AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
16 hoursBazel support: Add utf-8 to Windows build (#3962)upstream-masterVertexwahn
3 daysFix format_as for non-const begin/end views (#3955)Justin Riddell
4 daysCleanup locking/bufferingVictor Zverovich
4 daysCleanup unicode check moreVictor Zverovich
4 daysCleanup unicode checksVictor Zverovich
4 daysImprove utf-8 detectionVictor Zverovich
4 daysEnable Unicode support by defaultVictor Zverovich
5 daysEnable Unicode by defaultVictor Zverovich
6 daysOptimize join_viewVictor Zverovich
7 daysSimplify join_view formatterVictor Zverovich
9 daysApply coding conventionsVictor Zverovich
9 daysSimplify map formatterVictor Zverovich
10 daysEnable fmt::join for uncopyable iterators (#3946)Justin Riddell
11 daysMake the map formatter correctly handle elements with custom formattersVictor Zverovich
12 daysSplit range and map formattersVictor Zverovich
12 daysPrivatize write_debug_stringVictor Zverovich
12 daysRemove range_default_formatterVictor Zverovich
12 daysUpdate README.mdVictor Zverovich
13 daysUpdate README.mdVictor Zverovich
13 daysUpdate README.mdVictor Zverovich
13 daysUpdate doc.ymlVictor Zverovich
13 daysUpdate doc.ymlVictor Zverovich
13 daysUpdate doc.ymlVictor Zverovich
13 daysUpdate lint.ymlVictor Zverovich
13 daysUpdate lint.ymlVictor Zverovich
13 daysFix to_nonnegative_intVictor Zverovich
14 daysAdd tests to check that isnan doesn't cause FP errorsAlex Dewar
14 daysFix: isnan() shouldn't cause FP exceptionsAlex Dewar
2024-05-01Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 (#3950)dependabot[bot]
2024-05-01Bump github/codeql-action from 3.24.9 to 3.25.3 (#3949)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-30Fix CodeQL alert (#3945)Marlene Cota
2024-04-23Specialize `formatter` for all `std::basic_string` types (#3943)Diego Ramírez
2024-04-22Dedup ADL begin/end lookupVictor Zverovich
2024-04-22Update signature in the docVictor Zverovich
2024-04-22const void* is neither a fundamental nor string typeVictor Zverovich
2024-04-22Document formatter specializations provided by base.hVictor Zverovich
2024-04-19Fix warning C26439Jiwoo Park
2024-04-19Cleanup FMT_ASSERTVictor Zverovich
2024-04-17Fix format_to + FMT_STRING for wide character type (#3931)Hans-Martin B. Jensen
2024-04-16Fix FMT_USE_NONTYPE_TEMPLATE_ARGS define back (#3937)Justin Riddell
2024-04-11Resolved warning C4996: 'fileno': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated....Matthias Moulin
2024-04-10Added FMT_IMPORT_STD feature macro (#3928)Matthias Moulin
2024-04-08Fix mix-up of 'FMT_BEGIN_EXPORT' and 'namespace detail'. (#3924)ShifftC
2024-04-07Resolved warning C4127: conditional expression is constant (#3923)Matthias Moulin
2024-04-04Fix: enable `FMT_NORETURN` without exception support too (#3917)Philippe Proulx
2024-04-05Coding conventions and minor fixesVictor Zverovich
2024-04-03implement year_month_day (#3913)zivshek
2024-04-03Bump github/codeql-action from 3.24.6 to 3.24.9 (#3915)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-30Update syntax.rstVictor Zverovich
2024-03-28Make CMake version message less confusing (#3907)Damian Andrei