path: root/client/site_tests/power_Consumption/power_Consumption.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'client/site_tests/power_Consumption/power_Consumption.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/client/site_tests/power_Consumption/power_Consumption.py b/client/site_tests/power_Consumption/power_Consumption.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9249a884a6..0000000000
--- a/client/site_tests/power_Consumption/power_Consumption.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-import urllib
-from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome
-from autotest_lib.client.cros import backchannel
-from autotest_lib.client.cros import httpd
-from autotest_lib.client.cros import service_stopper
-from autotest_lib.client.cros.graphics import graphics_utils
-from autotest_lib.client.cros.networking import wifi_proxy
-from autotest_lib.client.cros.power import power_rapl, power_status, power_utils
-class power_Consumption(test.test):
- """Measure power consumption for different types of loads.
- This test runs a series of different tasks like media playback, flash
- animation, large file download etc. It measures and reports power
- consumptions during each of those tasks.
- """
- version = 2
- def initialize(self, ac_ok=False):
- """Initialize test.
- Args:
- ac_ok: boolean to allow running on AC
- """
- # Objects that need to be taken care of in cleanup() are initialized
- # here to None. Otherwise we run the risk of AttributeError raised in
- # cleanup() masking a real error that caused the test to fail during
- # initialize() before those variables were assigned.
- self._backlight = None
- self._tmp_keyvals = {}
- self._services = service_stopper.ServiceStopper(
- service_stopper.ServiceStopper.POWER_DRAW_SERVICES)
- self._services.stop_services()
- # Time to exclude from calculation after firing a task [seconds]
- self._stabilization_seconds = 5
- self._power_status = power_status.get_status()
- self._tmp_keyvals['b_on_ac'] = self._power_status.on_ac()
- if not ac_ok:
- # Verify that we are running on battery and the battery is
- # sufficiently charged
- self._power_status.assert_battery_state(30)
- # Local data and web server settings. Tarballs with traditional names
- # like *.tgz don't get copied to the image by ebuilds (see
- # AUTOTEST_FILE_MASK in autotest-chrome ebuild).
- self._static_sub_dir = 'static_sites'
- utils.extract_tarball_to_dir(
- 'static_sites.tgz.keep',
- os.path.join(self.bindir, self._static_sub_dir))
- self._media_dir = '/home/chronos/user/Downloads/'
- self._httpd_port = 8000
- self._url_base = 'http://localhost:%s/' % self._httpd_port
- self._test_server = httpd.HTTPListener(self._httpd_port,
- docroot=self.bindir)
- # initialize various interesting power related stats
- self._statomatic = power_status.StatoMatic()
- self._test_server.run()
- logging.info('initialize() finished')
- def _download_test_data(self):
- """Download audio and video files.
- This is also used as payload for download test.
- Note, can reach payload via browser at
- https://console.developers.google.com/storage/chromeos-test-public/big_buck_bunny
- Start with README
- """
- repo = 'http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-test-public/'
- file_list = [repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.mp4', ]
- if not self.short:
- file_list += [
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.ogg',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.vp8.webm',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.vp9.webm',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.mp4',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.ogg',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.vp8.webm',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.vp9.webm',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.mp4',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.ogg',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.vp8.webm',
- repo + 'big_buck_bunny/big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.vp9.webm',
- repo + 'wikimedia/Greensleeves.ogg',
- ]
- for url in file_list:
- logging.info('Downloading %s', url)
- utils.unmap_url('', url, self._media_dir)
- def _toggle_fullscreen(self):
- """Toggle full screen mode."""
- # Note: full screen mode toggled with F11 is different from clicking the
- # full screen icon on video player controls. This needs improvement.
- # Bug: http://crbug.com/248939
- graphics_utils.screen_toggle_fullscreen()
- # Below are a series of generic sub-test runners. They run a given task
- # and record the task name and start-end timestamps for future computation
- # of power consumption during the task.
- def _run_func(self, name, func, repeat=1, save_checkpoint=True):
- """Run a given python function as a sub-test."""
- start_time = time.time() + self._stabilization_seconds
- for _ in xrange(repeat):
- ret = func()
- if save_checkpoint:
- self._plog.checkpoint(name, start_time)
- return ret
- def _run_sleep(self, name, seconds=60):
- """Just sleep and record it as a named sub-test"""
- start_time = time.time() + self._stabilization_seconds
- time.sleep(seconds)
- self._plog.checkpoint(name, start_time)
- def _run_cmd(self, name, cmd, repeat=1):
- """Run command in a shell as a sub-test"""
- start_time = time.time() + self._stabilization_seconds
- for _ in xrange(repeat):
- logging.info('Executing command: %s', cmd)
- exit_status = utils.system(cmd, ignore_status=True)
- if exit_status != 0:
- logging.error('run_cmd: the following command terminated with'
- 'a non zero exit status: %s', cmd)
- self._plog.checkpoint(name, start_time)
- return exit_status
- def _run_until(self, name, predicate, timeout=60):
- """Probe the |predicate| function and wait until it returns true.
- Record the waiting time as a sub-test
- """
- start_time = time.time() + self._stabilization_seconds
- utils.poll_for_condition(predicate, timeout=timeout)
- self._plog.checkpoint(name, start_time)
- def _run_url(self, name, url, duration):
- """Navigate to URL, sleep for some time and record it as a sub-test."""
- logging.info('Navigating to %s', url)
- self._tab.Activate()
- self._tab.Navigate(url)
- self._run_sleep(name, duration)
- tab_title = self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript('document.title')
- logging.info('Sub-test name: %s Tab title: %s.', name, tab_title)
- def _run_url_bg(self, name, url, duration):
- """Run a web site in background tab.
- Navigate to the given URL, open an empty tab to put the one with the
- URL in background, then sleep and record it as a sub-test.
- Args:
- name: sub-test name.
- url: url to open in background tab.
- duration: number of seconds to sleep while taking measurements.
- """
- bg_tab = self._tab
- bg_tab.Navigate(url)
- # Let it load and settle
- time.sleep(self._stabilization_seconds / 2.)
- tab_title = bg_tab.EvaluateJavaScript('document.title')
- logging.info('App name: %s Tab title: %s.', name, tab_title)
- # Open a new empty tab to cover the one with test payload.
- fg_tab = self._browser.tabs.New()
- fg_tab.Activate()
- self._run_sleep(name, duration)
- fg_tab.Close()
- bg_tab.Activate()
- def _run_group_download(self):
- """Download over ethernet. Using video test data as payload."""
- # For short run, the payload is too small to take measurement
- self._run_func('download_eth',
- self._download_test_data ,
- repeat=self._repeats,
- save_checkpoint=not(self.short))
- def _run_group_webpages(self):
- """Runs a series of web pages as sub-tests."""
- data_url = self._url_base + self._static_sub_dir + '/'
- # URLs to be only tested in foreground tab.
- # Can't use about:blank here - crbug.com/248945
- # but chrome://version is just as good for our needs.
- urls = [('ChromeVer', 'chrome://version/')]
- # URLs to be tested in both, background and foreground modes.
- bg_urls = []
- more_urls = [('BallsDHTML',
- data_url + 'balls/DHTMLBalls/dhtml.htm'),
- ('BallsFlex',
- data_url + 'balls/FlexBalls/flexballs.html'),
- ]
- if self.short:
- urls += more_urls
- else:
- bg_urls += more_urls
- bg_urls += [('Parapluesch',
- 'http://www.parapluesch.de/whiskystore/test.htm'),
- ('PosterCircle',
- 'http://www.webkit.org'
- '/blog-files/3d-transforms/poster-circle.html'), ]
- for name, url in urls + bg_urls:
- self._run_url(name, url, duration=self._duration_secs)
- for name, url in bg_urls:
- self._run_url_bg('bg_' + name, url, duration=self._duration_secs)
- def _run_group_speedometer(self):
- """Run the Speedometer benchmark suite as a sub-test.
- Fire it up and wait until it displays "Score".
- """
- # TODO: check in a local copy of the test if we can get permission if
- # the network causes problems.
- url = 'http://browserbench.org/Speedometer/'
- start_js = 'startTest()'
- score_js = "document.getElementById('result-number').innerText"
- tab = self._tab
- def speedometer_func():
- """To be passed as the callable to self._run_func()"""
- tab.Navigate(url)
- tab.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete()
- tab.EvaluateJavaScript(start_js)
- # Speedometer test should be done in less than 15 minutes (actual
- # runs are closer to 5).
- is_done = lambda: tab.EvaluateJavaScript(score_js) != ""
- time.sleep(self._stabilization_seconds)
- utils.poll_for_condition(is_done, timeout=900,
- desc='Speedometer score found')
- self._run_func('Speedometer', speedometer_func, repeat=self._repeats)
- # Write speedometer score from the last run to log
- score = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(score_js)
- logging.info('Speedometer Score: %s', score)
- def _run_group_video(self):
- """Run video and audio playback in the browser."""
- # Note: for perf keyvals, key names are defined as VARCHAR(30) in the
- # results DB. Chars above 30 are truncated when saved to DB.
- urls = [('vid400p_h264', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.mp4'), ]
- fullscreen_urls = []
- bg_urls = []
- if not self.short:
- urls += [
- ('vid400p_ogg', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.ogg'),
- ('vid400p_vp8', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.vp8.webm'),
- ('vid400p_vp9', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.vp9.webm'),
- ('vid720_h264', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.mp4'),
- ('vid720_ogg', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.ogg'),
- ('vid720_vp8', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.vp8.webm'),
- ('vid720_vp9', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.vp9.webm'),
- ('vid1080_h264', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.mp4'),
- ('vid1080_ogg', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.ogg'),
- ('vid1080_vp8', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.vp8.webm'),
- ('vid1080_vp9', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.vp9.webm'),
- ('audio', 'Greensleeves.ogg'),
- ]
- fullscreen_urls += [
- ('vid720_h264_fs', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.mp4'),
- ('vid720_vp8_fs', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.vp8.webm'),
- ('vid720_vp9_fs', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_720p.vp9.webm'),
- ('vid1080_h264_fs', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.mp4'),
- ('vid1080_vp8_fs', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.vp8.webm'),
- ('vid1080_vp9_fs', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_1080p.vp9.webm'),
- ]
- bg_urls += [
- ('bg_vid400p', 'big_buck_bunny_trailer_400p.vp8.webm'),
- ]
- # The video files are run from a file:// url. In order to work properly
- # from an http:// url, some careful web server configuration is needed
- def full_url(filename):
- """Create a file:// url for the media file and verify it exists.
- @param filename: string
- """
- p = os.path.join(self._media_dir, filename)
- if not os.path.isfile(p):
- raise error.TestError('Media file %s is missing.', p)
- return 'file://' + p
- js_loop_enable = """ve = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
- ve.loop = true;
- ve.play();
- """
- for name, url in urls:
- logging.info('Playing video %s', url)
- self._tab.Navigate(full_url(url))
- self._tab.ExecuteJavaScript(js_loop_enable)
- self._run_sleep(name, self._duration_secs)
- for name, url in fullscreen_urls:
- self._toggle_fullscreen()
- self._tab.Navigate(full_url(url))
- self._tab.ExecuteJavaScript(js_loop_enable)
- self._run_sleep(name, self._duration_secs)
- self._toggle_fullscreen()
- for name, url in bg_urls:
- logging.info('Playing video in background tab %s', url)
- self._tab.Navigate(full_url(url))
- self._tab.ExecuteJavaScript(js_loop_enable)
- fg_tab = self._browser.tabs.New()
- self._run_sleep(name, self._duration_secs)
- fg_tab.Close()
- self._tab.Activate()
- def _run_group_sound(self):
- """Run non-UI sound test using 'speaker-test'."""
- # For some reason speaker-test won't work on CrOS without a reasonable
- # buffer size specified with -b.
- # http://crbug.com/248955
- cmd = 'speaker-test -l %s -t sine -c 2 -b 16384' % (self._repeats * 6)
- self._run_cmd('speaker_test', cmd)
- def _run_group_lowlevel(self):
- """Low level system stuff"""
- mb = min(1024, 32 * self._repeats)
- self._run_cmd('memtester', '/usr/local/sbin/memtester %s 1' % mb)
- # one rep of dd takes about 15 seconds
- root_dev = utils.get_root_partition()
- cmd = 'dd if=%s of=/dev/null' % root_dev
- self._run_cmd('dd', cmd, repeat=2 * self._repeats)
- def _run_group_backchannel(self):
- """WiFi sub-tests."""
- shill = wifi_proxy.WifiProxy()
- for _ in xrange(3):
- succeeded, _, _, _, _ = shill.connect_to_wifi_network(
- ssid='GoogleGuest',
- security='none',
- security_parameters={},
- save_credentials=False)
- if succeeded:
- break
- if not succeeded:
- logging.error("Could not connect to WiFi")
- return
- logging.info('Starting Backchannel')
- with backchannel.Backchannel():
- # Wifi needs some time to recover after backchanel is activated
- # TODO (kamrik) remove this sleep, once backchannel handles this
- time.sleep(15)
- cmd = 'ping -c %s www.google.com' % (self._duration_secs)
- self._run_cmd('ping_wifi', cmd)
- # This URL must be visible from WiFi network used for test
- big_file_url = ('http://googleappengine.googlecode.com'
- '/files/GoogleAppEngine-1.6.2.msi')
- cmd = 'curl %s > /dev/null' % big_file_url
- self._run_cmd('download_wifi', cmd, repeat=self._repeats)
- def _run_group_backlight(self):
- """Vary backlight brightness and record power at each setting."""
- for i in [100, 50, 0]:
- self._backlight.set_percent(i)
- start_time = time.time() + self._stabilization_seconds
- time.sleep(30 * self._repeats)
- self._plog.checkpoint('backlight_%03d' % i, start_time)
- self._backlight.set_default()
- def _web_echo(self, msg):
- """ Displays a message in the browser."""
- url = self._url_base + 'echo.html?'
- url += urllib.quote(msg)
- self._tab.Navigate(url)
- def _run_test_groups(self, groups):
- """ Run all the test groups.
- Args:
- groups: list of sub-test groups to run. Each sub-test group refers
- to a _run_group_...() function.
- """
- for group in groups:
- logging.info('Running group %s', group)
- # The _web_echo here is important for some tests (esp. non UI)
- # it gets the previous web page replaced with an almost empty one.
- self._tab.Activate()
- self._web_echo('Running test %s' % group)
- test_func = getattr(self, '_run_group_%s' % group)
- test_func()
- def run_once(self, short=False, test_groups=None, reps=1):
- # Some sub-tests have duration specified directly, _base_secs * reps
- # is used in this case. Others complete whenever the underlying task
- # completes, those are manually tuned to be roughly around
- # reps * 30 seconds. Don't change _base_secs unless you also
- # change the manual tuning in sub-tests
- self._base_secs = 30
- self._repeats = reps
- self._duration_secs = self._base_secs * reps
- # Lists of default tests to run
- UI_TESTS = ['backlight', 'download', 'webpages', 'video', 'speedometer']
- NONUI_TESTS = ['backchannel', 'sound', 'lowlevel']
- DEFAULT_SHORT_TESTS = ['download', 'webpages', 'video']
- self.short = short
- if test_groups is None:
- if self.short:
- test_groups = DEFAULT_SHORT_TESTS
- else:
- test_groups = DEFAULT_TESTS
- logging.info('Test groups to run: %s', ', '.join(test_groups))
- self._backlight = power_utils.Backlight()
- self._backlight.set_default()
- measure = []
- if not self._power_status.on_ac():
- measure += \
- [power_status.SystemPower(self._power_status.battery_path)]
- if power_utils.has_powercap_support():
- measure += power_rapl.create_powercap()
- elif power_utils.has_rapl_support():
- measure += power_rapl.create_rapl()
- self._plog = power_status.PowerLogger(measure)
- self._plog.start()
- # Log in.
- with chrome.Chrome() as cr:
- self._browser = cr.browser
- graphics_utils.screen_disable_energy_saving()
- # Most of the tests will be running in this tab.
- self._tab = cr.browser.tabs[0]
- # Verify that we have a functioning browser and local web server.
- self._tab.Activate()
- self._web_echo("Sanity_test")
- self._tab.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete()
- # Video test must have the data from download test
- if ('video' in test_groups):
- iv = test_groups.index('video')
- if 'download' not in test_groups[:iv]:
- msg = '"download" test must run before "video".'
- raise error.TestError(msg)
- # Run all the test groups
- self._run_test_groups(test_groups)
- # Wrap up
- keyvals = self._plog.calc()
- keyvals.update(self._tmp_keyvals)
- keyvals.update(self._statomatic.publish())
- # check AC status is still the same as init
- self._power_status.refresh()
- on_ac = self._power_status.on_ac()
- if keyvals['b_on_ac'] != on_ac:
- raise error.TestError('on AC changed between start & stop of test')
- if not on_ac:
- whrs = self._power_status.battery.energy_full_design
- logging.info("energy_full_design = %0.3f Wh", whrs)
- # Calculate expected battery life time with ChromeVer power draw
- idle_name = 'ChromeVer_system_pwr_avg'
- if idle_name in keyvals:
- hours_life = whrs / keyvals[idle_name]
- keyvals['hours_battery_ChromeVer'] = hours_life
- # Calculate a weighted power draw and battery life time. The weights
- # are intended to represent "typical" usage. Some video, some Flash
- # ... and most of the time idle. see,
- # http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/testing/power-testing
- weights = {'vid400p_h264_system_pwr_avg':0.1,
- 'BallsFlex_system_pwr_avg':0.1,
- 'BallsDHTML_system_pwr_avg':0.3,
- }
- weights[idle_name] = 1 - sum(weights.values())
- if set(weights).issubset(set(keyvals)):
- p = sum(w * keyvals[k] for (k, w) in weights.items())
- keyvals['w_Weighted_system_pwr_avg'] = p
- keyvals['hours_battery_Weighted'] = whrs / p
- self.write_perf_keyval(keyvals)
- self._plog.save_results(self.resultsdir)
- def cleanup(self):
- # cleanup() is run by common_lib/test.py
- try:
- self._test_server.stop()
- except AttributeError:
- logging.debug('test_server could not be stopped in cleanup')
- if self._backlight:
- self._backlight.restore()
- if self._services:
- self._services.restore_services()
- super(power_Consumption, self).cleanup()