AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
13 daysFix SPIR-V reserved ranges (#427)upstream-maingnl21
13 daysAdd utility functions to strinfigy value enums (#426)Kévin Petit
2024-04-23VkspReflection non-sematic: add dispatchId in configuration (#425)Romaric Jodin
2024-03-27Update bit reservations for loop controsl and memory operands (#424)Adel Ejjeh
2024-03-22Register LLVM SPIR-V Backend as SPIR-V generator (#423)Michal Paszkowski
2024-03-20Register spq tools for SPIR-V (#399)PENGUINLIONG
2024-03-01Add SPV_NV_raw_access_chains (#417)Rodrigo Locatti
2024-02-28Headers support for SPV_INTEL_maximum_registers extension (#416)Viktoria Maximova
2024-02-14Add SPV_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector (#420)Jeff Bolz
2024-02-14SPV_QCOM_image_processing2 (#419)Wooyoung Kim
2024-02-14cmake: Allow external control of test and install options (#418)David Neto
2024-02-12remove Kernel from Image Channel Order and Channel Data Type enums (#413)Ben Ashbaugh
2024-02-07Update FPFastMath token reservation (#414)gnl21
2024-01-26List all licenses in the root LICENSE file. (#410)David Neto
2024-01-26Support SPV_KHR_quad_control (with fixed line endings) (#412)David Neto
2024-01-24SPV_KHR_float_controls2 (#409)David Neto
2024-01-24Add SPV_KHR_maximal_reconvergence (#407)alan-baker
2024-01-24update copyright dates to 2024 (#404)Ben Ashbaugh
2024-01-17Register Zig Compiler tool (#405)Robin Voetter
2024-01-17Add a Source Language for Zig (#403)Robin Voetter
2024-01-10Reserve an FPFastMathMode bit (#401)gnl21
2024-01-10Bump the github-actions group with 1 update (#400)dependabot[bot]
2024-01-10Publish the header for the vulkan-shader-profiler embedded reflection… (#398)Romaric Jodin
2024-01-03Upstream tokens for SPV_INTEL_masked_gather_scatter (#391)Dmitry Sidorov
2024-01-03feat: Create dependabot.yml (#397)Joyce
2023-12-06Add a few missing calls to std::exit on error (#395)Kévin Petit
2023-12-06Headers support for FPGAClusterAttributesV2INTEL (#393)bwlodarcz
2023-12-06Add Type-Declaration for extended types (#392)Spencer Fricke
2023-12-06Update SPV_INTEL_long_composites tokens (#375)Dmitry Sidorov
2023-11-15Change token IDs for global_variable_fpga_decorations and global_variable_hos...Viktoria Maximova
2023-11-15It seems d790ced752b5bfc06b6988baadef6eb2d16bdf96 add tabs. (#390)John Kessenich
2023-11-08Fix SPV_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout implicit declare (#388)Spencer Fricke
2023-10-18Headers support for new FPGAMemoryAttributesINTEL (#384)bwlodarcz
2023-10-11ClspvReflection non-sematic: add NormalizedSamplerMaskPushConstant (#377)Romaric Jodin
2023-10-04Add a Source Language for Slang (#383)pradyumans
2023-10-04Register Slang Compiler for SPIR-V (#382)pradyumans
2023-09-20Add LiteralFloat to operand_kinds (#380)Fabian Wahlster
2023-09-20Add headers for SPV_NV_displacement_micromap. (#374)alelenv
2023-09-20remove additional version "1.0" from SecondaryViewportRelativeNV (#379)Fabian Wahlster
2023-09-13Remove Kernel from ConstantSampler enum values (#378)gnl21
2023-09-13Add SPV_INTEL_cache_controls extension support (#376)Andrzej Ratajewski
2023-08-23Validate enums have sensible versions and are visible (#369)David Neto
2023-08-16Headers support for two Intel extensions (#356)Viktoria Maximova
2023-08-10Merge pull request #366 from KonstantinSeurer/mainBen Ashbaugh
2023-08-10Merge pull request #371 from dneto0/cooperative-matrix-enums-fewer-depsDavid Neto
2023-08-10Revert "Merge pull request #367 from dneto0/coop-matrix-enums-deps"David Neto
2023-08-04Merge pull request #367 from dneto0/coop-matrix-enums-depsDavid Neto
2023-08-04Cooperative matrix enums depend on the extensionDavid Neto
2023-08-04Add SPV_AMDX_shader_enqueueKonstantin Seurer
2023-08-02Merge pull request #361 from kpet/coop-matrix-capabilities-alignmentJohn Kessenich