path: root/services/surfaceflinger/CompositionEngine/include/compositionengine/impl/planner/LayerState.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'services/surfaceflinger/CompositionEngine/include/compositionengine/impl/planner/LayerState.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 478 deletions
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/CompositionEngine/include/compositionengine/impl/planner/LayerState.h b/services/surfaceflinger/CompositionEngine/include/compositionengine/impl/planner/LayerState.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bce438fa13..0000000000
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/CompositionEngine/include/compositionengine/impl/planner/LayerState.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include <compositionengine/LayerFE.h>
-#include <compositionengine/LayerFECompositionState.h>
-#include <compositionengine/OutputLayer.h>
-#include <compositionengine/impl/OutputLayerCompositionState.h>
-#include <input/Flags.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "DisplayHardware/Hal.h"
-#include "math/HashCombine.h"
-namespace std {
-template <typename T>
-struct hash<android::sp<T>> {
- size_t operator()(const android::sp<T>& p) { return std::hash<void*>()(p.get()); }
-template <typename T>
-struct hash<android::wp<T>> {
- size_t operator()(const android::wp<T>& p) {
- android::sp<T> promoted = p.promote();
- return std::hash<void*>()(promoted ? promoted.get() : nullptr);
- }
-} // namespace std
-namespace android::compositionengine::impl::planner {
-using LayerId = int32_t;
-// clang-format off
-enum class LayerStateField : uint32_t {
- None = 0u,
- Id = 1u << 0,
- Name = 1u << 1,
- DisplayFrame = 1u << 2,
- SourceCrop = 1u << 3,
- BufferTransform = 1u << 4,
- BlendMode = 1u << 5,
- Alpha = 1u << 6,
- LayerMetadata = 1u << 7,
- VisibleRegion = 1u << 8,
- Dataspace = 1u << 9,
- PixelFormat = 1u << 10,
- ColorTransform = 1u << 11,
- SurfaceDamage = 1u << 12,
- CompositionType = 1u << 13,
- SidebandStream = 1u << 14,
- Buffer = 1u << 15,
- SolidColor = 1u << 16,
- BackgroundBlurRadius = 1u << 17,
- BlurRegions = 1u << 18,
-// clang-format on
-std::string to_string(LayerStateField field);
-// An abstract interface allows us to iterate over all of the OutputLayerState fields
-// without having to worry about their templated types.
-// See `LayerState::getNonUniqueFields` below.
-class StateInterface {
- virtual ~StateInterface() = default;
- virtual Flags<LayerStateField> update(const compositionengine::OutputLayer* layer) = 0;
- virtual size_t getHash() const = 0;
- virtual LayerStateField getField() const = 0;
- virtual Flags<LayerStateField> getFieldIfDifferent(const StateInterface* other) const = 0;
- virtual bool equals(const StateInterface* other) const = 0;
- virtual std::vector<std::string> toStrings() const = 0;
-template <typename T, LayerStateField FIELD>
-class OutputLayerState : public StateInterface {
- using ReadFromLayerState = std::function<T(const compositionengine::OutputLayer* layer)>;
- using ToStrings = std::function<std::vector<std::string>(const T&)>;
- using Equals = std::function<bool(const T&, const T&)>;
- using Hashes = std::function<size_t(const T&)>;
- static ToStrings getDefaultToStrings() {
- return [](const T& value) {
- using std::to_string;
- return std::vector<std::string>{to_string(value)};
- };
- }
- static ToStrings getHalToStrings() {
- return [](const T& value) { return std::vector<std::string>{toString(value)}; };
- }
- static ToStrings getRegionToStrings() {
- return [](const Region& region) {
- using namespace std::string_literals;
- std::string dump;
- region.dump(dump, "");
- std::vector<std::string> split = base::Split(dump, "\n"s);
- split.erase(split.begin()); // Strip the header
- split.pop_back(); // Strip the last (empty) line
- for (std::string& line : split) {
- line.erase(0, 4); // Strip leading padding before each rect
- }
- return split;
- };
- }
- static Equals getDefaultEquals() {
- return [](const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs == rhs; };
- }
- static Equals getRegionEquals() {
- return [](const Region& lhs, const Region& rhs) { return lhs.hasSameRects(rhs); };
- }
- static Hashes getDefaultHashes() {
- return [](const T& value) { return std::hash<T>{}(value); };
- }
- OutputLayerState(ReadFromLayerState reader,
- ToStrings toStrings = OutputLayerState::getDefaultToStrings(),
- Equals equals = OutputLayerState::getDefaultEquals(),
- Hashes hashes = OutputLayerState::getDefaultHashes())
- : mReader(reader), mToStrings(toStrings), mEquals(equals), mHashes(hashes) {}
- ~OutputLayerState() override = default;
- // Returns this member's field flag if it was changed
- Flags<LayerStateField> update(const compositionengine::OutputLayer* layer) override {
- T newValue = mReader(layer);
- return update(newValue);
- }
- Flags<LayerStateField> update(const T& newValue) {
- if (!mEquals(mValue, newValue)) {
- mValue = newValue;
- mHash = {};
- return FIELD;
- }
- return {};
- }
- LayerStateField getField() const override { return FIELD; }
- const T& get() const { return mValue; }
- size_t getHash() const override {
- if (!mHash) {
- mHash = mHashes(mValue);
- }
- return *mHash;
- }
- Flags<LayerStateField> getFieldIfDifferent(const StateInterface* other) const override {
- if (other->getField() != FIELD) {
- return {};
- }
- // The early return ensures that this downcast is sound
- const OutputLayerState* otherState = static_cast<const OutputLayerState*>(other);
- return *this != *otherState ? FIELD : Flags<LayerStateField>{};
- }
- bool equals(const StateInterface* other) const override {
- if (other->getField() != FIELD) {
- return false;
- }
- // The early return ensures that this downcast is sound
- const OutputLayerState* otherState = static_cast<const OutputLayerState*>(other);
- return *this == *otherState;
- }
- std::vector<std::string> toStrings() const override { return mToStrings(mValue); }
- bool operator==(const OutputLayerState& other) const { return mEquals(mValue, other.mValue); }
- bool operator!=(const OutputLayerState& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
- const ReadFromLayerState mReader;
- const ToStrings mToStrings;
- const Equals mEquals;
- const Hashes mHashes;
- T mValue = {};
- mutable std::optional<size_t> mHash = {};
-class LayerState {
- LayerState(compositionengine::OutputLayer* layer);
- // Returns which fields were updated
- Flags<LayerStateField> update(compositionengine::OutputLayer*);
- // Computes a hash for this LayerState.
- // The hash is only computed from NonUniqueFields, and excludes GraphicBuffers since they are
- // not guaranteed to live longer than the LayerState object.
- size_t getHash() const;
- // Returns the bit-set of differing fields between this LayerState and another LayerState.
- // This bit-set is based on NonUniqueFields only, and excludes GraphicBuffers.
- Flags<LayerStateField> getDifferingFields(const LayerState& other) const;
- compositionengine::OutputLayer* getOutputLayer() const { return mOutputLayer; }
- int32_t getId() const { return mId.get(); }
- const std::string& getName() const { return mName.get(); }
- Rect getDisplayFrame() const { return mDisplayFrame.get(); }
- const Region& getVisibleRegion() const { return mVisibleRegion.get(); }
- bool hasBlurBehind() const {
- return mBackgroundBlurRadius.get() > 0 || !mBlurRegions.get().empty();
- }
- int32_t getBackgroundBlurRadius() const { return mBackgroundBlurRadius.get(); }
- hardware::graphics::composer::hal::Composition getCompositionType() const {
- return mCompositionType.get();
- }
- void incrementFramesSinceBufferUpdate() { ++mFramesSinceBufferUpdate; }
- void resetFramesSinceBufferUpdate() { mFramesSinceBufferUpdate = 0; }
- int64_t getFramesSinceBufferUpdate() const { return mFramesSinceBufferUpdate; }
- ui::Dataspace getDataspace() const { return mOutputDataspace.get(); }
- bool isProtected() const {
- return getOutputLayer()->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->hasProtectedContent;
- }
- void dump(std::string& result) const;
- std::optional<std::string> compare(const LayerState& other) const;
- // This makes LayerState's private members accessible to the operator
- friend bool operator==(const LayerState& lhs, const LayerState& rhs);
- friend bool operator!=(const LayerState& lhs, const LayerState& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- compositionengine::OutputLayer* mOutputLayer = nullptr;
- OutputLayerState<LayerId, LayerStateField::Id> mId{
- [](const compositionengine::OutputLayer* layer) {
- return layer->getLayerFE().getSequence();
- }};
- OutputLayerState<std::string, LayerStateField::Name>
- mName{[](auto layer) { return layer->getLayerFE().getDebugName(); },
- [](const std::string& name) { return std::vector<std::string>{name}; }};
- // Output-dependent geometry state
- OutputLayerState<Rect, LayerStateField::DisplayFrame>
- mDisplayFrame{[](auto layer) { return layer->getState().displayFrame; },
- [](const Rect& rect) {
- return std::vector<std::string>{
- base::StringPrintf("[%d, %d, %d, %d]", rect.left,,
- rect.right, rect.bottom)};
- }};
- OutputLayerState<FloatRect, LayerStateField::SourceCrop>
- mSourceCrop{[](auto layer) { return layer->getState().sourceCrop; },
- [](const FloatRect& rect) {
- return std::vector<std::string>{
- base::StringPrintf("[%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f]", rect.left,
-, rect.right, rect.bottom)};
- }};
- using BufferTransformState = OutputLayerState<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::Transform,
- LayerStateField::BufferTransform>;
- BufferTransformState mBufferTransform{[](auto layer) {
- return layer->getState().bufferTransform;
- },
- BufferTransformState::getHalToStrings()};
- // Output-independent geometry state
- using BlendModeState = OutputLayerState<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::BlendMode,
- LayerStateField::BlendMode>;
- BlendModeState mBlendMode{[](auto layer) {
- return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->blendMode;
- },
- BlendModeState::getHalToStrings()};
- OutputLayerState<float, LayerStateField::Alpha> mAlpha{
- [](auto layer) { return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->alpha; }};
- using LayerMetadataState =
- OutputLayerState<GenericLayerMetadataMap, LayerStateField::LayerMetadata>;
- LayerMetadataState
- mLayerMetadata{[](auto layer) {
- return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->metadata;
- },
- [](const GenericLayerMetadataMap& metadata) {
- std::vector<std::string> result;
- if (metadata.empty()) {
- result.push_back("{}");
- return result;
- }
- result.push_back("{");
- for (const auto& [key, value] : metadata) {
- std::string keyValueDump;
- keyValueDump.append(" ");
- keyValueDump.append(key);
- keyValueDump.append("=");
- keyValueDump.append(value.dumpAsString());
- result.push_back(keyValueDump);
- }
- result.push_back("}");
- return result;
- },
- LayerMetadataState::getDefaultEquals(),
- [](const GenericLayerMetadataMap& metadata) {
- size_t hash = 0;
- for (const auto& [key, value] : metadata) {
- size_t entryHash = 0;
- hashCombineSingleHashed(entryHash,
- std::hash<std::string>{}(key));
- hashCombineSingleHashed(entryHash,
- GenericLayerMetadataEntry::Hasher{}(
- value));
- hash ^= entryHash;
- }
- return hash;
- }};
- // Output-dependent per-frame state
- using VisibleRegionState = OutputLayerState<Region, LayerStateField::VisibleRegion>;
- VisibleRegionState mVisibleRegion{[](auto layer) { return layer->getState().visibleRegion; },
- VisibleRegionState::getRegionToStrings(),
- VisibleRegionState::getRegionEquals()};
- using DataspaceState = OutputLayerState<ui::Dataspace, LayerStateField::Dataspace>;
- DataspaceState mOutputDataspace{[](auto layer) { return layer->getState().dataspace; },
- DataspaceState::getHalToStrings()};
- // Output-independent per-frame state
- using PixelFormatState = OutputLayerState<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::PixelFormat,
- LayerStateField::PixelFormat>;
- PixelFormatState
- mPixelFormat{[](auto layer) {
- return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->buffer
- ? static_cast<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::PixelFormat>(
- layer->getLayerFE()
- .getCompositionState()
- ->buffer->getPixelFormat())
- : hardware::graphics::composer::hal::PixelFormat::RGBA_8888;
- },
- PixelFormatState::getHalToStrings()};
- OutputLayerState<mat4, LayerStateField::ColorTransform> mColorTransform;
- using CompositionTypeState = OutputLayerState<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::Composition,
- LayerStateField::CompositionType>;
- CompositionTypeState
- mCompositionType{[](auto layer) {
- return layer->getState().forceClientComposition
- ? hardware::graphics::composer::hal::Composition::CLIENT
- : layer->getLayerFE()
- .getCompositionState()
- ->compositionType;
- },
- CompositionTypeState::getHalToStrings()};
- OutputLayerState<void*, LayerStateField::SidebandStream>
- mSidebandStream{[](auto layer) {
- return layer->getLayerFE()
- .getCompositionState()
- ->sidebandStream.get();
- },
- [](void* p) {
- return std::vector<std::string>{base::StringPrintf("%p", p)};
- }};
- OutputLayerState<wp<GraphicBuffer>, LayerStateField::Buffer>
- mBuffer{[](auto layer) { return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->buffer; },
- [](const wp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer) {
- sp<GraphicBuffer> promotedBuffer = buffer.promote();
- return std::vector<std::string>{
- base::StringPrintf("%p",
- promotedBuffer ? promotedBuffer.get()
- : nullptr)};
- }};
- int64_t mFramesSinceBufferUpdate = 0;
- OutputLayerState<half4, LayerStateField::SolidColor>
- mSolidColor{[](auto layer) { return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->color; },
- [](const half4& vec) {
- std::stringstream stream;
- stream << vec;
- return std::vector<std::string>{stream.str()};
- }};
- OutputLayerState<int32_t, LayerStateField::BackgroundBlurRadius> mBackgroundBlurRadius{
- [](auto layer) {
- return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->backgroundBlurRadius;
- }};
- using BlurRegionsState =
- OutputLayerState<std::vector<BlurRegion>, LayerStateField::BlurRegions>;
- BlurRegionsState mBlurRegions{[](auto layer) {
- return layer->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->blurRegions;
- },
- [](const std::vector<BlurRegion>& regions) {
- std::vector<std::string> result;
- for (const auto region : regions) {
- std::string str;
- base::StringAppendF(&str,
- "{radius=%du, cornerRadii=[%f, %f, "
- "%f, %f], alpha=%f, rect=[%d, "
- "%d, %d, %d]",
- region.blurRadius,
- region.cornerRadiusTL,
- region.cornerRadiusTR,
- region.cornerRadiusBL,
- region.cornerRadiusBR, region.alpha,
- region.left,, region.right,
- region.bottom);
- result.push_back(str);
- }
- return result;
- },
- BlurRegionsState::getDefaultEquals(),
- [](const std::vector<BlurRegion>& regions) {
- size_t hash = 0;
- for (const auto& region : regions) {
- android::hashCombineSingle(hash, region);
- }
- return hash;
- }};
- static const constexpr size_t kNumNonUniqueFields = 16;
- std::array<StateInterface*, kNumNonUniqueFields> getNonUniqueFields() {
- std::array<const StateInterface*, kNumNonUniqueFields> constFields =
- const_cast<const LayerState*>(this)->getNonUniqueFields();
- std::array<StateInterface*, kNumNonUniqueFields> fields;
- std::transform(constFields.cbegin(), constFields.cend(), fields.begin(),
- [](const StateInterface* constField) {
- return const_cast<StateInterface*>(constField);
- });
- return fields;
- }
- std::array<const StateInterface*, kNumNonUniqueFields> getNonUniqueFields() const {
- return {
- &mDisplayFrame, &mSourceCrop, &mBufferTransform, &mBlendMode,
- &mAlpha, &mLayerMetadata, &mVisibleRegion, &mOutputDataspace,
- &mPixelFormat, &mColorTransform, &mCompositionType, &mSidebandStream,
- &mBuffer, &mSolidColor, &mBackgroundBlurRadius, &mBlurRegions,
- };
- }
-using NonBufferHash = size_t;
-NonBufferHash getNonBufferHash(const std::vector<const LayerState*>&);
-} // namespace android::compositionengine::impl::planner