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-# rules_python Changelog
-This is a human-friendly changelog in a keepachangelog.com style format.
-Because this changelog is for end-user consumption of meaningful changes,only
-a summary of a release's changes is described. This means every commit is not
-necessarily mentioned, and internal refactors or code cleanups are omitted
-unless they're particularly notable.
-A brief description of the categories of changes:
-* `Changed`: Some behavior changed. If the change is expected to break a
- public API or supported behavior, it will be marked as **BREAKING**. Note that
- beta APIs will not have breaking API changes called out.
-* `Fixed`: A bug, or otherwise incorrect behavior, was fixed.
-* `Added`: A new feature, API, or behavior was added in a backwards compatible
- manner.
-* Particular sub-systems are identified using parentheses, e.g. `(bzlmod)` or
- `(docs)`.
-## Unreleased
-[0.XX.0]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/releases/tag/0.XX.0
-### Changed
-### Fixed
-### Added
-## [0.28.0] - 2024-01-07
-[0.28.0]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/releases/tag/0.28.0
-### Changed
-* **BREAKING** (pip_install) the deprecated `pip_install` macro and related
- items have been removed.
-* **BREAKING** Support for Bazel 5 has been officially dropped. This release
- was only partially tested with Bazel 5 and may or may not work with Bazel 5.
- Subequent versions will no longer be tested under Bazel 5.
-* (runfiles) `rules_python.python.runfiles` now directly implements type hints
- and drops support for python2 as a result.
-* (toolchains) `py_runtime`, `py_runtime_pair`, and `PyRuntimeInfo` now use the
- rules_python Starlark implementation, not the one built into Bazel. NOTE: This
- only applies to Bazel 6+; Bazel 5 still uses the builtin implementation.
-* (pip_parse) The parameter `experimental_requirement_cycles` may be provided a
- map of names to lists of requirements which form a dependency
- cycle. `pip_parse` will break the cycle for you transparently. This behavior
- is also available under bzlmod as
- `pip.parse(experimental_requirement_cycles={})`.
-* (toolchains) `py_runtime` can now take an executable target. Note: runfiles
- from the target are not supported yet.
- ([#1612](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/issues/1612))
-### Fixed
-* (gazelle) The gazelle plugin helper was not working with Python toolchains 3.11
- and above due to a bug in the helper components not being on PYTHONPATH.
-* (pip_parse) The repositories created by `whl_library` can now parse the `whl`
- METADATA and generate dependency closures irrespective of the host platform
- the generation is executed on. This can be turned on by supplying
- `experimental_target_platforms = ["all"]` to the `pip_parse` or the `bzlmod`
- equivalent. This may help in cases where fetching wheels for a different
- platform using `download_only = True` feature.
-* (bzlmod pip.parse) The `pip.parse(python_interpreter)` arg now works for
- specifying a local system interpreter.
-* (bzlmod pip.parse) Requirements files with duplicate entries for the same
- package (e.g. one for the package, one for an extra) now work.
-* (bzlmod python.toolchain) Submodules can now (re)register the Python version
- that rules_python has set as the default.
- ([#1638](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/issues/1638))
-* (whl_library) Actually use the provided patches to patch the whl_library.
- On Windows the patching may result in files with CRLF line endings, as a result
- the RECORD file consistency requirement is lifted and now a warning is emitted
- instead with a location to the patch that could be used to silence the warning.
- Copy the patch to your workspace and add it to the list if patches for the wheel
- file if you decide to do so.
-* (coverage): coverage reports are now created when the version-aware
- rules are used.
- ([#1600](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/issues/1600))
-* (toolchains) Workspace builds register the py cc toolchain (bzlmod already
- was). This makes e.g. `//python/cc:current_py_cc_headers` Just Work.
- ([#1669](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/issues/1669))
-### Added
-* (docs) bzlmod extensions are now documented on rules-python.readthedocs.io
-* (docs) Support and backwards compatibility policies have been documented.
- See https://rules-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/support.html
-* (gazelle) `file` generation mode can now also add `__init__.py` to the srcs
- attribute for every target in the package. This is enabled through a separate
- directive `python_generation_mode_per_file_include_init`.
-## [0.27.0] - 2023-11-16
-[0.27.0]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/releases/tag/0.27.0
-### Changed
-* Make `//python/pip_install:pip_repository_bzl` `bzl_library` target internal
- as all of the publicly available symbols (etc. `package_annotation`) are
- re-exported via `//python:pip_bzl` `bzl_library`.
-* (gazelle) Gazelle Python extension no longer has runtime dependencies. Using
- `GAZELLE_PYTHON_RUNTIME_DEPS` from `@rules_python_gazelle_plugin//:def.bzl` is
- no longer necessary.
-* (pip_parse) The installation of `pip_parse` repository rule toolchain
- dependencies is now done as part of `py_repositories` call.
-* (pip_parse) The generated `requirements.bzl` file now has an additional symbol
- `all_whl_requirements_by_package` which provides a map from the normalized
- PyPI package name to the target that provides the built wheel file. Use
- `pip_utils.normalize_name` function from `@rules_python//python:pip.bzl` to
- convert a PyPI package name to a key in the `all_whl_requirements_by_package`
- map.
-* (pip_parse) The flag `incompatible_generate_aliases` has been flipped to
- `True` by default on `non-bzlmod` setups allowing users to use the same label
- strings during the transition period. For example, instead of
- `@pypi_foo//:pkg`, you can now use `@pypi//foo` or `@pypi//foo:pkg`. Other
- labels that are present in the `foo` package are `dist_info`, `whl` and
- `data`. Note, that the `@pypi_foo//:pkg` labels are still present for
- backwards compatibility.
-* (gazelle) The flag `use_pip_repository_aliases` is now set to `True` by
- default, which will cause `gazelle` to change third-party dependency labels
- from `@pip_foo//:pkg` to `@pip//foo` by default.
-* The `compile_pip_requirements` now defaults to `pyproject.toml` if the `src`
- or `requirements_in` attributes are unspecified, matching the upstream
- `pip-compile` behaviour more closely.
-* (gazelle) Use relative paths if possible for dependencies added through
- the use of the `resolve` directive.
-* (gazelle) When using `python_generation_mode file`, one `py_test` target is
- made per test file even if a target named `__test__` or a file named
- `__test__.py` exists in the same package. Previously in these cases there
- would only be one test target made.
-Breaking changes:
-* (pip) `pip_install` repository rule in this release has been disabled and
- will fail by default. The API symbol is going to be removed in the next
- version, please migrate to `pip_parse` as a replacement. The `pip_parse`
- rule no longer supports `requirements` attribute, please use
- `requirements_lock` instead.
-* (py_wheel) switch `incompatible_normalize_name` and
- `incompatible_normalize_version` to `True` by default to enforce `PEP440`
- for wheel names built by `rules_python`.
-* (tools/wheelmaker.py) drop support for Python 2 as only Python 3 is tested.
-### Fixed
-* Skip aliases for unloaded toolchains. Some Python versions that don't have full
- platform support, and referencing their undefined repositories can break operations
- like `bazel query rdeps(...)`.
-* Python code generated from `proto_library` with `strip_import_prefix` can be imported now.
-* (py_wheel) Produce deterministic wheel files and make `RECORD` file entries
- follow the order of files written to the `.whl` archive.
-* (gazelle) Generate a single `py_test` target when `gazelle:python_generation_mode project`
- is used.
-* (gazelle) Move waiting for the Python interpreter process to exit to the shutdown hook
- to make the usage of the `exec.Command` more idiomatic.
-* (toolchains) Keep tcl subdirectory in Windows build of hermetic interpreter.
-* (bzlmod) sub-modules now don't have the `//conditions:default` clause in the
- hub repos created by `pip.parse`. This should fix confusing error messages
- in case there is a misconfiguration of toolchains or a bug in `rules_python`.
-### Added
-* (bzlmod) Added `.whl` patching support via `patches` and `patch_strip`
- arguments to the new `pip.override` tag class.
-* (pip) Support for using [PEP621](https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/) compliant
- `pyproject.toml` for creating a resolved `requirements.txt` file.
-* (utils) Added a `pip_utils` struct with a `normalize_name` function to allow users
- to find out how `rules_python` would normalize a PyPI distribution name.
-[0.27.0]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/releases/tag/0.27.0
-## [0.26.0] - 2023-10-06
-### Changed
-* Python version patch level bumps:
- * 3.8.15 -> 3.8.18
- * 3.9.17 -> 3.9.18
- * 3.10.12 -> 3.10.13
- * 3.11.4 -> 3.11.6
-* (deps) Upgrade rules_go 0.39.1 -> 0.41.0; this is so gazelle integration works with upcoming Bazel versions
-* (multi-version) The `distribs` attribute is no longer propagated. This
- attribute has been long deprecated by Bazel and shouldn't be used.
-* Calling `//python:repositories.bzl#py_repositories()` is required. It has
- always been documented as necessary, but it was possible to omit it in certain
- cases. An error about `@rules_python_internal` means the `py_repositories()`
- call is missing in `WORKSPACE`.
-* (bzlmod) The `pip.parse` extension will generate os/arch specific lock
- file entries on `bazel>=6.4`.
-### Added
-* (bzlmod, entry_point) Added
- [`py_console_script_binary`](./docs/py_console_script_binary.md), which
- allows adding custom dependencies to a package's entry points and customizing
- the `py_binary` rule used to build it.
-* New Python versions available: `3.8.17`, `3.11.5` using
- https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/tag/20230826.
-* (gazelle) New `# gazelle:python_generation_mode file` directive to support
- generating one `py_library` per file.
-* (python_repository) Support `netrc` and `auth_patterns` attributes to enable
- authentication against private HTTP hosts serving Python toolchain binaries.
-* `//python:packaging_bzl` added, a `bzl_library` for the Starlark
- files `//python:packaging.bzl` requires.
-* (py_wheel) Added the `incompatible_normalize_name` feature flag to
- normalize the package distribution name according to latest Python
- packaging standards. Defaults to `False` for the time being.
-* (py_wheel) Added the `incompatible_normalize_version` feature flag
- to normalize the package version according to PEP440 standard. This
- also adds support for local version specifiers (versions with a `+`
- in them), in accordance with PEP440. Defaults to `False` for the
- time being.
-* New Python versions available: `3.8.18`, `3.9.18`, `3.10.13`, `3.11.6`, `3.12.0` using
- https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/tag/20231002.
- `3.12.0` support is considered beta and may have issues.
-### Removed
-* (bzlmod) The `entry_point` macro is no longer supported and has been removed
- in favour of the `py_console_script_binary` macro for `bzlmod` users.
-* (bzlmod) The `pip.parse` no longer generates `{hub_name}_{py_version}` hub repos
- as the `entry_point` macro has been superseded by `py_console_script_binary`.
-* (bzlmod) The `pip.parse` no longer generates `{hub_name}_{distribution}` hub repos.
-### Fixed
-* (whl_library) No longer restarts repository rule when fetching external
- dependencies improving initial build times involving external dependency
- fetching.
-* (gazelle) Improve runfiles lookup hermeticity.
-[0.26.0]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/releases/tag/0.26.0
-## [0.25.0] - 2023-08-22
-### Changed
-* Python version patch level bumps:
- * 3.9.16 -> 3.9.17
- * 3.10.9 -> 3.10.12
- * 3.11.1 -> 3.11.4
-* (bzlmod) `pip.parse` can no longer automatically use the default
- Python version; this was an unreliable and unsafe behavior. The
- `python_version` arg must always be explicitly specified.
-### Fixed
-* (docs) Update docs to use correct bzlmod APIs and clarify how and when to use
- various APIs.
-* (multi-version) The `main` arg is now correctly computed and usually optional.
-* (bzlmod) `pip.parse` no longer requires a call for whatever the configured
- default Python version is.
-### Added
-* Created a changelog.
-* (gazelle) Stop generating unnecessary imports.
-* (toolchains) s390x supported for Python 3.9.17, 3.10.12, and 3.11.4.
-[0.25.0]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/releases/tag/0.25.0
-## [0.24.0] - 2023-07-11
-### Changed
-* **BREAKING** (gazelle) Gazelle 0.30.0 or higher is required
-* (bzlmod) `@python_aliases` renamed to `@python_versions
-* (bzlmod) `pip.parse` arg `name` renamed to `hub_name`
-* (bzlmod) `pip.parse` arg `incompatible_generate_aliases` removed and always
- true.
-### Fixed
-* (bzlmod) Fixing Windows Python Interpreter symlink issues
-* (py_wheel) Allow twine tags and args
-* (toolchain, bzlmod) Restrict coverage tool visibility under bzlmod
-* (pip) Ignore temporary pyc.NNN files in wheels
-* (pip) Add format() calls to glob_exclude templates
-* plugin_output in py_proto_library rule
-### Added
-* Using Gazelle's lifecycle manager to manage external processes
-* (bzlmod) `pip.parse` can be called multiple times with different Python
- versions
-* (bzlmod) Allow bzlmod `pip.parse` to reference the default python toolchain and interpreter
-* (bzlmod) Implementing wheel annotations via `whl_mods`
-* (gazelle) support multiple requirements files in manifest generation
-* (py_wheel) Support for specifying `Description-Content-Type` and `Summary` in METADATA
-* (py_wheel) Support for specifying `Project-URL`
-* (compile_pip_requirements) Added `generate_hashes` arg (default True) to
- control generating hashes
-* (pip) Create all_data_requirements alias
-* Expose Python C headers through the toolchain.
-[0.24.0]: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_python/releases/tag/0.24.0