AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-07-22Merge "Enable 64bit abi support for CtsTestStubs" into linaro-armv8-14.07linaro-armv8-14.07Amit Pundir
2014-07-21svc netd: add one command to set both interface and nameserverYongqin Liu
2014-07-17Enable 64bit abi support for CtsTestStubsAmit Pundir
2014-07-16svc: add netd commandYongqin Liu
2014-07-14Increase timeoutsKévin Petit
2014-07-10Merge "Logging in LocalTransport on as default"Christopher Tate
2014-07-10Logging in LocalTransport on as defaultHenrik Baard
2014-07-10Merge "GpsLocationProvider: look for config file in /etc/gps.<ro.hardware.gps...Colin Cross
2014-07-09Merge "Update copyFrom(BaseObj[]) for large objects."Stephen Hines
2014-07-09Update copyFrom(BaseObj[]) for large objects.Tim Murray
2014-07-09Merge "Switch frameworks/base/libs/androidfw to the new icu."Elliott Hughes
2014-07-09Switch frameworks/base/libs/androidfw to the new icu.Elliott Hughes
2014-07-09Switch frameworks/base/core/jni to the new icu.Elliott Hughes
2014-07-09Merge "Switch frameworks/base/core/jni to the new icu."Elliott Hughes
2014-07-05Merge "[ActivityManager] Prevent potential deadlock from system error dialog ...Craig Mautner
2014-07-08[ActivityManager] Prevent potential deadlock from system error dialog and Inp...riddle_hsu
2014-07-07Merge "Remove"Brian Carlstrom
2014-07-07RemoveBrian Carlstrom
2014-07-04Merge "Fix issue when converting fil->tl."Narayan Kamath
2014-07-07Fix issue when converting fil->tl.Narayan Kamath
2014-07-02Merge "fix AudioTrack and AudioRecord JNI"Narayan Kamath
2014-07-04fix AudioTrack and AudioRecord JNIEric Laurent
2014-07-04Merge "Fix LocalePicker locale filtering."Narayan Kamath
2014-07-03Fix LocalePicker locale filtering.Narayan Kamath
2014-07-02Merge "Typo in method name: Clone"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-02Merge "Fix typo in the exception message."Nick Kralevich
2014-07-03Merge "Fix typo in comment of FragmentTransaction"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-03Merge "Added missing brace."Nick Kralevich
2014-07-02Merge "Correct typo in doc comment"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-03Merge "Fix typo - issue 56671"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-03Merge "fix trivial typo: s/meansure/measure"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-02Merge "Fix a copy/paste typo in ViewPropertyAnimator"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-02Merge "Fix Issue 59989"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-02Merge "Fix a typo in a javadoc comment"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-03Merge "Fix typo in DevicePolicyManager documentation"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-02Merge "Fix a typo in NumberPicker javadoc."Brian Duff
2014-07-02Merge "Fix javadoc typo in "arg1" -> "arg2""Nick Kralevich
2014-07-03Merge "Typo fix in permission string"Nick Kralevich
2014-07-02Merge "Make misc config directory during user creation"Robin Lee
2014-07-08Merge "Make dex2oat heap size product configurable [frameworks/base]"Brian Carlstrom
2014-07-08Make dex2oat heap size product configurable [frameworks/base]Brian Carlstrom
2014-07-07Merge "Adds support for multi-input kernels to Frameworks/Base/RS."Stephen Hines
2014-07-07Merge "Add Telefonica/Movistar specific APN details for dun"Robert Greenwalt
2014-07-08Add Telefonica/Movistar specific APN details for dunAlbert
2014-07-07Adds support for multi-input kernels to Frameworks/Base/RS.Chris Wailes
2014-07-02Merge "[ActivityManager] Avoid keeping restarting home when only home activit...Craig Mautner
2014-07-06Merge "[ActivityManager] Prevent kill a restarted process again."Craig Mautner
2014-07-04[ActivityManager] Avoid keeping restarting home when only home activity exists.riddle_hsu
2014-07-04[ActivityManager] Prevent kill a restarted process again.riddle_hsu
2014-07-02Merge "[ActivityManager] Ensure alive process is not killedByAm."Craig Mautner