path: root/tools/wheelmaker.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/wheelmaker.py')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/wheelmaker.py b/tools/wheelmaker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63b833f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/wheelmaker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import base64
+import collections
+import hashlib
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import zipfile
+from pathlib import Path
+def commonpath(path1, path2):
+ ret = []
+ for a, b in zip(path1.split(os.path.sep), path2.split(os.path.sep)):
+ if a != b:
+ break
+ ret.append(a)
+ return os.path.sep.join(ret)
+def escape_filename_segment(segment):
+ """Escapes a filename segment per https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427/#escaping-and-unicode"""
+ return re.sub(r"[^\w\d.]+", "_", segment, re.UNICODE)
+class WheelMaker(object):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name,
+ version,
+ build_tag,
+ python_tag,
+ abi,
+ platform,
+ outfile=None,
+ strip_path_prefixes=None,
+ ):
+ self._name = name
+ self._version = version
+ self._build_tag = build_tag
+ self._python_tag = python_tag
+ self._abi = abi
+ self._platform = platform
+ self._outfile = outfile
+ self._strip_path_prefixes = (
+ strip_path_prefixes if strip_path_prefixes is not None else []
+ )
+ self._distinfo_dir = (
+ escape_filename_segment(self._name)
+ + "-"
+ + escape_filename_segment(self._version)
+ + ".dist-info/"
+ )
+ self._zipfile = None
+ # Entries for the RECORD file as (filename, hash, size) tuples.
+ self._record = []
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(
+ self.filename(), mode="w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
+ )
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+ self._zipfile.close()
+ self._zipfile = None
+ def wheelname(self) -> str:
+ components = [self._name, self._version]
+ if self._build_tag:
+ components.append(self._build_tag)
+ components += [self._python_tag, self._abi, self._platform]
+ return "-".join(components) + ".whl"
+ def filename(self) -> str:
+ if self._outfile:
+ return self._outfile
+ return self.wheelname()
+ def disttags(self):
+ return ["-".join([self._python_tag, self._abi, self._platform])]
+ def distinfo_path(self, basename):
+ return self._distinfo_dir + basename
+ def _serialize_digest(self, hash):
+ # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0376/#record
+ # "base64.urlsafe_b64encode(digest) with trailing = removed"
+ digest = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hash.digest())
+ digest = b"sha256=" + digest.rstrip(b"=")
+ return digest
+ def add_string(self, filename, contents):
+ """Add given 'contents' as filename to the distribution."""
+ if sys.version_info[0] > 2 and isinstance(contents, str):
+ contents = contents.encode("utf-8", "surrogateescape")
+ self._zipfile.writestr(filename, contents)
+ hash = hashlib.sha256()
+ hash.update(contents)
+ self._add_to_record(filename, self._serialize_digest(hash), len(contents))
+ def add_file(self, package_filename, real_filename):
+ """Add given file to the distribution."""
+ def arcname_from(name):
+ # Always use unix path separators.
+ normalized_arcname = name.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
+ # Don't manipulate names filenames in the .distinfo directory.
+ if normalized_arcname.startswith(self._distinfo_dir):
+ return normalized_arcname
+ for prefix in self._strip_path_prefixes:
+ if normalized_arcname.startswith(prefix):
+ return normalized_arcname[len(prefix) :]
+ return normalized_arcname
+ if os.path.isdir(real_filename):
+ directory_contents = os.listdir(real_filename)
+ for file_ in directory_contents:
+ self.add_file(
+ "{}/{}".format(package_filename, file_),
+ "{}/{}".format(real_filename, file_),
+ )
+ return
+ arcname = arcname_from(package_filename)
+ self._zipfile.write(real_filename, arcname=arcname)
+ # Find the hash and length
+ hash = hashlib.sha256()
+ size = 0
+ with open(real_filename, "rb") as f:
+ while True:
+ block = f.read(2**20)
+ if not block:
+ break
+ hash.update(block)
+ size += len(block)
+ self._add_to_record(arcname, self._serialize_digest(hash), size)
+ def add_wheelfile(self):
+ """Write WHEEL file to the distribution"""
+ # TODO(pstradomski): Support non-purelib wheels.
+ wheel_contents = """\
+Wheel-Version: 1.0
+Generator: bazel-wheelmaker 1.0
+Root-Is-Purelib: {}
+ "true" if self._platform == "any" else "false"
+ )
+ for tag in self.disttags():
+ wheel_contents += "Tag: %s\n" % tag
+ self.add_string(self.distinfo_path("WHEEL"), wheel_contents)
+ def add_metadata(self, metadata, name, description, version):
+ """Write METADATA file to the distribution."""
+ # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0566/
+ # https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/
+ metadata = re.sub("^Name: .*$", "Name: %s" % name, metadata, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ metadata += "Version: %s\n\n" % version
+ # setuptools seems to insert UNKNOWN as description when none is
+ # provided.
+ metadata += description if description else "UNKNOWN"
+ metadata += "\n"
+ self.add_string(self.distinfo_path("METADATA"), metadata)
+ def add_recordfile(self):
+ """Write RECORD file to the distribution."""
+ record_path = self.distinfo_path("RECORD")
+ entries = self._record + [(record_path, b"", b"")]
+ entries.sort()
+ contents = b""
+ for filename, digest, size in entries:
+ if sys.version_info[0] > 2 and isinstance(filename, str):
+ filename = filename.lstrip("/").encode("utf-8", "surrogateescape")
+ contents += b"%s,%s,%s\n" % (filename, digest, size)
+ self.add_string(record_path, contents)
+ def _add_to_record(self, filename, hash, size):
+ size = str(size).encode("ascii")
+ self._record.append((filename, hash, size))
+def get_files_to_package(input_files):
+ """Find files to be added to the distribution.
+ input_files: list of pairs (package_path, real_path)
+ """
+ files = {}
+ for package_path, real_path in input_files:
+ files[package_path] = real_path
+ return files
+def resolve_argument_stamp(
+ argument: str, volatile_status_stamp: Path, stable_status_stamp: Path
+) -> str:
+ """Resolve workspace status stamps format strings found in the argument string
+ Args:
+ argument (str): The raw argument represenation for the wheel (may include stamp variables)
+ volatile_status_stamp (Path): The path to a volatile workspace status file
+ stable_status_stamp (Path): The path to a stable workspace status file
+ Returns:
+ str: A resolved argument string
+ """
+ lines = (
+ volatile_status_stamp.read_text().splitlines()
+ + stable_status_stamp.read_text().splitlines()
+ )
+ for line in lines:
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ key, value = line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
+ stamp = "{" + key + "}"
+ argument = argument.replace(stamp, value)
+ return argument
+def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Builds a python wheel")
+ metadata_group = parser.add_argument_group("Wheel name, version and platform")
+ metadata_group.add_argument(
+ "--name", required=True, type=str, help="Name of the distribution"
+ )
+ metadata_group.add_argument(
+ "--version", required=True, type=str, help="Version of the distribution"
+ )
+ metadata_group.add_argument(
+ "--build_tag",
+ type=str,
+ default="",
+ help="Optional build tag for the distribution",
+ )
+ metadata_group.add_argument(
+ "--python_tag",
+ type=str,
+ default="py3",
+ help="Python version, e.g. 'py2' or 'py3'",
+ )
+ metadata_group.add_argument("--abi", type=str, default="none")
+ metadata_group.add_argument(
+ "--platform", type=str, default="any", help="Target platform. "
+ )
+ output_group = parser.add_argument_group("Output file location")
+ output_group.add_argument(
+ "--out", type=str, default=None, help="Override name of ouptut file"
+ )
+ output_group.add_argument(
+ "--name_file",
+ type=Path,
+ help="A file where the canonical name of the " "wheel will be written",
+ )
+ output_group.add_argument(
+ "--strip_path_prefix",
+ type=str,
+ action="append",
+ default=[],
+ help="Path prefix to be stripped from input package files' path. "
+ "Can be supplied multiple times. Evaluated in order.",
+ )
+ wheel_group = parser.add_argument_group("Wheel metadata")
+ wheel_group.add_argument(
+ "--metadata_file",
+ type=Path,
+ help="Contents of the METADATA file (before appending contents of "
+ "--description_file)",
+ )
+ wheel_group.add_argument(
+ "--description_file", help="Path to the file with package description"
+ )
+ wheel_group.add_argument(
+ "--description_content_type", help="Content type of the package description"
+ )
+ wheel_group.add_argument(
+ "--entry_points_file",
+ help="Path to a correctly-formatted entry_points.txt file",
+ )
+ contents_group = parser.add_argument_group("Wheel contents")
+ contents_group.add_argument(
+ "--input_file",
+ action="append",
+ help="'package_path;real_path' pairs listing "
+ "files to be included in the wheel. "
+ "Can be supplied multiple times.",
+ )
+ contents_group.add_argument(
+ "--input_file_list",
+ action="append",
+ help="A file that has all the input files defined as a list to avoid "
+ "the long command",
+ )
+ contents_group.add_argument(
+ "--extra_distinfo_file",
+ action="append",
+ help="'filename;real_path' pairs listing extra files to include in"
+ "dist-info directory. Can be supplied multiple times.",
+ )
+ build_group = parser.add_argument_group("Building requirements")
+ build_group.add_argument(
+ "--volatile_status_file",
+ type=Path,
+ help="Pass in the stamp info file for stamping",
+ )
+ build_group.add_argument(
+ "--stable_status_file",
+ type=Path,
+ help="Pass in the stamp info file for stamping",
+ )
+ return parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+def main() -> None:
+ arguments = parse_args()
+ if arguments.input_file:
+ input_files = [i.split(";") for i in arguments.input_file]
+ else:
+ input_files = []
+ if arguments.extra_distinfo_file:
+ extra_distinfo_file = [i.split(";") for i in arguments.extra_distinfo_file]
+ else:
+ extra_distinfo_file = []
+ if arguments.input_file_list:
+ for input_file in arguments.input_file_list:
+ with open(input_file) as _file:
+ input_file_list = _file.read().splitlines()
+ for _input_file in input_file_list:
+ input_files.append(_input_file.split(";"))
+ all_files = get_files_to_package(input_files)
+ # Sort the files for reproducible order in the archive.
+ all_files = sorted(all_files.items())
+ strip_prefixes = [p for p in arguments.strip_path_prefix]
+ if arguments.volatile_status_file and arguments.stable_status_file:
+ name = resolve_argument_stamp(
+ arguments.name,
+ arguments.volatile_status_file,
+ arguments.stable_status_file,
+ )
+ else:
+ name = arguments.name
+ if arguments.volatile_status_file and arguments.stable_status_file:
+ version = resolve_argument_stamp(
+ arguments.version,
+ arguments.volatile_status_file,
+ arguments.stable_status_file,
+ )
+ else:
+ version = arguments.version
+ with WheelMaker(
+ name=name,
+ version=version,
+ build_tag=arguments.build_tag,
+ python_tag=arguments.python_tag,
+ abi=arguments.abi,
+ platform=arguments.platform,
+ outfile=arguments.out,
+ strip_path_prefixes=strip_prefixes,
+ ) as maker:
+ for package_filename, real_filename in all_files:
+ maker.add_file(package_filename, real_filename)
+ maker.add_wheelfile()
+ description = None
+ if arguments.description_file:
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ with open(arguments.description_file, "rt") as description_file:
+ description = description_file.read()
+ else:
+ with open(
+ arguments.description_file, "rt", encoding="utf-8"
+ ) as description_file:
+ description = description_file.read()
+ metadata = None
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ with open(arguments.metadata_file, "rt") as metadata_file:
+ metadata = metadata_file.read()
+ else:
+ with open(arguments.metadata_file, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as metadata_file:
+ metadata = metadata_file.read()
+ maker.add_metadata(
+ metadata=metadata, name=name, description=description, version=version
+ )
+ if arguments.entry_points_file:
+ maker.add_file(
+ maker.distinfo_path("entry_points.txt"), arguments.entry_points_file
+ )
+ # Sort the files for reproducible order in the archive.
+ for filename, real_path in sorted(extra_distinfo_file):
+ maker.add_file(maker.distinfo_path(filename), real_path)
+ maker.add_recordfile()
+ # Since stamping may otherwise change the target name of the
+ # wheel, the canonical name (with stamps resolved) is written
+ # to a file so consumers of the wheel can easily determine
+ # the correct name.
+ arguments.name_file.write_text(maker.wheelname())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()