AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 daysspec: remove Contents in favor to GitHub's TOC (#549)upstream-masterOleksandr Redko
5 daysdocs: fix typos (#547)Oleksandr Redko
5 dayssyntax,repl: improve docs for deprecated functions (#548)Oleksandr Redko
8 daysstarlark: tweak how UnpackArgs enforces optional args (#545)Nick Santos
2024-04-11starlark: add debug API for Locals and FreeVars (#539)Alan Donovan
2024-04-11Revert "starlark: add debug API for Locals and FreeVars"Alan Donovan
2024-04-11starlark: add debug API for Locals and FreeVarsAlan Donovan
2024-04-08starlark: eta-abstract the new iterators (#537)Alan Donovan
2024-03-29syntax: report start-of-token pos for parsePrimary errors (#533)Alan Donovan
2024-03-13build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.25.0 to 1.33.0 (#530)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-11starlark: new API for go1.23 push iterators (#527)Alan Donovan
2024-03-07starlark: update go.mod to drop go1.18 support (#529)Alan Donovan
2024-01-23Remove debug clock from Time.String() (#524)Marco Manino
2023-11-21Remove 'too many arguments' error when interpolating over mappings (#520)kcza
2023-11-01time: per-thread time.now() function (#517)Mikhail Mazurskiy
2023-10-16Limit CPU and memory usage for int-to-float conversion (#515)Marco Manino
2023-10-13Better issubset performance (#514)Marco Manino
2023-09-25Make resolve follow FileOptions.TopLevelControl (#510)Marco Manino
2023-09-21Refactor TestLoadBacktrace to use errors.Unwrap (#509)Oleksandr Redko
2023-09-21Change to go 1.18; extend ci test versions (#508)Oleksandr Redko
2023-09-21Remove usage of deprecated io/ioutil package (#507)Oleksandr Redko
2023-09-12Adding additional set builtins (#506)Sam Wheating
2023-09-11Expose paren Position on DefStmt (#504)Raphaël Vigée
2023-08-31fix a few function names on comments (#427)cui fliter
2023-08-29Additional methods for Set type (#497)Sam Wheating
2023-08-14syntax: parameterize API over FileOptions, avoid globals (#477)Alan Donovan
2023-08-14Fix typos in comments (#496)Oleksandr Redko
2023-08-07trivial: Fix golint errors (#495)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-07-31Replace `ctx.new_file` with `ctx.actions.declare_file` (#494)Mai Hussien
2023-07-31Fixing example in documentation (#432)Marco Manino
2023-07-26lib/proto: add support for instantiating proto map fields (#491)tazjin
2023-07-25starlarktest/assert.star: allow +/-1 ULP in float eq comparisons (#490)Alan Donovan
2023-07-21Fix build flags for s390x, ppc64, and ppc64le (#489)Álex Sáez
2023-07-18Fixing name of mod builtin (#487)Marco Manino
2023-07-17Fix typo in import comment because this causes compilation problem when makin...nozzy123nozzy
2023-07-12Bump memory boundary to 4Gb in test (#484)Danial Klimkin
2023-06-12lib/json: fix go1.17 build by avoiding reflect.Value.UnsafePointer (#474)Alan Donovan
2023-06-12README: document support of 4 minor go1.x releases (#475)Alan Donovan
2023-06-12syntax: reserve async, await keywords (#476)Alan Donovan
2023-05-25Allow json.decode to return a default value if decoding fails (#466)Alexandre Rostovtsev
2023-05-25lib/json: don't fatal on Attr errors when encoding (#467)Andrei Matei
2023-03-01Optimizing hashtable.grow() for faster hashtables (#459)Sam Wheating
2023-02-27Adding new ThreeWayComparable interface (#457)Sam Wheating
2023-02-27Disambiguate a resolve message (#458)Filip Filmar
2023-02-24starlark: set internal iteration use hashtable linked lists (#404)Edward McFarlane
2023-01-28Added a ParamDefault() method to Function that returns parameter default valu...Vincent
2023-01-21starlark: optimize TestProfile (#456)Alan Donovan
2023-01-18Convert `assert.go` back to `assert.star` and bump Go version to 1.16. (#453)Yuxin Wang
2023-01-12Update Struct.String() function to not quote starlark.String custom construct...Guillaume Bouvignies
2023-01-10Walk syntax.DictEntry instead of ignoring it. (#447)Yuxin Wang