path: root/tools/releasetools/ota_utils.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/releasetools/ota_utils.py')
1 files changed, 571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ota_utils.py b/tools/releasetools/ota_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..104f02f35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/releasetools/ota_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import copy
+import itertools
+import logging
+import os
+import zipfile
+import ota_metadata_pb2
+from common import (ZipDelete, ZipClose, OPTIONS, MakeTempFile,
+ ZipWriteStr, BuildInfo, LoadDictionaryFromFile,
+ SignFile, PARTITIONS_WITH_BUILD_PROP, PartitionBuildProps)
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+OPTIONS.no_signing = False
+OPTIONS.force_non_ab = False
+OPTIONS.wipe_user_data = False
+OPTIONS.downgrade = False
+OPTIONS.key_passwords = {}
+OPTIONS.package_key = None
+OPTIONS.incremental_source = None
+OPTIONS.retrofit_dynamic_partitions = False
+OPTIONS.output_metadata_path = None
+OPTIONS.boot_variable_file = None
+METADATA_NAME = 'META-INF/com/android/metadata'
+METADATA_PROTO_NAME = 'META-INF/com/android/metadata.pb'
+SECURITY_PATCH_LEVEL_PROP_NAME = "ro.build.version.security_patch"
+def FinalizeMetadata(metadata, input_file, output_file, needed_property_files):
+ """Finalizes the metadata and signs an A/B OTA package.
+ In order to stream an A/B OTA package, we need 'ota-streaming-property-files'
+ that contains the offsets and sizes for the ZIP entries. An example
+ property-files string is as follows.
+ "payload.bin:679:343,payload_properties.txt:378:45,metadata:69:379"
+ OTA server can pass down this string, in addition to the package URL, to the
+ system update client. System update client can then fetch individual ZIP
+ entries (ZIP_STORED) directly at the given offset of the URL.
+ Args:
+ metadata: The metadata dict for the package.
+ input_file: The input ZIP filename that doesn't contain the package METADATA
+ entry yet.
+ output_file: The final output ZIP filename.
+ needed_property_files: The list of PropertyFiles' to be generated.
+ """
+ def ComputeAllPropertyFiles(input_file, needed_property_files):
+ # Write the current metadata entry with placeholders.
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, allowZip64=True) as input_zip:
+ for property_files in needed_property_files:
+ metadata.property_files[property_files.name] = property_files.Compute(
+ input_zip)
+ namelist = input_zip.namelist()
+ if METADATA_NAME in namelist or METADATA_PROTO_NAME in namelist:
+ output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'a', allowZip64=True)
+ WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)
+ ZipClose(output_zip)
+ if OPTIONS.no_signing:
+ return input_file
+ prelim_signing = MakeTempFile(suffix='.zip')
+ SignOutput(input_file, prelim_signing)
+ return prelim_signing
+ def FinalizeAllPropertyFiles(prelim_signing, needed_property_files):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(prelim_signing, allowZip64=True) as prelim_signing_zip:
+ for property_files in needed_property_files:
+ metadata.property_files[property_files.name] = property_files.Finalize(
+ prelim_signing_zip,
+ len(metadata.property_files[property_files.name]))
+ # SignOutput(), which in turn calls signapk.jar, will possibly reorder the ZIP
+ # entries, as well as padding the entry headers. We do a preliminary signing
+ # (with an incomplete metadata entry) to allow that to happen. Then compute
+ # the ZIP entry offsets, write back the final metadata and do the final
+ # signing.
+ prelim_signing = ComputeAllPropertyFiles(input_file, needed_property_files)
+ try:
+ FinalizeAllPropertyFiles(prelim_signing, needed_property_files)
+ except PropertyFiles.InsufficientSpaceException:
+ # Even with the preliminary signing, the entry orders may change
+ # dramatically, which leads to insufficiently reserved space during the
+ # first call to ComputeAllPropertyFiles(). In that case, we redo all the
+ # preliminary signing works, based on the already ordered ZIP entries, to
+ # address the issue.
+ prelim_signing = ComputeAllPropertyFiles(
+ prelim_signing, needed_property_files)
+ FinalizeAllPropertyFiles(prelim_signing, needed_property_files)
+ # Replace the METADATA entry.
+ ZipDelete(prelim_signing, [METADATA_NAME, METADATA_PROTO_NAME])
+ output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(prelim_signing, 'a', allowZip64=True)
+ WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)
+ ZipClose(output_zip)
+ # Re-sign the package after updating the metadata entry.
+ if OPTIONS.no_signing:
+ output_file = prelim_signing
+ else:
+ SignOutput(prelim_signing, output_file)
+ # Reopen the final signed zip to double check the streaming metadata.
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(output_file, allowZip64=True) as output_zip:
+ for property_files in needed_property_files:
+ property_files.Verify(
+ output_zip, metadata.property_files[property_files.name].strip())
+ # If requested, dump the metadata to a separate file.
+ output_metadata_path = OPTIONS.output_metadata_path
+ if output_metadata_path:
+ WriteMetadata(metadata, output_metadata_path)
+def WriteMetadata(metadata_proto, output):
+ """Writes the metadata to the zip archive or a file.
+ Args:
+ metadata_proto: The metadata protobuf for the package.
+ output: A ZipFile object or a string of the output file path. If a string
+ path is given, the metadata in the protobuf format will be written to
+ {output}.pb, e.g. ota_metadata.pb
+ """
+ metadata_dict = BuildLegacyOtaMetadata(metadata_proto)
+ legacy_metadata = "".join(["%s=%s\n" % kv for kv in
+ sorted(metadata_dict.items())])
+ if isinstance(output, zipfile.ZipFile):
+ ZipWriteStr(output, METADATA_PROTO_NAME, metadata_proto.SerializeToString(),
+ compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
+ ZipWriteStr(output, METADATA_NAME, legacy_metadata,
+ compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
+ return
+ with open('{}.pb'.format(output), 'w') as f:
+ f.write(metadata_proto.SerializeToString())
+ with open(output, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(legacy_metadata)
+def UpdateDeviceState(device_state, build_info, boot_variable_values,
+ is_post_build):
+ """Update the fields of the DeviceState proto with build info."""
+ def UpdatePartitionStates(partition_states):
+ """Update the per-partition state according to its build.prop"""
+ if not build_info.is_ab:
+ return
+ build_info_set = ComputeRuntimeBuildInfos(build_info,
+ boot_variable_values)
+ assert "ab_partitions" in build_info.info_dict,\
+ "ab_partitions property required for ab update."
+ ab_partitions = set(build_info.info_dict.get("ab_partitions"))
+ # delta_generator will error out on unused timestamps,
+ # so only generate timestamps for dynamic partitions
+ # used in OTA update.
+ for partition in sorted(set(PARTITIONS_WITH_BUILD_PROP) & ab_partitions):
+ partition_prop = build_info.info_dict.get(
+ '{}.build.prop'.format(partition))
+ # Skip if the partition is missing, or it doesn't have a build.prop
+ if not partition_prop or not partition_prop.build_props:
+ continue
+ partition_state = partition_states.add()
+ partition_state.partition_name = partition
+ # Update the partition's runtime device names and fingerprints
+ partition_devices = set()
+ partition_fingerprints = set()
+ for runtime_build_info in build_info_set:
+ partition_devices.add(
+ runtime_build_info.GetPartitionBuildProp('ro.product.device',
+ partition))
+ partition_fingerprints.add(
+ runtime_build_info.GetPartitionFingerprint(partition))
+ partition_state.device.extend(sorted(partition_devices))
+ partition_state.build.extend(sorted(partition_fingerprints))
+ # TODO(xunchang) set the boot image's version with kmi. Note the boot
+ # image doesn't have a file map.
+ partition_state.version = build_info.GetPartitionBuildProp(
+ 'ro.build.date.utc', partition)
+ # TODO(xunchang), we can save a call to ComputeRuntimeBuildInfos.
+ build_devices, build_fingerprints = \
+ CalculateRuntimeDevicesAndFingerprints(build_info, boot_variable_values)
+ device_state.device.extend(sorted(build_devices))
+ device_state.build.extend(sorted(build_fingerprints))
+ device_state.build_incremental = build_info.GetBuildProp(
+ 'ro.build.version.incremental')
+ UpdatePartitionStates(device_state.partition_state)
+ if is_post_build:
+ device_state.sdk_level = build_info.GetBuildProp(
+ 'ro.build.version.sdk')
+ device_state.security_patch_level = build_info.GetBuildProp(
+ 'ro.build.version.security_patch')
+ # Use the actual post-timestamp, even for a downgrade case.
+ device_state.timestamp = int(build_info.GetBuildProp('ro.build.date.utc'))
+def GetPackageMetadata(target_info, source_info=None):
+ """Generates and returns the metadata proto.
+ It generates a ota_metadata protobuf that contains the info to be written
+ into an OTA package (META-INF/com/android/metadata.pb). It also handles the
+ detection of downgrade / data wipe based on the global options.
+ Args:
+ target_info: The BuildInfo instance that holds the target build info.
+ source_info: The BuildInfo instance that holds the source build info, or
+ None if generating full OTA.
+ Returns:
+ A protobuf to be written into package metadata entry.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(target_info, BuildInfo)
+ assert source_info is None or isinstance(source_info, BuildInfo)
+ boot_variable_values = {}
+ if OPTIONS.boot_variable_file:
+ d = LoadDictionaryFromFile(OPTIONS.boot_variable_file)
+ for key, values in d.items():
+ boot_variable_values[key] = [val.strip() for val in values.split(',')]
+ metadata_proto = ota_metadata_pb2.OtaMetadata()
+ # TODO(xunchang) some fields, e.g. post-device isn't necessary. We can
+ # consider skipping them if they aren't used by clients.
+ UpdateDeviceState(metadata_proto.postcondition, target_info,
+ boot_variable_values, True)
+ if target_info.is_ab and not OPTIONS.force_non_ab:
+ metadata_proto.type = ota_metadata_pb2.OtaMetadata.AB
+ metadata_proto.required_cache = 0
+ else:
+ metadata_proto.type = ota_metadata_pb2.OtaMetadata.BLOCK
+ # cache requirement will be updated by the non-A/B codes.
+ if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data:
+ metadata_proto.wipe = True
+ if OPTIONS.retrofit_dynamic_partitions:
+ metadata_proto.retrofit_dynamic_partitions = True
+ is_incremental = source_info is not None
+ if is_incremental:
+ UpdateDeviceState(metadata_proto.precondition, source_info,
+ boot_variable_values, False)
+ else:
+ metadata_proto.precondition.device.extend(
+ metadata_proto.postcondition.device)
+ # Detect downgrades and set up downgrade flags accordingly.
+ if is_incremental:
+ HandleDowngradeMetadata(metadata_proto, target_info, source_info)
+ return metadata_proto
+def BuildLegacyOtaMetadata(metadata_proto):
+ """Converts the metadata proto to a legacy metadata dict.
+ This metadata dict is used to build the legacy metadata text file for
+ backward compatibility. We won't add new keys to the legacy metadata format.
+ If new information is needed, we should add it as a new field in OtaMetadata
+ proto definition.
+ """
+ separator = '|'
+ metadata_dict = {}
+ if metadata_proto.type == ota_metadata_pb2.OtaMetadata.AB:
+ metadata_dict['ota-type'] = 'AB'
+ elif metadata_proto.type == ota_metadata_pb2.OtaMetadata.BLOCK:
+ metadata_dict['ota-type'] = 'BLOCK'
+ if metadata_proto.wipe:
+ metadata_dict['ota-wipe'] = 'yes'
+ if metadata_proto.retrofit_dynamic_partitions:
+ metadata_dict['ota-retrofit-dynamic-partitions'] = 'yes'
+ if metadata_proto.downgrade:
+ metadata_dict['ota-downgrade'] = 'yes'
+ metadata_dict['ota-required-cache'] = str(metadata_proto.required_cache)
+ post_build = metadata_proto.postcondition
+ metadata_dict['post-build'] = separator.join(post_build.build)
+ metadata_dict['post-build-incremental'] = post_build.build_incremental
+ metadata_dict['post-sdk-level'] = post_build.sdk_level
+ metadata_dict['post-security-patch-level'] = post_build.security_patch_level
+ metadata_dict['post-timestamp'] = str(post_build.timestamp)
+ pre_build = metadata_proto.precondition
+ metadata_dict['pre-device'] = separator.join(pre_build.device)
+ # incremental updates
+ if len(pre_build.build) != 0:
+ metadata_dict['pre-build'] = separator.join(pre_build.build)
+ metadata_dict['pre-build-incremental'] = pre_build.build_incremental
+ if metadata_proto.spl_downgrade:
+ metadata_dict['spl-downgrade'] = 'yes'
+ metadata_dict.update(metadata_proto.property_files)
+ return metadata_dict
+def HandleDowngradeMetadata(metadata_proto, target_info, source_info):
+ # Only incremental OTAs are allowed to reach here.
+ assert OPTIONS.incremental_source is not None
+ post_timestamp = target_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.date.utc")
+ pre_timestamp = source_info.GetBuildProp("ro.build.date.utc")
+ is_downgrade = int(post_timestamp) < int(pre_timestamp)
+ if OPTIONS.spl_downgrade:
+ metadata_proto.spl_downgrade = True
+ if OPTIONS.downgrade:
+ if not is_downgrade:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "--downgrade or --override_timestamp specified but no downgrade "
+ "detected: pre: %s, post: %s" % (pre_timestamp, post_timestamp))
+ metadata_proto.downgrade = True
+ else:
+ if is_downgrade:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Downgrade detected based on timestamp check: pre: %s, post: %s. "
+ "Need to specify --override_timestamp OR --downgrade to allow "
+ "building the incremental." % (pre_timestamp, post_timestamp))
+def ComputeRuntimeBuildInfos(default_build_info, boot_variable_values):
+ """Returns a set of build info objects that may exist during runtime."""
+ build_info_set = {default_build_info}
+ if not boot_variable_values:
+ return build_info_set
+ # Calculate all possible combinations of the values for the boot variables.
+ keys = boot_variable_values.keys()
+ value_list = boot_variable_values.values()
+ combinations = [dict(zip(keys, values))
+ for values in itertools.product(*value_list)]
+ for placeholder_values in combinations:
+ # Reload the info_dict as some build properties may change their values
+ # based on the value of ro.boot* properties.
+ info_dict = copy.deepcopy(default_build_info.info_dict)
+ for partition in PARTITIONS_WITH_BUILD_PROP:
+ partition_prop_key = "{}.build.prop".format(partition)
+ input_file = info_dict[partition_prop_key].input_file
+ if isinstance(input_file, zipfile.ZipFile):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file.filename, allowZip64=True) as input_zip:
+ info_dict[partition_prop_key] = \
+ PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(input_zip, partition,
+ placeholder_values)
+ else:
+ info_dict[partition_prop_key] = \
+ PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(input_file, partition,
+ placeholder_values)
+ info_dict["build.prop"] = info_dict["system.build.prop"]
+ build_info_set.add(BuildInfo(info_dict, default_build_info.oem_dicts))
+ return build_info_set
+def CalculateRuntimeDevicesAndFingerprints(default_build_info,
+ boot_variable_values):
+ """Returns a tuple of sets for runtime devices and fingerprints"""
+ device_names = set()
+ fingerprints = set()
+ build_info_set = ComputeRuntimeBuildInfos(default_build_info,
+ boot_variable_values)
+ for runtime_build_info in build_info_set:
+ device_names.add(runtime_build_info.device)
+ fingerprints.add(runtime_build_info.fingerprint)
+ return device_names, fingerprints
+class PropertyFiles(object):
+ """A class that computes the property-files string for an OTA package.
+ A property-files string is a comma-separated string that contains the
+ offset/size info for an OTA package. The entries, which must be ZIP_STORED,
+ can be fetched directly with the package URL along with the offset/size info.
+ These strings can be used for streaming A/B OTAs, or allowing an updater to
+ download package metadata entry directly, without paying the cost of
+ downloading entire package.
+ Computing the final property-files string requires two passes. Because doing
+ the whole package signing (with signapk.jar) will possibly reorder the ZIP
+ entries, which may in turn invalidate earlier computed ZIP entry offset/size
+ values.
+ This class provides functions to be called for each pass. The general flow is
+ as follows.
+ property_files = PropertyFiles()
+ # The first pass, which writes placeholders before doing initial signing.
+ property_files.Compute()
+ SignOutput()
+ # The second pass, by replacing the placeholders with actual data.
+ property_files.Finalize()
+ SignOutput()
+ And the caller can additionally verify the final result.
+ property_files.Verify()
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.name = None
+ self.required = ()
+ self.optional = ()
+ def Compute(self, input_zip):
+ """Computes and returns a property-files string with placeholders.
+ We reserve extra space for the offset and size of the metadata entry itself,
+ although we don't know the final values until the package gets signed.
+ Args:
+ input_zip: The input ZIP file.
+ Returns:
+ A string with placeholders for the metadata offset/size info, e.g.
+ "payload.bin:679:343,payload_properties.txt:378:45,metadata: ".
+ """
+ return self.GetPropertyFilesString(input_zip, reserve_space=True)
+ class InsufficientSpaceException(Exception):
+ pass
+ def Finalize(self, input_zip, reserved_length):
+ """Finalizes a property-files string with actual METADATA offset/size info.
+ The input ZIP file has been signed, with the ZIP entries in the desired
+ place (signapk.jar will possibly reorder the ZIP entries). Now we compute
+ the ZIP entry offsets and construct the property-files string with actual
+ data. Note that during this process, we must pad the property-files string
+ to the reserved length, so that the METADATA entry size remains the same.
+ Otherwise the entries' offsets and sizes may change again.
+ Args:
+ input_zip: The input ZIP file.
+ reserved_length: The reserved length of the property-files string during
+ the call to Compute(). The final string must be no more than this
+ size.
+ Returns:
+ A property-files string including the metadata offset/size info, e.g.
+ "payload.bin:679:343,payload_properties.txt:378:45,metadata:69:379 ".
+ Raises:
+ InsufficientSpaceException: If the reserved length is insufficient to hold
+ the final string.
+ """
+ result = self.GetPropertyFilesString(input_zip, reserve_space=False)
+ if len(result) > reserved_length:
+ raise self.InsufficientSpaceException(
+ 'Insufficient reserved space: reserved={}, actual={}'.format(
+ reserved_length, len(result)))
+ result += ' ' * (reserved_length - len(result))
+ return result
+ def Verify(self, input_zip, expected):
+ """Verifies the input ZIP file contains the expected property-files string.
+ Args:
+ input_zip: The input ZIP file.
+ expected: The property-files string that's computed from Finalize().
+ Raises:
+ AssertionError: On finding a mismatch.
+ """
+ actual = self.GetPropertyFilesString(input_zip)
+ assert actual == expected, \
+ "Mismatching streaming metadata: {} vs {}.".format(actual, expected)
+ def GetPropertyFilesString(self, zip_file, reserve_space=False):
+ """
+ Constructs the property-files string per request.
+ Args:
+ zip_file: The input ZIP file.
+ reserved_length: The reserved length of the property-files string.
+ Returns:
+ A property-files string including the metadata offset/size info, e.g.
+ "payload.bin:679:343,payload_properties.txt:378:45,metadata: ".
+ """
+ def ComputeEntryOffsetSize(name):
+ """Computes the zip entry offset and size."""
+ info = zip_file.getinfo(name)
+ offset = info.header_offset
+ offset += zipfile.sizeFileHeader
+ offset += len(info.extra) + len(info.filename)
+ size = info.file_size
+ return '%s:%d:%d' % (os.path.basename(name), offset, size)
+ tokens = []
+ tokens.extend(self._GetPrecomputed(zip_file))
+ for entry in self.required:
+ tokens.append(ComputeEntryOffsetSize(entry))
+ for entry in self.optional:
+ if entry in zip_file.namelist():
+ tokens.append(ComputeEntryOffsetSize(entry))
+ # 'META-INF/com/android/metadata' is required. We don't know its actual
+ # offset and length (as well as the values for other entries). So we reserve
+ # 15-byte as a placeholder ('offset:length'), which is sufficient to cover
+ # the space for metadata entry. Because 'offset' allows a max of 10-digit
+ # (i.e. ~9 GiB), with a max of 4-digit for the length. Note that all the
+ # reserved space serves the metadata entry only.
+ if reserve_space:
+ tokens.append('metadata:' + ' ' * 15)
+ tokens.append('metadata.pb:' + ' ' * 15)
+ else:
+ tokens.append(ComputeEntryOffsetSize(METADATA_NAME))
+ tokens.append(ComputeEntryOffsetSize(METADATA_PROTO_NAME))
+ return ','.join(tokens)
+ def _GetPrecomputed(self, input_zip):
+ """Computes the additional tokens to be included into the property-files.
+ This applies to tokens without actual ZIP entries, such as
+ payload_metadata.bin. We want to expose the offset/size to updaters, so
+ that they can download the payload metadata directly with the info.
+ Args:
+ input_zip: The input zip file.
+ Returns:
+ A list of strings (tokens) to be added to the property-files string.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ return []
+def SignOutput(temp_zip_name, output_zip_name):
+ pw = OPTIONS.key_passwords[OPTIONS.package_key]
+ SignFile(temp_zip_name, output_zip_name, OPTIONS.package_key, pw,
+ whole_file=True)