diff options
authorAndreas Gampe <>2018-04-05 19:53:49 -0700
committerAndreas Gampe <>2018-04-09 14:49:21 -0700
commitafe71cfc8ce97887756aad613169358e28c45a62 (patch)
parent5eb57e19b83b467784d0bcae4f7ff1fe14ce4a7b (diff)
Perfprofd: Update perf_proto_stack
Update the python script. Also clean it up. Bug: 73175642 Test: manual: PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/scripts python -u system/extras/perfprofd/scripts/ --syms /storage/perfprofd_symbols/out/target/product/walleye/symbols --skip-kernel-syms --print-samples --print-sym-histogram Change-Id: I3d9c1eb0bca8818f53095d1410b5f95a0e93f24d
2 files changed, 556 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/perfprofd/scripts/ b/perfprofd/scripts/
index 03693589..1eba6725 100644
--- a/perfprofd/scripts/
+++ b/perfprofd/scripts/
@@ -17,121 +17,427 @@
# Super simplistic printer of a perfprofd output proto. Illustrates
# how to parse and traverse a perfprofd output proto in Python.
+# This relies on libunwindstack's unwind_symbol. Build with
+# mmma system/core/libunwindstack
+import argparse
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+logging.basicConfig(format = "%(message)s")
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+from sorted_collection import SortedCollection
# Generate with:
-# aprotoc -I=system/extras/perfprofd --python_out=system/extras/perfprofd/scripts \
-# system/extras/perfprofd/perf_profile.proto
-import perf_profile_pb2
+# aprotoc -I=external/perf_data_converter/src/quipper \
+# --python_out=system/extras/perfprofd/scripts \
+# external/perf_data_converter/src/quipper/perf_data.proto
+# aprotoc -I=external/perf_data_converter/src/quipper -I=system/extras/perfprofd \
+# --python_out=system/extras/perfprofd/scripts \
+# system/extras/perfprofd/perfprofd_record.proto
+import perfprofd_record_pb2
# Make sure that symbol is on the PYTHONPATH, e.g., run as
# PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/scripts python ...
import symbol
+from symbol import SymbolInformation
# This is wrong. But then the symbol module is a bad quagmire.
+# TODO: Check build IDs.
symbol.SetAbi(["ABI: 'arm64'"])
-print "Reading symbols from", symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR
-# TODO: accept argument for parsing.
-file = open('', 'rb')
-data =
-profile = perf_profile_pb2.AndroidPerfProfile()
-print "Total samples: ", profile.total_samples
-module_list = profile.load_modules
-counters = {}
-def indent(txt, stops = 1):
- return '\n'.join(' ' * stops + line for line in txt.splitlines())
-def print_samples(module_list, programs, process_names, counters):
- print 'Samples:'
- for program in programs:
- process_name = '?'
- if program.HasField('process_name_id'):
- process_name = process_names[program.process_name_id]
- print indent('%s (%s)' % (, process_name), 1)
- for module in program.modules:
- if module.HasField('load_module_id'):
- module_descr = module_list[module.load_module_id]
- print indent(, 2)
- has_build_id = module_descr.HasField('build_id')
- if has_build_id:
- print indent('Build ID: %s' % (module_descr.build_id), 3)
- for addr in module.address_samples:
- # TODO: Stacks vs single samples.
- addr_rel = addr.address[0]
- addr_rel_hex = "%x" % addr_rel
- print indent('%d %s' % (addr.count, addr_rel_hex), 3)
- if != '[kernel.kallsyms]':
- if has_build_id:
- info = symbol.SymbolInformation(, addr_rel_hex)
- # As-is, only info[0] (inner-most inlined function) is recognized.
- (source_symbol, source_location, object_symbol_with_offset) = info[0]
- if object_symbol_with_offset is not None:
- print indent(object_symbol_with_offset, 4)
- if source_symbol is not None:
- for (sym_inlined, loc_inlined, _) in info:
- # TODO: Figure out what's going on here:
- if sym_inlined is not None:
- print indent(sym_inlined, 5)
- else:
- print indent('???', 5)
- if loc_inlined is not None:
- print ' %s' % (indent(loc_inlined, 5))
- elif module_descr.symbol and (addr_rel & 0x8000000000000000 != 0):
- index = 0xffffffffffffffff - addr_rel
- source_symbol = module_descr.symbol[index]
- print indent(source_symbol, 4)
- counters_key = None
- if source_symbol is not None:
- counters_key = (, source_symbol)
- else:
- counters_key = (, addr_rel_hex)
- if counters_key in counters:
- counters[counters_key] = counters[counters_key] + addr.count
- else:
- counters[counters_key] = addr.count
+class MmapState(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._list = SortedCollection((), lambda x : x[0])
+ def add_map(self, start, length, pgoff, name):
+ tuple = (start, length, pgoff, name)
+ self._list.insert(tuple)
+ def find(self, addr):
+ try:
+ tuple = self._list.find_le(addr)
+ if addr < tuple[0] + tuple[1]:
+ return tuple
+ return None
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ def copy(self):
+ ret = MmapState()
+ ret._list = self._list.copy()
+ return ret
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "MmapState: " + self._list.__str__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+class SymbolMap(object):
+ def __init__(self, min_v):
+ self._list = SortedCollection((), lambda x : x[0])
+ self._min_vaddr = min_v
+ def add_symbol(self, start, length, name):
+ tuple = (start, length, name)
+ self._list.insert(tuple)
+ def find(self, addr):
+ try:
+ tuple = self._list.find_le(addr)
+ if addr < tuple[0] + tuple[1]:
+ return tuple[2]
+ return None
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ def copy(self):
+ ret = SymbolMap()
+ ret._list = self._list.copy()
+ return ret
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "SymbolMap: " + self._list.__str__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+def intern_uni(u):
+ return intern(u.encode('ascii', 'replace'))
+def collect_tid_names(perf_data):
+ tid_name_map = {}
+ for event in
+ if event.HasField('comm_event'):
+ tid_name_map[event.comm_event.tid] = intern_uni(event.comm_event.comm)
+ return tid_name_map
+def create_symbol_maps(profile):
+ symbol_maps = {}
+ for si in profile.symbol_info:
+ map = SymbolMap(si.min_vaddr)
+ symbol_maps[si.filename] = map
+ for sym in si.symbols:
+ map.add_symbol(sym.addr, sym.size, intern_uni(
+ return symbol_maps
+def update_mmap_states(event, state_map):
+ if event.HasField('mmap_event'):
+ mmap_event = event.mmap_event
+ # Skip kernel stuff.
+ if mmap_event.tid == 0:
+ return
+ # Create new map, if necessary.
+ if not in state_map:
+ state_map[] = MmapState()
+ state_map[].add_map(mmap_event.start, mmap_event.len, mmap_event.pgoff,
+ intern_uni(mmap_event.filename))
+ elif event.HasField('fork_event'):
+ fork_event = event.fork_event
+ # Skip threads
+ if == fork_event.ppid:
+ return
+ if fork_event.ppid not in state_map:
+ logging.warn("fork from %d without map", fork_event.ppid)
+ return
+ state_map[] = state_map[fork_event.ppid].copy()
+skip_dso = set()
+vaddr = {}
+def find_vaddr(vaddr_map, filename):
+ if filename in vaddr_map:
+ return vaddr_map[filename]
+ path = "%s/%s" % (symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR, filename)
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ logging.warn('Cannot find %s for min_vaddr', filename)
+ vaddr_map[filename] = 0
+ return 0
+ try:
+ # Use "-W" to have single-line format.
+ res = subprocess.check_output(['readelf', '-lW', path])
+ lines = res.split("\n")
+ reading_headers = False
+ min_vaddr = None
+ min_fn = lambda x, y: y if x is None else min(x, y)
+ # Using counting loop for access to next line.
+ for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1):
+ line = lines[i].strip()
+ if reading_headers:
+ if line == "":
+ # Block is done, won't find anything else.
+ break
+ if line.startswith("LOAD"):
+ # Look at the current line to distinguish 32-bit from 64-bit
+ line_split = line.split()
+ if len(line_split) >= 8:
+ if " R E " in line:
+ # Found something expected. So parse VirtAddr.
+ try:
+ min_vaddr = min_fn(min_vaddr, int(line_split[2], 0))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ logging.warn('Could not parse readelf line %s', line)
- print indent('<Missing module>', 2)
+ if line.strip() == "Program Headers:":
+ reading_headers = True
+ if min_vaddr is None:
+ min_vaddr = 0
+ logging.debug("min_vaddr for %s is %d", filename, min_vaddr)
+ vaddr_map[filename] = min_vaddr
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ logging.warn('Error finding min_vaddr for %s', filename)
+ vaddr_map[filename] = 0
+ return vaddr_map[filename]
+unwind_symbols_cache = {}
+unwind_symbols_warn_missing_cache = set()
+def run_unwind_symbols(filename, offset_hex):
+ path = "%s/%s" % (symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR, filename)
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ if path not in unwind_symbols_warn_missing_cache:
+ logging.warn('Cannot find %s for unwind_symbols', filename)
+ unwind_symbols_warn_missing_cache.add(path)
+ return None
+ if (path, offset_hex) in unwind_symbols_cache:
+ return [(unwind_symbols_cache[(path, offset_hex)], filename)]
+ try:
+ res = subprocess.check_output(['unwind_symbols', path, offset_hex])
+ lines = res.split("\n")
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith('<0x'):
+ parts = line.split(' ', 1)
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ # TODO C++ demangling necessary.
+ logging.debug('unwind_symbols: %s %s -> %s', filename, offset_hex, parts[1])
+ sym = intern(parts[1])
+ unwind_symbols_cache[(path, offset_hex)] = sym
+ return [(sym, filename)]
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ logging.warn('Failed running unwind_symbols for %s', filename)
+ unwind_symbols_cache[(path, offset_hex)] = None
+ return None
-def print_histogram(counters, size):
+def decode_with_symbol_lib(name, addr_rel_hex):
+ info = SymbolInformation(name, addr_rel_hex)
+ # As-is, only info[0] (inner-most inlined function) is recognized.
+ (source_symbol, source_location, object_symbol_with_offset) = info[0]
+ ret = []
+ if object_symbol_with_offset is not None:
+ ret.append((intern(object_symbol_with_offset), name))
+ if source_symbol is not None:
+ iterinfo = iter(info)
+ next(iterinfo)
+ for (sym_inlined, loc_inlined, _) in iterinfo:
+ # TODO: Figure out what's going on here:
+ if sym_inlined is not None:
+ ret.insert(0, (intern(sym_inlined), name))
+ if len(ret) > 0:
+ return ret
+ return None
+def decode_addr(addr, mmap_state, device_symbols):
+ """Try to decode the given address against the current mmap table and device symbols.
+ First, look up the address in the mmap state. If none is found, use a simple address
+ heuristic to guess kernel frames on 64-bit devices.
+ Next, check on-device symbolization for a hit.
+ Last, try to symbolize against host information. First try the symbol module. However,
+ as it is based on addr2line, it will not work for pure-gnu_debugdata DSOs (e.g., ART
+ preopt artifacts). For that case, use libunwindstack's unwind_symbols.
+ """
+ map = mmap_state.find(addr)
+ if map is None:
+ # If it looks large enough, assume it's from
+ # the kernel.
+ if addr > 18000000000000000000:
+ return [("[kernel]", "[kernel]")]
+ return [("%d (no mapped segment)" % addr, None)]
+ name = map[3]
+ logging.debug('%d is %s (%d +%d)', addr, name, map[0], map[1])
+ # Once relocation packer is off, it would be:
+ # offset = addr - map.start + map.pgoff
+ # Right now it is
+ # offset = addr - map.start (+ min_vaddr)
+ # Note that on-device symbolization doesn't include min_vaddr but
+ # does include pgoff.
+ offset = addr - map[0]
+ if name in device_symbols:
+ offset = offset + map[2]
+ symbol = device_symbols[name].find(offset)
+ if symbol is None:
+ return [("%s +%d (missing on-device symbol)" % (name, offset), name)]
+ else:
+ return [(symbol, name)]
+ offset = offset + find_vaddr(vaddr, name)
+ if (name, offset) in skip_dso:
+ # We already failed, skip symbol finding.
+ return [("%s +%d" % (name, offset), name)]
+ else:
+ addr_rel_hex = intern("%x" % offset)
+ ret = decode_with_symbol_lib(name, addr_rel_hex)
+ if ret is not None and len(ret) != 0:
+ # Addr2line may report oatexec+xyz. Let unwind_symbols take care of that.
+ if len(ret) != 1 or not ret[0][0].startswith("oatexec+"):
+ logging.debug('Got result from symbol module: %s', str(ret))
+ return ret
+ # Try unwind_symbols
+ ret = run_unwind_symbols(name, addr_rel_hex)
+ if ret is not None and len(ret) != 0:
+ return ret
+ logging.warn("Failed to find symbol for %s +%d (%d)", name, offset, addr)
+ # Remember the fail.
+ skip_dso.add((name, offset))
+ return [("%s +%d" % (name, offset), name)]
+def print_sample(sample, tid_name_map):
+ if sample[0] in tid_name_map:
+ pid_name = "%s (%d)" % (tid_name_map[sample[0]], sample[0])
+ elif sample[0] == 0:
+ pid_name = "kernel (0)"
+ else:
+ pid_name = "unknown (%d)" % (sample[0])
+ if sample[1] in tid_name_map:
+ tid_name = "%s (%d)" % (tid_name_map[sample[1]], sample[1])
+ elif sample[1] == 0:
+ tid_name = "kernel (0)"
+ else:
+ tid_name = "unknown (%d)" % (sample[1])
+ print " %s - %s:" % (pid_name, tid_name)
+ for sym in sample[2]:
+ print " %s (%s)" % (sym[0], sym[1])
+def print_samples(samples, tid_name_map):
+ for sample in samples:
+ print_sample(sample, tid_name_map)
+def symbolize_events(perf_data, device_symbols, tid_name_map, printSamples = False,
+ removeKernelTop = False):
+ samples = []
+ mmap_states = {}
+ for event in
+ update_mmap_states(event, mmap_states)
+ if event.HasField('sample_event'):
+ sample_ev = event.sample_event
+ # Handle sample.
+ new_sample = None
+ if in mmap_states:
+ mmap_state = mmap_states[]
+ ip_sym = decode_addr(sample_ev.ip, mmap_state, device_symbols)
+ stack = ip_sym
+ for cc_ip in sample_ev.callchain:
+ cc_sym = decode_addr(cc_ip, mmap_state, device_symbols)
+ stack.extend(cc_sym)
+ if removeKernelTop:
+ while len(stack) > 1 and stack[0][0] == "[kernel]":
+ stack.pop(0)
+ new_sample = (, sample_ev.tid, stack)
+ else:
+ # Handle kernel symbols specially.
+ if == 0:
+ samples.append((0, sample_ev.tid, [("[kernel]", "[kernel]")]))
+ elif in tid_name_map:
+ samples.append((, sample_ev.tid, [(tid_name_map[], None)]))
+ else:
+ samples.append((, sample_ev.tid, [("[unknown]", None)]))
+ if new_sample is not None:
+ samples.append(new_sample)
+ if printSamples:
+ print_sample(new_sample, tid_name_map)
+ return samples
+def count_key_reduce_function(x, y, key_fn):
+ key = key_fn(y)
+ if key not in x:
+ x[key] = 0
+ x[key] = x[key] + 1
+ return x
+def print_histogram(samples, reduce_key_fn, label_key_fn, size):
# Create a sorted list of top samples.
- counter_list = []
- for key, value in counters.iteritems():
- temp = (key,value)
- counter_list.append(temp)
- counter_list.sort(key=lambda counter: counter[1], reverse=True)
+ sorted_count_list = sorted(
+ reduce(lambda x, y: count_key_reduce_function(x, y, reduce_key_fn), samples, {}).
+ iteritems(),
+ cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x[1], y[1]),
+ reverse=True)
+ sorted_count_topX = list(itertools.islice(sorted_count_list, size))
# Print top-size samples.
print 'Histogram top-%d:' % (size)
- for i in xrange(0, min(len(counter_list), size)):
- print indent('%d: %s' % (i+1, counter_list[i]), 1)
-def print_modules(module_list):
- print 'Modules:'
- for module in module_list:
- print indent(, 1)
- if module.HasField('build_id'):
- print indent('Build ID: %s' % (module.build_id), 2)
- print indent('Symbols:', 2)
- for symbol in module.symbol:
- print indent(symbol, 3)
-def print_process_names(process_names):
- print 'Processes:'
- for proc in process_names:
- print indent(proc, 1)
-if profile.HasField('process_names'):
- process_names =
- process_names = []
-print_samples(module_list, profile.programs, process_names, counters)
-print_histogram(counters, 100)
+ for i in xrange(0, len(sorted_count_topX)):
+ print ' %d: %s (%s)' % (i+1, label_key_fn(sorted_count_topX[i][0]),
+ sorted_count_topX[i][1])
+def get_name(pid):
+ if pid in tid_name_map:
+ return tid_name_map[pid]
+ if pid == 0:
+ return "[kernel]"
+ return "[unknown]"
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process a perfprofd record.')
+parser.add_argument('file', help='proto file to parse', metavar='file', nargs=1)
+parser.add_argument('--syms', help='directory for symbols', nargs=1)
+parser.add_argument('--json-out', help='output file for JSON', nargs=1)
+parser.add_argument('--print-samples', help='print samples', action='store_const', const=True)
+parser.add_argument('--skip-kernel-syms', help='skip kernel symbols at the top of stack',
+ action='store_const', const=True)
+parser.add_argument('--print-pid-histogram', help='print a top-25 histogram of processes',
+ action='store_const', const=True)
+parser.add_argument('--print-sym-histogram', help='print a top-100 histogram of symbols',
+ action='store_const', const=True)
+parser.add_argument('--print-dso-histogram', help='print a top-25 histogram of maps',
+ action='store_const', const=True)
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args is not None:
+ if args.syms is not None:
+ symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR = args.syms[0]
+ print_symbols = args.print_samples is not None
+ skip_kernel_syms = args.skip_kernel_syms is not None
+ # TODO: accept argument for parsing.
+ file = open(args.file[0], 'rb')
+ data =
+ file.close()
+ profile = perfprofd_record_pb2.PerfprofdRecord()
+ profile.ParseFromString(data)
+ perf_data = profile.perf_data
+ print "Stats: ", perf_data.stats
+ tid_name_map = collect_tid_names(perf_data)
+ symbol_maps = create_symbol_maps(profile)
+ samples = symbolize_events(perf_data, symbol_maps, tid_name_map, printSamples=print_symbols,
+ removeKernelTop=skip_kernel_syms)
+ if args.print_pid_histogram is not None:
+ print_histogram(samples, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: get_name(x), 25)
+ if args.print_sym_histogram is not None:
+ print_histogram(samples, lambda x: x[2][0][0], lambda x: x, 100)
+ if args.print_dso_histogram is not None:
+ print_histogram(samples, lambda x: x[2][0][1], lambda x: x, 25)
+ if args.json_out is not None:
+ json_file = open(args.json_out[0], 'w')
+ json.dump(samples, json_file)
+ json_file.close() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/perfprofd/scripts/ b/perfprofd/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..315f7c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perfprofd/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Note: Taken from
+# Copyright 2010 Raymond Hettinger
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+# Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+# modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
+# following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
+# or substantial portions of the Software.
+from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
+class SortedCollection(object):
+ def __init__(self, iterable=(), key=None):
+ self._given_key = key
+ key = (lambda x: x) if key is None else key
+ decorated = sorted((key(item), item) for item in iterable)
+ self._keys = [k for k, item in decorated]
+ self._items = [item for k, item in decorated]
+ self._key = key
+ def _getkey(self):
+ return self._key
+ def _setkey(self, key):
+ if key is not self._key:
+ self.__init__(self._items, key=key)
+ def _delkey(self):
+ self._setkey(None)
+ key = property(_getkey, _setkey, _delkey, 'key function')
+ def clear(self):
+ self.__init__([], self._key)
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__class__(self, self._key)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._items)
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self._items[i]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self._items)
+ def __reversed__(self):
+ return reversed(self._items)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '%s(%r, key=%s)' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self._items,
+ getattr(self._given_key, '__name__', repr(self._given_key))
+ )
+ def __reduce__(self):
+ return self.__class__, (self._items, self._given_key)
+ def __contains__(self, item):
+ k = self._key(item)
+ i = bisect_left(self._keys, k)
+ j = bisect_right(self._keys, k)
+ return item in self._items[i:j]
+ def index(self, item):
+ 'Find the position of an item. Raise ValueError if not found.'
+ k = self._key(item)
+ i = bisect_left(self._keys, k)
+ j = bisect_right(self._keys, k)
+ return self._items[i:j].index(item) + i
+ def count(self, item):
+ 'Return number of occurrences of item'
+ k = self._key(item)
+ i = bisect_left(self._keys, k)
+ j = bisect_right(self._keys, k)
+ return self._items[i:j].count(item)
+ def insert(self, item):
+ 'Insert a new item. If equal keys are found, add to the left'
+ k = self._key(item)
+ i = bisect_left(self._keys, k)
+ self._keys.insert(i, k)
+ self._items.insert(i, item)
+ def insert_right(self, item):
+ 'Insert a new item. If equal keys are found, add to the right'
+ k = self._key(item)
+ i = bisect_right(self._keys, k)
+ self._keys.insert(i, k)
+ self._items.insert(i, item)
+ def remove(self, item):
+ 'Remove first occurence of item. Raise ValueError if not found'
+ i = self.index(item)
+ del self._keys[i]
+ del self._items[i]
+ def find(self, k):
+ 'Return first item with a key == k. Raise ValueError if not found.'
+ i = bisect_left(self._keys, k)
+ if i != len(self) and self._keys[i] == k:
+ return self._items[i]
+ raise ValueError('No item found with key equal to: %r' % (k,))
+ def find_le(self, k):
+ 'Return last item with a key <= k. Raise ValueError if not found.'
+ i = bisect_right(self._keys, k)
+ if i:
+ return self._items[i-1]
+ raise ValueError('No item found with key at or below: %r' % (k,))
+ def find_lt(self, k):
+ 'Return last item with a key < k. Raise ValueError if not found.'
+ i = bisect_left(self._keys, k)
+ if i:
+ return self._items[i-1]
+ raise ValueError('No item found with key below: %r' % (k,))
+ def find_ge(self, k):
+ 'Return first item with a key >= equal to k. Raise ValueError if not found'
+ i = bisect_left(self._keys, k)
+ if i != len(self):
+ return self._items[i]
+ raise ValueError('No item found with key at or above: %r' % (k,))
+ def find_gt(self, k):
+ 'Return first item with a key > k. Raise ValueError if not found'
+ i = bisect_right(self._keys, k)
+ if i != len(self):
+ return self._items[i]
+ raise ValueError('No item found with key above: %r' % (k,))