path: root/xr/products/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xr/products/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/xr/products/ b/xr/products/
deleted file mode 100644
index 999b719..0000000
--- a/xr/products/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# SELinux permissions
-BOARD_PLAT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIR := device/google/vrservices/xr/sepolicy
-# Remove non-critical and non-XR packages from PRODUCT_PACKAGES.
-# Overrides (i.e. removes) packages that are bundled into the system/product
-# image for smartphone use cases. We are removing those packages for two
-# reasons:
-# 1) Pixel devices' system/product image are almost out of disk spaces. It has
-# been hard for us to bundle the AIO flavored VrCore into the their system
-# image. Removing some of the packages free up enough disk spaces for XR use
-# cases.
-# 2) Removing those packages won't impact the functionality of the device. More
-# specifically, those package meet the following requirements:
-# i) they are not critical packages for XR use cases; and ii) can still be
-# install from Play Store if ever needed.
-# For certain packages, removing those packages are actually beneficial. For
-# example, the WallpapersBReel201* packages introduced unnecessary GPU load
-# for the system. Disabling those packages frees some GPU resources to XR use
-# cases and improves the accuracy of our GPU performance profiling.
-# External camera libraries.
-# There is no need to add extra SELinux policy for external cameras
-# because our devices do not run Trebel passthrough mode.
-# Use webcam camera device@3.5
-PRODUCT_PACKAGES += NonXrProductPackagesRemover
-PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS := device/google/vrservices/xr/overlay
- device/google/vrservices/xr/init/init.xr.rc:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM)/etc/init/init.xr.rc \
- device/google/vrservices/xr/scripts/$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM)/bin/ \
- frameworks/native/data/etc/android.hardware.vr.high_performance.xml:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM)/etc/permissions/android.hardware.vr.high_performance.xml \
- vendor/unbundled_google/packages/PrebuiltGoogleVr/configs/daydream_viewer_config:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM)/etc/hmd_config \
-# XR/VR prebuilt packages
- SetupWizardOverlay \
- SetupWizardOverlayXr \
- VrHome \
- VrInputMethodIme \
- VrHeadsetPowerPolicy \
- \
- BluetoothQtiSymlink \