AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-01-05Use configure on demandupstream-masterStefan Oehme
2016-12-19Remove butterknife, update versionsGautam Korlam
2016-12-18Fix buck build on travisGautam Korlam
2016-12-18Fix buck buildGautam Korlam
2016-12-18Cleanup template sourcesGautam Korlam
2016-12-18Add dummy sources and Gradle profiler (#5)Stefan Oehme
2016-12-16Merge pull request #4 from kageiit/update_versionsGautam Korlam
2016-12-16Update versions and configurationGautam Korlam
2016-10-21update versionsGautam Korlam
2016-10-12Replace dependency to fix buildGautam Korlam
2016-10-12Update READMEGautam Korlam
2016-10-12Test project 2.0Gautam Korlam
2016-10-12Add new project structureGautam Korlam
2016-10-12Delete old project filesGautam Korlam
2016-10-07Update READMEGautam Korlam
2016-10-06Fix buildGautam Korlam
2016-10-06Build in parallel on travisGautam Korlam
2016-10-06Update versionsGautam Korlam
2016-10-06Upgrade to version 0.9 of the net.ltgt.apt plugin.Gautam Korlam
2016-10-06Add travisGautam Korlam
2016-10-06Upgrade to version 0.9 of the net.ltgt.apt plugin.Pepper Lebeck-Jobe
2016-09-29Update to okbuck 0.7.0Gautam Korlam
2016-09-26Update okbuck and wrapperGautam Korlam
2016-09-23Add license file via addalicense.comGautam Korlam
2016-09-19Fix build and update okbuck gradle plugin to 0.5.3Gautam Korlam
2016-09-19Update android and okbuck gradle plugin versionsGautam Korlam
2016-09-18Use buckwGautam Korlam
2016-09-14Add okbuck plugin to demonstrate buck build speedsGautam Korlam
2016-07-22Add test projectGautam Korlam
2016-07-22Initial commitGautam Korlam