path: root/src/gfxstream/guest/platform/rutabaga/RutabagaLayer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gfxstream/guest/platform/rutabaga/RutabagaLayer.cpp')
1 files changed, 1035 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gfxstream/guest/platform/rutabaga/RutabagaLayer.cpp b/src/gfxstream/guest/platform/rutabaga/RutabagaLayer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42fb57dc8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gfxstream/guest/platform/rutabaga/RutabagaLayer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@
+ * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "RutabagaLayer.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <log/log.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <future>
+#include <memory>
+#include <optional>
+#include <queue>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <variant>
+#include "gfxstream/virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer.h"
+#include "gfxstream/virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer-unstable.h"
+namespace gfxstream {
+namespace {
+constexpr const uint32_t kInvalidContextId = 0;
+std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string& s, const std::string& delimiters) {
+ if (delimiters.empty()) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> result;
+ size_t base = 0;
+ size_t found;
+ while (true) {
+ found = s.find_first_of(delimiters, base);
+ result.push_back(s.substr(base, found - base));
+ if (found == s.npos) break;
+ base = found + 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+std::string Join(const std::vector<std::string>& things, const std::string& separator) {
+ if (things.empty()) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ std::ostringstream result;
+ result << *things.begin();
+ for (auto it = std::next(things.begin()); it != things.end(); ++it) {
+ result << separator << *it;
+ }
+ return result.str();
+} // namespace
+class EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl {
+ public:
+ EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl();
+ ~EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl();
+ bool Init(bool withGl, bool withVk, bool withVkSnapshots, EmulatedVirtioGpu* parent);
+ VirtGpuCaps GetCaps(VirtGpuCapset capset);
+ std::optional<uint32_t> CreateContext();
+ void DestroyContext(uint32_t contextId);
+ uint8_t* Map(uint32_t resourceId);
+ void Unmap(uint32_t resourceId);
+ int ExecBuffer(uint32_t contextId, struct VirtGpuExecBuffer& execbuffer,
+ std::optional<uint32_t> blobResourceId);
+ int Wait(uint32_t resourceId);
+ int TransferFromHost(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t resourceId, uint32_t transferOffset,
+ uint32_t transferSize);
+ int TransferToHost(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t resourceId, uint32_t transferOffset,
+ uint32_t transferSize);
+ std::optional<uint32_t> CreateBlob(uint32_t contextId, const struct VirtGpuCreateBlob& params);
+ std::optional<uint32_t> CreateVirglBlob(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+ uint32_t virglFormat);
+ void DestroyResource(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t resourceId);
+ uint32_t CreateEmulatedFence();
+ void SignalEmulatedFence(uint32_t fenceId);
+ int WaitOnEmulatedFence(int fenceAsFileDescriptor, int timeoutMilliseconds);
+ private:
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskContextAttachResource {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskContextDetachResource {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskCreateContext {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ uint32_t contextInit;
+ std::string contextName;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskCreateBlob {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ struct stream_renderer_create_blob params;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskCreateResource {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ uint8_t* resourceBytes;
+ struct stream_renderer_resource_create_args params;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskDestroyContext {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskMap {
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ std::promise<uint8_t*> resourceMappedPromise;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskExecBuffer {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ std::vector<std::byte> commandBuffer;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskTransferToHost {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ uint32_t transferOffset;
+ uint32_t transferSize;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskTransferFromHost {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ uint32_t transferOffset;
+ uint32_t transferSize;
+ };
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskUnrefResource {
+ uint32_t resourceId;
+ };
+ using VirtioGpuTask =
+ std::variant<VirtioGpuTaskContextAttachResource, VirtioGpuTaskContextDetachResource,
+ VirtioGpuTaskCreateBlob, VirtioGpuTaskCreateContext,
+ VirtioGpuTaskCreateResource, VirtioGpuTaskDestroyContext, VirtioGpuTaskMap,
+ VirtioGpuTaskExecBuffer, VirtioGpuTaskTransferFromHost,
+ VirtioGpuTaskTransferToHost, VirtioGpuTaskUnrefResource>;
+ struct VirtioGpuTaskWithWaitable {
+ uint32_t contextId;
+ VirtioGpuTask task;
+ std::promise<void> taskCompletedSignaler;
+ std::optional<uint32_t> fence;
+ };
+ std::shared_future<void> EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(uint32_t contextId, VirtioGpuTask task,
+ std::optional<uint32_t> fence = std::nullopt);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskContextAttachResource task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskContextDetachResource task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskCreateContext task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskCreateBlob task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskCreateResource task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskDestroyContext task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskMap task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskExecBuffer task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskTransferFromHost task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskTransferToHost task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskWithWaitable task);
+ void DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskUnrefResource task);
+ void RunVirtioGpuTaskProcessingLoop();
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> mNextContextId{1};
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> mNextVirtioGpuResourceId{1};
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> mNextVirtioGpuFenceId{1};
+ std::atomic_bool mShuttingDown{false};
+ std::mutex mTasksMutex;
+ std::queue<VirtioGpuTaskWithWaitable> mTasks;
+ enum class EmulatedResourceType {
+ kBlob,
+ kPipe,
+ };
+ struct EmulatedResource {
+ EmulatedResourceType type;
+ std::mutex pendingWaitablesMutex;
+ std::vector<std::shared_future<void>> pendingWaitables;
+ // For non-blob resources, the guest shadow memory.
+ std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> guestBytes;
+ // For mappable blob resources, the host memory once it is mapped.
+ std::shared_future<uint8_t*> mappedHostBytes;
+ };
+ std::mutex mResourcesMutex;
+ std::unordered_map<uint32_t, EmulatedResource> mResources;
+ EmulatedResource* CreateResource(uint32_t resourceId, EmulatedResourceType resourceType) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mResourcesMutex);
+ auto [it, created] = mResources.emplace(
+ std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(resourceId), std::forward_as_tuple());
+ if (!created) {
+ ALOGE("Created resource %" PRIu32 " twice?", resourceId);
+ }
+ EmulatedResource* resource = &it->second;
+ resource->type = resourceType;
+ return resource;
+ }
+ EmulatedResource* GetResource(uint32_t resourceId) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mResourcesMutex);
+ auto it = mResources.find(resourceId);
+ if (it == mResources.end()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return &it->second;
+ }
+ void DeleteResource(uint32_t resourceId) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mResourcesMutex);
+ mResources.erase(resourceId);
+ }
+ struct EmulatedFence {
+ std::promise<void> signaler;
+ std::shared_future<void> waitable;
+ };
+ std::mutex mVirtioGpuFencesMutex;
+ std::unordered_map<uint32_t, EmulatedFence> mVirtioGpuFences;
+ std::thread mWorkerThread;
+ : mWorkerThread([this]() { RunVirtioGpuTaskProcessingLoop(); }) {}
+EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::~EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl() {
+ mShuttingDown = true;
+ mWorkerThread.join();
+ stream_renderer_teardown();
+namespace {
+void WriteFenceTrampoline(void* cookie, struct stream_renderer_fence* fence) {
+ auto* gpu = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedVirtioGpu*>(cookie);
+ gpu->SignalEmulatedFence(fence->fence_id);
+} // namespace
+bool EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::Init(bool withGl, bool withVk, bool withVkSnapshots,
+ EmulatedVirtioGpu* parent) {
+ std::vector<stream_renderer_param> renderer_params{
+ stream_renderer_param{
+ .value = static_cast<uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(parent)),
+ },
+ stream_renderer_param{
+ .value = static_cast<uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&WriteFenceTrampoline)),
+ },
+ stream_renderer_param{
+ .value =
+ (withGl ? static_cast<uint64_t>(STREAM_RENDERER_FLAGS_USE_EGL_BIT |
+ : 0) |
+ (withVk ? static_cast<uint64_t>(STREAM_RENDERER_FLAGS_USE_VK_BIT) : 0) |
+ (withVkSnapshots ? static_cast<uint64_t>(STREAM_RENDERER_FLAGS_VULKAN_SNAPSHOTS)
+ : 0),
+ },
+ stream_renderer_param{
+ .value = 32,
+ },
+ stream_renderer_param{
+ .value = 32,
+ },
+ };
+ return stream_renderer_init(renderer_params.data(), renderer_params.size()) == 0;
+VirtGpuCaps EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::GetCaps(VirtGpuCapset capset) {
+ VirtGpuCaps caps = {
+ .params =
+ {
+ [kParam3D] = 1,
+ [kParamCapsetFix] = 1,
+ [kParamResourceBlob] = 1,
+ [kParamHostVisible] = 1,
+ [kParamCrossDevice] = 0,
+ [kParamContextInit] = 1,
+ [kParamSupportedCapsetIds] = 0,
+ [kParamCreateGuestHandle] = 0,
+ },
+ };
+ stream_renderer_fill_caps(static_cast<uint32_t>(capset), 0, &caps.vulkanCapset);
+ return caps;
+std::optional<uint32_t> EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::CreateContext() {
+ const uint32_t contextId = mNextContextId++;
+ VirtioGpuTaskCreateContext task = {
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .contextInit = 0,
+ .contextName = "EmulatedVirtioGpu Context " + std::to_string(contextId),
+ };
+ EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(task));
+ return contextId;
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DestroyContext(uint32_t contextId) {
+ VirtioGpuTaskDestroyContext task = {
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ };
+ EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(task));
+uint8_t* EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::Map(uint32_t resourceId) {
+ EmulatedResource* resource = GetResource(resourceId);
+ if (resource == nullptr) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to Map() resource %" PRIu32 ": not found.", resourceId);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ uint8_t* mapped = nullptr;
+ if (resource->type == EmulatedResourceType::kBlob) {
+ if (!resource->mappedHostBytes.valid()) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to Map() resource %" PRIu32
+ ": attempting to map blob "
+ "without mappable flag?",
+ resourceId);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ mapped = resource->mappedHostBytes.get();
+ } else if (resource->type == EmulatedResourceType::kPipe) {
+ mapped = resource->guestBytes.get();
+ }
+ return mapped;
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::Unmap(uint32_t resourceId) {
+ stream_renderer_resource_unmap(resourceId);
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::Wait(uint32_t resourceId) {
+ EmulatedResource* resource = GetResource(resourceId);
+ if (resource == nullptr) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to Wait() on resource %" PRIu32 ": not found.", resourceId);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::shared_future<void>> pendingWaitables;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(resource->pendingWaitablesMutex);
+ pendingWaitables = resource->pendingWaitables;
+ resource->pendingWaitables.clear();
+ }
+ for (auto& waitable : pendingWaitables) {
+ waitable.wait();
+ }
+ return 0;
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::TransferFromHost(uint32_t contextId,
+ uint32_t resourceId,
+ uint32_t transferOffset,
+ uint32_t transferSize) {
+ EmulatedResource* resource = GetResource(resourceId);
+ if (resource == nullptr) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to TransferFromHost() on resource %" PRIu32 ": not found.", resourceId);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ VirtioGpuTaskTransferFromHost task = {
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ .transferOffset = transferOffset,
+ .transferSize = transferSize,
+ };
+ auto waitable = EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(task));
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(resource->pendingWaitablesMutex);
+ resource->pendingWaitables.push_back(std::move(waitable));
+ }
+ return 0;
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::TransferToHost(uint32_t contextId,
+ uint32_t resourceId,
+ uint32_t transferOffset,
+ uint32_t transferSize) {
+ EmulatedResource* resource = GetResource(resourceId);
+ if (resource == nullptr) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to TransferFromHost() on resource %" PRIu32 ": not found.", resourceId);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ VirtioGpuTaskTransferToHost task = {
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ .transferOffset = transferOffset,
+ .transferSize = transferSize,
+ };
+ auto waitable = EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(task));
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(resource->pendingWaitablesMutex);
+ resource->pendingWaitables.push_back(std::move(waitable));
+ }
+ return 0;
+std::optional<uint32_t> EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::CreateBlob(
+ uint32_t contextId, const struct VirtGpuCreateBlob& blobCreate) {
+ const uint32_t resourceId = mNextVirtioGpuResourceId++;
+ ALOGV("Enquing task to create blob resource-id:%d size:%" PRIu64, resourceId, blobCreate.size);
+ EmulatedResource* resource = CreateResource(resourceId, EmulatedResourceType::kBlob);
+ VirtioGpuTaskCreateBlob createTask{
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ .params =
+ {
+ .blob_mem = static_cast<uint32_t>(blobCreate.blobMem),
+ .blob_flags = static_cast<uint32_t>(blobCreate.flags),
+ .blob_id = blobCreate.blobId,
+ .size = blobCreate.size,
+ },
+ };
+ auto createBlobCompletedWaitable = EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(createTask));
+ resource->pendingWaitables.push_back(std::move(createBlobCompletedWaitable));
+ if (blobCreate.flags & kBlobFlagMappable) {
+ std::promise<uint8_t*> mappedBytesPromise;
+ std::shared_future<uint8_t*> mappedBytesWaitable = mappedBytesPromise.get_future();
+ VirtioGpuTaskMap mapTask{
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ .resourceMappedPromise = std::move(mappedBytesPromise),
+ };
+ EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(mapTask));
+ resource->mappedHostBytes = std::move(mappedBytesWaitable);
+ }
+ VirtioGpuTaskContextAttachResource attachTask{
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ };
+ EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(attachTask));
+ return resourceId;
+std::optional<uint32_t> EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::CreateVirglBlob(
+ uint32_t contextId, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t virglFormat) {
+ const uint32_t resourceId = mNextVirtioGpuResourceId++;
+ EmulatedResource* resource = CreateResource(resourceId, EmulatedResourceType::kPipe);
+ uint32_t target = 0;
+ uint32_t bind = 0;
+ uint32_t bpp = 0;
+ switch (virglFormat) {
+ target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D;
+ bpp = 4;
+ break;
+ target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D;
+ bpp = 2;
+ break;
+ target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D;
+ bpp = 3;
+ break;
+ target = PIPE_BUFFER;
+ bpp = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ALOGE("Unknown virgl format %u", virglFormat);
+ return {};
+ }
+ resource->guestBytes = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(width * height * bpp);
+ VirtioGpuTaskCreateResource task{
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ .resourceBytes = resource->guestBytes.get(),
+ .params =
+ {
+ .handle = resourceId,
+ .target = target,
+ .format = virglFormat,
+ .bind = bind,
+ .width = width,
+ .height = height,
+ .depth = 1,
+ .array_size = 1,
+ .last_level = 0,
+ .nr_samples = 0,
+ .flags = 0,
+ },
+ };
+ auto taskCompletedWaitable = EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(task));
+ resource->pendingWaitables.push_back(std::move(taskCompletedWaitable));
+ VirtioGpuTaskContextAttachResource attachTask{
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ };
+ EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(attachTask));
+ return resourceId;
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DestroyResource(uint32_t contextId,
+ uint32_t resourceId) {
+ DeleteResource(resourceId);
+ VirtioGpuTaskUnrefResource unrefTask{
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ };
+ EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(unrefTask));
+ VirtioGpuTaskContextDetachResource detachTask{
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .resourceId = resourceId,
+ };
+ EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(detachTask));
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::ExecBuffer(uint32_t contextId,
+ struct VirtGpuExecBuffer& execbuffer,
+ std::optional<uint32_t> blobResourceId) {
+ std::optional<uint32_t> fence;
+ if (execbuffer.flags & kFenceOut) {
+ fence = CreateEmulatedFence();
+ }
+ const VirtioGpuTaskExecBuffer task = {
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .commandBuffer = std::vector<std::byte>(
+ reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(execbuffer.command),
+ reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(execbuffer.command) + execbuffer.command_size),
+ };
+ auto taskCompletedWaitable = EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(contextId, std::move(task), fence);
+ if (blobResourceId) {
+ EmulatedResource* resource = GetResource(*blobResourceId);
+ if (resource == nullptr) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to ExecBuffer() with resource %" PRIu32 ": not found.", *blobResourceId);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(resource->pendingWaitablesMutex);
+ resource->pendingWaitables.push_back(std::move(taskCompletedWaitable));
+ }
+ }
+ if (execbuffer.flags & kFenceOut) {
+ execbuffer.handle.osHandle = *fence;
+ execbuffer.handle.type = kFenceHandleSyncFd;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::WaitOnEmulatedFence(int fenceAsFileDescriptor,
+ int timeoutMilliseconds) {
+ uint32_t fenceId = static_cast<uint32_t>(fenceAsFileDescriptor);
+ ALOGV("Waiting on fence:%d", (int)fenceId);
+ std::shared_future<void> waitable;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mVirtioGpuFencesMutex);
+ auto fenceIt = mVirtioGpuFences.find(fenceId);
+ if (fenceIt == mVirtioGpuFences.end()) {
+ ALOGE("Fence:%d already signaled", (int)fenceId);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ auto& fence = fenceIt->second;
+ waitable = fence.waitable;
+ }
+ auto status = waitable.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds));
+ if (status == std::future_status::ready) {
+ ALOGV("Finished waiting for fence:%d", (int)fenceId);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ ALOGE("Timed out waiting for fence:%d", (int)fenceId);
+ return -1;
+ }
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::SignalEmulatedFence(uint32_t fenceId) {
+ ALOGV("Signaling fence:%d", (int)fenceId);
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mVirtioGpuFencesMutex);
+ auto fenceIt = mVirtioGpuFences.find(fenceId);
+ if (fenceIt == mVirtioGpuFences.end()) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to find fence %" PRIu32, fenceId);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto& fenceInfo = fenceIt->second;
+ fenceInfo.signaler.set_value();
+uint32_t EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::CreateEmulatedFence() {
+ const uint32_t fenceId = mNextVirtioGpuFenceId++;
+ ALOGV("Creating fence:%d", (int)fenceId);
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mVirtioGpuFencesMutex);
+ auto [fenceIt, fenceCreated] = mVirtioGpuFences.emplace(fenceId, EmulatedFence{});
+ if (!fenceCreated) {
+ ALOGE("Attempting to recreate fence %" PRIu32, fenceId);
+ }
+ auto& fenceInfo = fenceIt->second;
+ fenceInfo.waitable = fenceInfo.signaler.get_future();
+ return fenceId;
+std::shared_future<void> EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::EnqueueVirtioGpuTask(
+ uint32_t contextId, VirtioGpuTask task, std::optional<uint32_t> fence) {
+ std::promise<void> taskCompletedSignaler;
+ std::shared_future<void> taskCompletedWaitable(taskCompletedSignaler.get_future());
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mTasksMutex);
+ mTasks.push(VirtioGpuTaskWithWaitable{
+ .contextId = contextId,
+ .task = std::move(task),
+ .taskCompletedSignaler = std::move(taskCompletedSignaler),
+ .fence = fence,
+ });
+ return taskCompletedWaitable;
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskContextAttachResource task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to attach resource-id:%d to context-id:%d", task.resourceId,
+ task.contextId);
+ stream_renderer_ctx_attach_resource(task.contextId, task.resourceId);
+ ALOGV("Performing task to attach resource-id:%d to context-id:%d - done", task.resourceId,
+ task.contextId);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskContextDetachResource task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to detach resource-id:%d to context-id:%d", task.resourceId,
+ task.contextId);
+ stream_renderer_ctx_detach_resource(task.contextId, task.resourceId);
+ ALOGV("Performing task to detach resource-id:%d to context-id:%d - done", task.resourceId,
+ task.contextId);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskCreateBlob task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to create blob resource-id:%d", task.resourceId);
+ int ret = stream_renderer_create_blob(task.contextId, task.resourceId, &task.params,
+ /*iovecs=*/nullptr,
+ /*num_iovs=*/0,
+ /*handle=*/nullptr);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to create blob.");
+ }
+ ALOGV("Performing task to create blob resource-id:%d - done", task.resourceId);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskCreateContext task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to create context-id:%" PRIu32 " context-init:%" PRIu32
+ " context-name:%s",
+ task.contextId, task.contextInit, task.contextName.c_str());
+ int ret = stream_renderer_context_create(task.contextId, task.contextName.size(),
+ task.contextName.data(), task.contextInit);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to create context-id:%" PRIu32 ".", task.contextId);
+ return;
+ }
+ ALOGV("Performing task to create context-id:%" PRIu32 " context-init:%" PRIu32
+ " context-name:%s - done",
+ task.contextId, task.contextInit, task.contextName.c_str());
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskCreateResource task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to create resource resource:%d", task.resourceId);
+ int ret = stream_renderer_resource_create(&task.params, nullptr, 0);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to create resource:%d", task.resourceId);
+ }
+ struct iovec iov = {
+ .iov_base = task.resourceBytes,
+ .iov_len = task.params.width,
+ };
+ ret = stream_renderer_resource_attach_iov(task.resourceId, &iov, 1);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to attach iov to resource:%d", task.resourceId);
+ }
+ ALOGV("Performing task to create resource resource:%d - done", task.resourceId);
+ stream_renderer_ctx_attach_resource(task.contextId, task.resourceId);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskDestroyContext task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to destroy context-id:%" PRIu32, task.contextId);
+ stream_renderer_context_destroy(task.contextId);
+ ALOGV("Performing task to destroy context-id:%" PRIu32 " - done", task.contextId);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskMap task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to map resource resource:%d", task.resourceId);
+ void* mapped = nullptr;
+ int ret = stream_renderer_resource_map(task.resourceId, &mapped, nullptr);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to map resource:%d", task.resourceId);
+ return;
+ }
+ task.resourceMappedPromise.set_value(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mapped));
+ ALOGV("Performing task to map resource resource:%d - done", task.resourceId);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskExecBuffer task) {
+ ALOGV("Performing task to execbuffer");
+ if (task.commandBuffer.size() % 4 != 0) {
+ ALOGE("Unaligned command buffer?");
+ return;
+ }
+ stream_renderer_command cmd = {
+ .ctx_id = task.contextId,
+ .cmd_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(task.commandBuffer.size()),
+ .cmd = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(task.commandBuffer.data()),
+ .num_in_fences = 0,
+ .fences = nullptr,
+ };
+ int ret = stream_renderer_submit_cmd(&cmd);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to execbuffer.");
+ }
+ ALOGV("Performing task to execbuffer - done");
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskTransferFromHost task) {
+ struct stream_renderer_box transferBox = {
+ .x = task.transferOffset,
+ .y = 0,
+ .z = 0,
+ .w = task.transferSize,
+ .h = 1,
+ .d = 1,
+ };
+ int ret = stream_renderer_transfer_read_iov(task.resourceId, task.contextId,
+ /*level=*/0,
+ /*stride=*/0,
+ /*layer_stride=*/0, &transferBox,
+ /*offset=*/0,
+ /*iov=*/nullptr,
+ /*iovec_cnt=*/0);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to transferFromHost() for resource:%" PRIu32, task.resourceId);
+ }
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskTransferToHost task) {
+ struct stream_renderer_box transferBox = {
+ .x = task.transferOffset,
+ .y = 0,
+ .z = 0,
+ .w = task.transferSize,
+ .h = 1,
+ .d = 1,
+ };
+ int ret = stream_renderer_transfer_write_iov(task.resourceId, task.contextId,
+ /*level=*/0,
+ /*stride=*/0,
+ /*layer_stride=*/0, &transferBox,
+ /*offset=*/0,
+ /*iov=*/nullptr,
+ /*iovec_cnt=*/0);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to transferToHost() for resource:%" PRIu32, task.resourceId);
+ }
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskUnrefResource task) {
+ stream_renderer_resource_unref(task.resourceId);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::DoTask(VirtioGpuTaskWithWaitable task) {
+ std::visit(
+ [this](auto&& work) {
+ using T = std::decay_t<decltype(work)>;
+ if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskContextAttachResource>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskContextDetachResource>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskCreateBlob>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskCreateContext>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskCreateResource>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskDestroyContext>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskMap>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskExecBuffer>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskTransferFromHost>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskTransferToHost>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, VirtioGpuTaskUnrefResource>) {
+ DoTask(std::move(work));
+ }
+ },
+ task.task);
+ if (task.fence) {
+ const stream_renderer_fence fenceInfo = {
+ .fence_id = *task.fence,
+ .ctx_id = task.contextId,
+ .ring_idx = 0,
+ };
+ int ret = stream_renderer_create_fence(&fenceInfo);
+ if (ret) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to create fence.");
+ }
+ }
+ task.taskCompletedSignaler.set_value();
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl::RunVirtioGpuTaskProcessingLoop() {
+ while (!mShuttingDown.load()) {
+ std::optional<VirtioGpuTaskWithWaitable> task;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mTasksMutex);
+ if (!mTasks.empty()) {
+ task = std::move(mTasks.front());
+ mTasks.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ if (task) {
+ DoTask(std::move(*task));
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+EmulatedVirtioGpu* sInstance = nullptr;
+} // namespace
+ : mImpl{std::make_unique<EmulatedVirtioGpu::EmulatedVirtioGpuImpl>()} {}
+EmulatedVirtioGpu& EmulatedVirtioGpu::Get() {
+ if (sInstance == nullptr) {
+ sInstance = new EmulatedVirtioGpu();
+ bool withGl = false;
+ bool withVk = true;
+ bool withVkSnapshots = false;
+ struct Option {
+ std::string env;
+ bool* val;
+ };
+ const std::vector<Option> options = {
+ };
+ for (const Option option : options) {
+ const char* val = std::getenv(option.env.c_str());
+ if (val != nullptr && (val[0] == 'Y' || val[0] == 'y')) {
+ *option.val = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ALOGE("Initializing withGl:%d withVk:%d withVkSnapshots:%d", withGl, withVk,
+ withVkSnapshots);
+ if (!sInstance->Init(withGl, withVk, withVkSnapshots)) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to initialize EmulatedVirtioGpu.");
+ }
+ }
+ return *sInstance;
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::Reset() {
+ if (sInstance != nullptr) {
+ delete sInstance;
+ sInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+bool EmulatedVirtioGpu::Init(bool withGl, bool withVk, bool withVkSnapshots) {
+ return mImpl->Init(withGl, withVk, withVkSnapshots, this);
+std::optional<uint32_t> EmulatedVirtioGpu::CreateContext() { return mImpl->CreateContext(); }
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::DestroyContext(uint32_t contextId) { mImpl->DestroyContext(contextId); }
+VirtGpuCaps EmulatedVirtioGpu::GetCaps(VirtGpuCapset capset) { return mImpl->GetCaps(capset); }
+uint8_t* EmulatedVirtioGpu::Map(uint32_t resourceId) { return mImpl->Map(resourceId); }
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::Unmap(uint32_t resourceId) { mImpl->Unmap(resourceId); }
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::ExecBuffer(uint32_t contextId, struct VirtGpuExecBuffer& execbuffer,
+ std::optional<uint32_t> blobResourceId) {
+ return mImpl->ExecBuffer(contextId, execbuffer, blobResourceId);
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::Wait(uint32_t resourceId) { return mImpl->Wait(resourceId); }
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::TransferFromHost(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t resourceId, uint32_t offset,
+ uint32_t size) {
+ return mImpl->TransferFromHost(contextId, resourceId, offset, size);
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::TransferToHost(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t resourceId, uint32_t offset,
+ uint32_t size) {
+ return mImpl->TransferToHost(contextId, resourceId, offset, size);
+std::optional<uint32_t> EmulatedVirtioGpu::CreateBlob(uint32_t contextId,
+ const struct VirtGpuCreateBlob& params) {
+ return mImpl->CreateBlob(contextId, params);
+std::optional<uint32_t> EmulatedVirtioGpu::CreateVirglBlob(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t width,
+ uint32_t height, uint32_t virglFormat) {
+ return mImpl->CreateVirglBlob(contextId, width, height, virglFormat);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::DestroyResource(uint32_t contextId, uint32_t resourceId) {
+ mImpl->DestroyResource(contextId, resourceId);
+int EmulatedVirtioGpu::WaitOnEmulatedFence(int fenceAsFileDescriptor, int timeoutMilliseconds) {
+ return mImpl->WaitOnEmulatedFence(fenceAsFileDescriptor, timeoutMilliseconds);
+void EmulatedVirtioGpu::SignalEmulatedFence(int fenceId) { mImpl->SignalEmulatedFence(fenceId); }
+void ResetEmulatedVirtioGpu() { EmulatedVirtioGpu::Reset(); }
+} // namespace gfxstream