AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
7 daysValidate allOf, oneOf and anyOf contains array (#1039)upstream-masterJustin Tay
8 daysUpdate JSON Schema badges (#1041)Justin Tay
2024-05-04Fix schema location for escaped json pointer (#1038)Justin Tay
2024-05-01Allow customization of assertion for outputunit (#1033)Justin Tay
2024-04-26fixes #1027 change connection error IOException (#1028)Steve Hu
2024-04-23Fix broken link in README (#1029)Daniel Parker
2024-04-22Update dependency versions (#1023)Justin Tay
2024-04-22upgrade slf4j to 2.0.13Steve Hu
2024-04-22upgrade jackson to 2.17.0Steve Hu
2024-04-16Add options to control caching of schemas (#1018)Justin Tay
2024-04-16Update github actions (#1022)Justin Tay
2024-04-16Fix code example in (#1020)Tom Bentley
2024-04-08Fix the broken link to `if-then-else.json` (#1014)Emmanuel Ferdman
2024-04-07Changed defs to $defs in (#1013)Daniel Parker
2024-04-04Add OpenAPI JsonMetaSchema (#1011)Justin Tay
2024-04-03Fix walk for if validator with validation (#1010)Justin Tay
2024-04-02Fix 2012-12 typo (#1008)Henrik Mohr
2024-03-29Check type validator is of correct class (#1003)Justin Tay
2024-03-28Fix root classpath resolve (#1000)Justin Tay
2024-03-26fixes #997 upgrade undertow to 2.2.31.Final (#998)Steve Hu
2024-03-19Walk items schema instead of walking instance data (#993)Justin Tay
2024-03-16upgrade to 1.4.0 and update changelogupstream/1.4.0Steve Hu
2024-03-16Explicitly handle if the discriminator property value is null (#988)Justin Tay
2024-03-12Refactor walk (#986)Justin Tay
2024-03-05Fixes uri, uri-reference, iri, iri-reference formats and does iri to uri conv...Justin Tay
2024-03-01Support custom vocabularies and unknown keyword and meta-schema handling (#980)Justin Tay
2024-02-22Fix message (#975)Justin Tay
2024-02-22Make ethlo excludable (#974)Justin Tay
2024-02-19upgrade 1.3.3 and update changelogupstream/1.3.3Steve Hu
2024-02-19Support GraalVM and refactor (#972)Justin Tay
2024-02-16Fixes for discriminator (#971)Justin Tay
2024-02-15Fix validation messages (#969)Justin Tay
2024-02-13Add unevaluatedProperties test (#968)Justin Tay
2024-02-13Reduce memory usage and improve performance (#966)Justin Tay
2024-02-08Set result at the end of schema processing (#963)Justin Tay
2024-02-07upgrade to 1.3.2 and update changelogupstream/1.3.2Steve Hu
2024-02-07Update upgrading doc on fail fast (#961)Justin Tay
2024-02-07Improve schema retrieval docs (#959)Justin Tay
2024-02-07Refactor format validation (#958)Justin Tay
2024-02-06Add test for OpenAPI 3.1 schema validation (#956)Justin Tay
2024-02-06Fix patternProperties annotation (#955)Justin Tay
2024-02-06Add test for type integer (#954)Justin Tay
2024-02-06Improve vocabulary support (#953)Justin Tay
2024-02-05Fix resolve (#952)Justin Tay
2024-02-05Locale.ENGLISH should set. (#951)Justin Tay
2024-02-04Fix issues with hierarchy output report (#947)Justin Tay
2024-02-02Add test for type loose for array and update doc for behavior (#946)Justin Tay
2024-02-01Support type loose for multipleOf validator (#945)Justin Tay
2024-02-01Fix for required annotations for evaluation not collected (#944)Justin Tay
2024-01-31ugrade to 1.3.1 and update changelogupstream/1.3.1Steve Hu