AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
11 dayschore(deps): bump the actions group with 1 update (#5082)upstream-masterdependabot[bot]
2024-05-06chore(deps): bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /docs (#5122)dependabot[bot]
2024-05-06chore(deps): bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /docs (#5121)dependabot[bot]
2024-05-06docs(numpy): drop duplicated ndim (#5119)nobkd
2024-05-06chore: docs and nox bump (#5071)Henry Schreiner
2024-05-06ci: macos-latest is changing to macos-14 ARM runners (#5109)Henry Schreiner
2024-04-09Fix typo in changelog date (#5096)Tim Stumbaugh
2024-04-02chore(deps): update pre-commit hooks (#5084)pre-commit-ci[bot]
2024-03-27chore: bump cmake to 3.29 (#5075)Henry Schreiner
2024-03-27chore: get back to workHenry Schreiner
2024-03-27docs: remove extra spaceHenry Schreiner
2024-03-27docs: a few missed changes for 2.12 (#5074)Henry Schreiner
2024-03-27chore: prepare 2.12.0 (#5070)Henry Schreiner
2024-03-27fix: fully qualify usages of concat to protect against ADL (#4955)Matthias Volk
2024-03-27Bug fixes: Add missing `handle_type_name` specializations. (#5073)Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
2024-03-26feat: make `numpy.h` compatible with both NumPy 1.x and 2.x (#5050)Sebastian Berg
2024-03-26tests: hide warning on clang (#5069)Henry Schreiner
2024-03-21Create handle_type_name specialization to type-hint variable length tuples (#...Jason Watson
2024-03-21fix(cmake): allow forcing old FindPython (#5042)Henry Schreiner
2024-03-21ci: skipping test for Windows Clang failure (#5062)Henry Schreiner
2024-02-13chore(deps): bump the actions group with 3 updates (#5024)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-13ci: ignore actions/checkout until v5 comes outHenry Schreiner
2024-02-13ci: Ignore v1 updates for checkout (#5023)Henry Schreiner
2024-02-05chore(deps): update pre-commit hooks (#5018)pre-commit-ci[bot]
2024-01-28doc: add litgen to the automatic generators list (compiling.rst) (#5012)Pascal Thomet
2024-01-16install mingw-w64-${{matrix.env}}-python-scipy only for mingw64 (#5006)Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
2024-01-13ci: group dependabot updates (#4986)Henry Schreiner
2024-01-13bugfix: removing typing and duplicate ``class_`` for KeysView/ValuesView/Item...Huanchen Zhai
2024-01-08fix(cmake): skip empty PYBIND11_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE_LAST for the first cmake ru...Ilya Lavrenov
2024-01-01chore(deps): update pre-commit hooks (#4994)pre-commit-ci[bot]
2024-01-01chore(deps): bump ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0 (#4995)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-29Fix Clazy warnings (#4988)Christoph GrĂ¼ninger
2023-12-14chore(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (#4975)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-14chore(deps): bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4 (#4976)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-14fix: Use PyObject_VisitManagedDict() of Python 3.13 (#4973)Victor Stinner
2023-12-14fix(cmake): upgrade maximum supported CMake version to 3.27 (#4786)Pol Mesalles
2023-12-14fix: make_static_property_type() (#4971)Victor Stinner
2023-12-06chore(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#4965)dependabot[bot]
2023-12-05chore(deps): update pre-commit hooks (#4963)pre-commit-ci[bot]
2023-11-29fix(stl_bind): Enable `bind_map` with `using` declarations. (#4952)Antoine Prouvost
2023-11-27chore(deps): bump deadsnakes/action from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 (#4951)dependabot[bot]
2023-11-16pybind11.pc: use pcfiledir for relative destinations (#4830)Ben Boeckel
2023-11-16fix(cmake): findpython issues and 3.12 support for pybind11_find_import (#4941)Henry Schreiner
2023-11-16ci: add more versions of numpy/scipy/pypy (#4714)Henry Schreiner
2023-11-16fix(cmake): avoid really slow compile on emscripten (#4642)Henry Schreiner
2023-11-15chore: update changelog script for categories (#4942)Henry Schreiner
2023-11-08Fix a long-standing bug in the handling of Python multiple inheritance (#4762)Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
2023-11-08Fix refcount bug introduced with PR #4916. (#4927)Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
2023-11-07chore: move to ruff-format (#4912)Henry Schreiner
2023-11-07chore(deps): update pre-commit hooks (#4923)pre-commit-ci[bot]