path: root/libs/binder/rust/rpcbinder/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/binder/rust/rpcbinder/src/')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/libs/binder/rust/rpcbinder/src/ b/libs/binder/rust/rpcbinder/src/
index 6fda878d07..d6bdbd831f 100644
--- a/libs/binder/rust/rpcbinder/src/
+++ b/libs/binder/rust/rpcbinder/src/
@@ -14,160 +14,12 @@
* limitations under the License.
-use crate::session::FileDescriptorTransportMode;
-use binder::{unstable_api::AsNative, SpIBinder};
-use binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer;
-use foreign_types::{foreign_type, ForeignType, ForeignTypeRef};
-use std::ffi::CString;
-use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};
-use std::os::unix::io::{IntoRawFd, OwnedFd};
-foreign_type! {
- type CType = binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer;
- fn drop = binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_free;
- /// A type that represents a foreign instance of RpcServer.
- #[derive(Debug)]
- pub struct RpcServer;
- /// A borrowed RpcServer.
- pub struct RpcServerRef;
-/// SAFETY: The opaque handle can be cloned freely.
-unsafe impl Send for RpcServer {}
-/// SAFETY: The underlying C++ RpcServer class is thread-safe.
-unsafe impl Sync for RpcServer {}
-impl RpcServer {
- /// Creates a binder RPC server, serving the supplied binder service implementation on the given
- /// vsock port. Only connections from the given CID are accepted.
- ///
- // Set `cid` to libc::VMADDR_CID_ANY to accept connections from any client.
- // Set `cid` to libc::VMADDR_CID_LOCAL to only bind to the local vsock interface.
- pub fn new_vsock(mut service: SpIBinder, cid: u32, port: u32) -> Result<RpcServer, Error> {
- let service = service.as_native_mut();
- // SAFETY: Service ownership is transferring to the server and won't be valid afterward.
- // Plus the binder objects are threadsafe.
- unsafe {
- Self::checked_from_ptr(binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_newVsock(
- service, cid, port,
- ))
- }
- }
- /// Creates a binder RPC server, serving the supplied binder service implementation on the given
- /// socket file descriptor. The socket should be bound to an address before calling this
- /// function.
- pub fn new_bound_socket(
- mut service: SpIBinder,
- socket_fd: OwnedFd,
- ) -> Result<RpcServer, Error> {
- let service = service.as_native_mut();
- // SAFETY: Service ownership is transferring to the server and won't be valid afterward.
- // Plus the binder objects are threadsafe.
- // The server takes ownership of the socket FD.
- unsafe {
- Self::checked_from_ptr(binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_newBoundSocket(
- service,
- socket_fd.into_raw_fd(),
- ))
- }
- }
- /// Creates a binder RPC server that bootstraps sessions using an existing Unix domain socket
- /// pair, with a given root IBinder object. Callers should create a pair of SOCK_STREAM Unix
- /// domain sockets, pass one to the server and the other to the client. Multiple client session
- /// can be created from the client end of the pair.
- pub fn new_unix_domain_bootstrap(
- mut service: SpIBinder,
- bootstrap_fd: OwnedFd,
- ) -> Result<RpcServer, Error> {
- let service = service.as_native_mut();
- // SAFETY: Service ownership is transferring to the server and won't be valid afterward.
- // Plus the binder objects are threadsafe.
- // The server takes ownership of the bootstrap FD.
- unsafe {
- Self::checked_from_ptr(binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_newUnixDomainBootstrap(
- service,
- bootstrap_fd.into_raw_fd(),
- ))
- }
- }
- /// Creates a binder RPC server, serving the supplied binder service implementation on the given
- /// IP address and port.
- pub fn new_inet(mut service: SpIBinder, address: &str, port: u32) -> Result<RpcServer, Error> {
- let address = match CString::new(address) {
- Ok(s) => s,
- Err(e) => {
- log::error!("Cannot convert {} to CString. Error: {:?}", address, e);
- return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::InvalidInput));
- }
- };
- let service = service.as_native_mut();
- // SAFETY: Service ownership is transferring to the server and won't be valid afterward.
- // Plus the binder objects are threadsafe.
- unsafe {
- Self::checked_from_ptr(binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_newInet(
- service,
- address.as_ptr(),
- port,
- ))
- }
- }
- unsafe fn checked_from_ptr(ptr: *mut ARpcServer) -> Result<RpcServer, Error> {
- if ptr.is_null() {
- return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Failed to start server"));
- }
- // SAFETY: Our caller must pass us a valid or null pointer, and we've checked that it's not
- // null.
- Ok(unsafe { RpcServer::from_ptr(ptr) })
- }
-impl RpcServerRef {
- /// Sets the list of file descriptor transport modes supported by this server.
- pub fn set_supported_file_descriptor_transport_modes(
- &self,
- modes: &[FileDescriptorTransportMode],
- ) {
- // SAFETY: Does not keep the pointer after returning does, nor does it
- // read past its boundary. Only passes the 'self' pointer as an opaque handle.
- unsafe {
- binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_setSupportedFileDescriptorTransportModes(
- self.as_ptr(),
- modes.as_ptr(),
- modes.len(),
- )
- }
- }
- /// Starts a new background thread and calls join(). Returns immediately.
- pub fn start(&self) {
- // SAFETY: RpcServerRef wraps a valid pointer to an ARpcServer.
- unsafe { binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_start(self.as_ptr()) };
- }
- /// Joins the RpcServer thread. The call blocks until the server terminates.
- /// This must be called from exactly one thread.
- pub fn join(&self) {
- // SAFETY: RpcServerRef wraps a valid pointer to an ARpcServer.
- unsafe { binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_join(self.as_ptr()) };
- }
- /// Shuts down the running RpcServer. Can be called multiple times and from
- /// multiple threads. Called automatically during drop().
- pub fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
- // SAFETY: RpcServerRef wraps a valid pointer to an ARpcServer.
- if unsafe { binder_rpc_unstable_bindgen::ARpcServer_shutdown(self.as_ptr()) } {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof))
- }
+cfg_if::cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(target_os = "trusty")] {
+ mod trusty;
+ pub use trusty::*;
+ } else {
+ mod android;
+ pub use android::*;