifi.proto for connected wifi scoreMichael Plass
2018-02-08Fixed AUTOFILL_UI_LATENCY metric.Felipe Leme
2018-02-08Add metric for anomaly detectionjackqdyulei
2018-02-08Add support for notification of LTE to WIFI handover for video calls.Tyler Gunn
2018-02-08Turn default gradient into solid blackLucas Dupin
2018-02-08[PASSPOINT] Add metrics to determine deployment/avail of PasspointEtan Cohen
2018-02-08Add assisted dialing properties to the framework.Eric Erfanian
2018-02-08[AWARE] Make PeerHandle comparable/hashableEtan Cohen
2018-02-08Fix issues with TRON app transition loggingJorim Jaggi
2018-02-03Merge cherrypicks of [3551537, 3552808, 3552809, 3551513, 3551514, 3554326, Robot
2018-02-03Adjust URI host parsing to stop on \ character.Adam Vartanian
2018-02-03Check for null-terminator in ResStringPool::string8AtAdam Lesinski
2018-02-03OutputConfiguration: Fix missing mIsShared in parcel readShuzhen Wang
2018-02-03Fix bad type for txPower in PeriodicAdvertisingReport serializationJakub Pawlowski
2018-02-03Use correct user id for permission check for instant foreground serviceSvet Ganov
2018-01-30Merge cherrypicks of [3536650, 3536562, 3536563, 3536481, 3535874, 3536495, Robot
2018-01-30Metrics wifi.proto for connected wifi scoreMichael Plass
2018-01-26Merge cherrypicks of [3519487, 3519488, 3520743, 3521264, 3521265] into Robot
2018-01-26Relax Instant Apps Settings whitelist enforcementChad Brubaker
2018-01-26Fixed AUTOFILL_UI_LATENCY metric.Felipe Leme
2018-01-26DO NOT MERGE - fix AFM.getComponentNameFromContext()Felipe Leme
2018-01-25Merge cherrypicks of [3509910] into oc-mr1-releaseandroid-8.1.0_r16android-8.1.0_r15oreo-mr1-s1-releaseandroid-build-team Robot
2018-01-25OMS: Only allow trusted overlays to be registered.Adam Lesinski
2018-01-19Merge cherrypicks of [3484108, 3483651] into oc-m2-releaseandroid-build-team Robot
2018-01-19Add metric for anomaly detectionjackqdyulei
2018-01-18Merge cherrypicks of [3478238, 3478653, 3478239, 3478580, 3478612, 3478240, Robot
2018-01-18Proper autofill fix to let phone process autofill Settings activity.Felipe Leme
2018-01-18OMS: Only allow trusted overlays to be registered.Adam Lesinski
2018-01-18Make sure apps cannot forge package name on AssistStructure used for Autofill.Felipe Leme
2018-01-16Merge cherrypicks of [3463668, 3464926, 3464927, 3464663, 3464895, 3464928, Robot
2018-01-16Add support for notification of LTE to WIFI handover for video calls.Tyler Gunn
2018-01-09Merge cherrypicks of [3436310, 3434392, 3435998, 3435077, 3435273, 3436350, Robot
2018-01-09Turn default gradient into solid blackLucas Dupin
2018-01-09[PASSPOINT] Add metrics to determine deployment/avail of PasspointEtan Cohen
2018-01-09Add assisted dialing properties to the framework.Eric Erfanian
2018-01-09[AWARE] Make PeerHandle comparable/hashableEtan Cohen
2018-01-09Fix issues with TRON app transition loggingJorim Jaggi
2018-01-05Snap for 4527419 from 23fbf77b8d604a062abbfc53841935e3437876b7 to oc-m2-releaseandroid-build-team Robot