AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-02-16Extend ANDROID with CDMA mobile technology support . Feature Complete - Revie...cdma-importTeam Android CDMA
2009-01-15This is a contribution of a project that has the goal to extend theTeam Android CDMA
2008-11-01This is the first set of build system changes to supportBen Leslie
2008-10-28Changed dexpreopt/Config.mk to use new (correct) path.Bill Napier
2008-10-25Fix the build by hand apling JBQs current.xml change because my attempt to me...Jeff Hamilton
2008-10-24revive the TINY_ANDROID build optionBrian Swetland
2008-10-23Fix the build with a proper current.xml API file.Jeff Hamilton
2008-10-23add build system design docJoe Onorato
2008-10-23ftb (fix the build)Joe Onorato
2008-10-23MergeAndroid Code Review
2008-10-22Added broadcasts for external power events.Cliff Spradlin
2008-10-22Use a typed comparison of floating point field values rather than just a stri...Christopher Tate
2008-10-22Detect a missing javac and provide a slightly more helpful error message.Rod Whitby
2008-10-22Add a few missing headers.Alexey Zaytsev
2008-10-21Initial Contributionandroid-1.0The Android Open Source Project