AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-08-10Update kernel/wifi prebuilts - DO NOT MERGEandroid-cts-2.2_r8android-cts-2.2_r7android-cts-2.2_r6android-cts-2.2_r5android-cts-2.2_r4froyoDima Zavin
2010-08-03Temporarily move froyo to kernel 35 for stability testandroid-cts-2.2_r3Paul Eastham
2010-07-26Update kernel/wifiDima Zavin
2010-07-22Update kernel/wifi prebuiltsDima Zavin
2010-06-16New passion prebuildsandroid-cts-2.2_r2android-cts-2.2_r1Dmitry Shmidt
2010-06-07New Passion kernel prebuilt.Paul Eastham
2010-05-06New Passion prebuiltsandroid-sdk-tools_r6android-sdk-2.2_r1Paul Eastham
2010-05-05New Passion prebuiltsPaul Eastham
2010-04-30passion: Update kernel + wifi pre-builtsSan Mehat
2010-04-28New Passion prebuilts, from eclair toolchainPaul Eastham
2010-04-23Update kernel/wifi driver prebuilts.Dmitry Shmidt
2010-04-21Update kernel/wifi driver prebuilts.Dmitry Shmidt
2010-04-19New prebuilt kernel and wifi driver:Mike Lockwood
2010-04-13New passion prebuiltsPaul Eastham
2010-04-12passion-common: Update prebuilt/wifi modulesSan Mehat
2010-04-08Update kernel/wifi driver prebuilts.Dmitry Shmidt
2010-04-06New prebuilt kernel and wifi driver:Mike Lockwood
2010-03-31Update kernel/wlan prebuilts.Nick Pelly
2010-03-31fix [2561237] Screen would not turn on after ending callMathias Agopian
2010-03-30fix [2557722] sensors don't return proper informationsMathias Agopian
2010-03-25Merge "Change key 107 to map to ENDCALL rather than POWER."Wink Saville
2010-03-25Merge "Separate BoardConfig between passion and passionc"Jean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-25passion: update prebuilt kernel/wifiDmitry Shmidt
2010-03-25Separate BoardConfig between passion and passioncJean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-25Change key 107 to map to ENDCALL rather than POWER.Wink Saville
2010-03-25Merge "New prebuilt kernel and wifi driver:"Mike Lockwood
2010-03-25New prebuilt kernel and wifi driver:Mike Lockwood
2010-03-25sensors: Close akm when frameworks calls disable.Mike Chan
2010-03-23als: Adjust screen brightness for new als algorithmMike Chan
2010-03-22merge from open-source masterThe Android Open Source Project
2010-03-22passion: update prebuilt kernel/wifiDmitry Shmidt
2010-03-19passion: update prebuilt kernel/wifiIliyan Malchev
2010-03-19Enable Wifi Tethering in UIIrfan Sheriff
2010-03-12Update passion tethering configuration.Robert Greenwalt
2010-03-12bcm4329: Add FW path for AP and STADmitry Shmidt
2010-03-10Merge "Change Passion target arch to armv7-a-neon"Colin Cross
2010-03-10Use a full version of mms_config.xml to avoid crashesJean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-09Add librs_jni to all passion buildsJean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-09Don't use 3D launcher in open-source buildsJean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-09Modernize configuration file and make it more robust.Jean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-08Merge "Updating the features definition for Passion to handle the new optiona...Dan Morrill
2010-03-08Change Passion target arch to armv7-a-neonColin Cross
2010-03-08Add an empty CleanSpec.mkJean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-05Use vibrate duration from framework. And use a lower vibration duration for p...Amith Yamasani
2010-03-05Updating the features definition for Passion to handle the newDan Morrill
2010-03-05Keep screen on when powered and in car mode.Mike Lockwood
2010-03-05Use the loc_api GPS library in the generic_passion build.Mike Lockwood
2010-03-04fix buildJean-Baptiste Queru
2010-03-04Use AllApps 3D in Passion.Daniel Sandler
2010-03-03Merge "Bump the partition limit size (for size checking) from 122MB to 138MB....Ed Heyl