AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
7 daysUpdate rules_python to 0.28.0 (#250)upstream-masterMarcel
2024-04-12Make fmeum the BCR maintainer (#249)Fabian Meumertzheim
2024-04-12Update metadata.template.json with correct email (#247)Stefan Bucur
2024-04-12Fix incompatibility with Bazel 6 (#248)Fabian Meumertzheim
2024-03-27Add metadata for "Publish to BCR" app (#246)Fabian Meumertzheim
2024-03-10Add support for Bzlmod (#242)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-12-13Update to Bazel 7 (#241)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-11-16Update pip_parse invocation (#240)Ted Pudlik
2023-11-11Fix import to include full path (#238)Adam Cozzette
2023-10-19Update abseil-cpp to fix build with Clang >=16 (#237)Robin Lindén
2023-09-22Fix `main_class` error in `java_fuzz_test` (#236)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-09-10Update Jazzer to v0.20.1 (#232)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-09-10Add `asan-ubsan` instrumentation option (#231)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-09-07Apply buildifier lint fixes (#233)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-07-07Update and simplify Jazzer integration (#218)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-07-06Update honggfuzz to 2.5 (#229)Fabian Meumertzheim
2023-03-24Update rules_python and use new deps installer (#225)Keith Smiley
2023-03-24Update bazel to 5.4.0 (#226)Keith Smiley
2022-12-05Fix memory leaks in Java runfiles test (#220)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-12-02Add coverage support to C++ regression tests (#212)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-12-02Do not deviate from UBSan default for local fuzzing (#219)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-12-01Use Bazel's default `PATH` when running Python actions (#217)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-11-11Remove libFuzzer stub source file (#213)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-08-31Update the RE2 example to the latest version. (#211)Stefan Bucur
2022-08-19Bump up rules_python to v0.11 (#208)Stefan Bucur
2022-08-19Appease unused variable warnings in (#210)Matt Armstrong
2022-08-19Update CODEOWNERS (#209)Stefan Bucur
2022-06-19Support "size" and "timeout" on *_fuzz_test (#204)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-05-12Fix bazel_lint job (#205)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-02-03Update the README to point to latest release. (#197)Stefan Bucur
2022-02-03Update rules_python to 0.6.0 (#199)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-01-21Improve CI setup (#196)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-01-20Fix native library handling (#195)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-01-19Pin Bazel to 4.2.2 (#194)Fabian Meumertzheim
2022-01-07Updated the README file to clarify prerequisites. (#191)Stefan Bucur
2022-01-03Update jazzer (#181)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-12-02Support UBSan for local fuzzing (#187)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-11-29Allow passing deploy_manifest_lines to java_fuzz_test (#184)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-11-28Link UBSan C++ runtime with a flag rather than explicitly (#186)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-11-15Instrument native libraries in deploy JARs (#183)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-11-15Update abseil-cpp (#182)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-09-30Check if the non-escaped chars are spaces or printable in "C" locale to match...Xinhao Yuan
2021-09-02Restore and verify GCC compatibility (#177)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-07-26Use correct SHA256 sum (fixes #172) (#173)Stefan Bucur
2021-07-21Do not add "--" when passing args into the engine launcher since other option...Xinhao Yuan
2021-07-13Update the package version in the README. (#170)Stefan Bucur
2021-07-12Reorganize and update the Java documentation in the README file in a … (#166)Stefan Bucur
2021-07-08Do not link to binary from its own runfiles tree (#161)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-07-08Simplify Java example names (#159)Fabian Meumertzheim
2021-07-08Disable leak instrumentation for Jazzer (#160)Fabian Meumertzheim