path: root/services/surfaceflinger/Scheduler/LayerInfoV2.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/Scheduler/LayerInfoV2.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/Scheduler/LayerInfoV2.cpp
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index 44f20d0063..0000000000
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/Scheduler/LayerInfoV2.cpp
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- * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#include "LayerInfoV2.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <utility>
-#include <cutils/compiler.h>
-#include <cutils/trace.h>
-#undef LOG_TAG
-#define LOG_TAG "LayerInfoV2"
-namespace android::scheduler {
-const RefreshRateConfigs* LayerInfoV2::sRefreshRateConfigs = nullptr;
-bool LayerInfoV2::sTraceEnabled = false;
-LayerInfoV2::LayerInfoV2(const std::string& name, nsecs_t highRefreshRatePeriod,
- LayerHistory::LayerVoteType defaultVote)
- : mName(name),
- mHighRefreshRatePeriod(highRefreshRatePeriod),
- mDefaultVote(defaultVote),
- mLayerVote({defaultVote, 0.0f}),
- mRefreshRateHistory(name) {}
-void LayerInfoV2::setLastPresentTime(nsecs_t lastPresentTime, nsecs_t now,
- LayerUpdateType updateType, bool pendingConfigChange) {
- lastPresentTime = std::max(lastPresentTime, static_cast<nsecs_t>(0));
- mLastUpdatedTime = std::max(lastPresentTime, now);
- switch (updateType) {
- case LayerUpdateType::AnimationTX:
- mLastAnimationTime = std::max(lastPresentTime, now);
- break;
- case LayerUpdateType::SetFrameRate:
- case LayerUpdateType::Buffer:
- FrameTimeData frameTime = {.presetTime = lastPresentTime,
- .queueTime = mLastUpdatedTime,
- .pendingConfigChange = pendingConfigChange};
- mFrameTimes.push_back(frameTime);
- if (mFrameTimes.size() > HISTORY_SIZE) {
- mFrameTimes.pop_front();
- }
- break;
- }
-bool LayerInfoV2::isFrameTimeValid(const FrameTimeData& frameTime) const {
- return frameTime.queueTime >= std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(
- mFrameTimeValidSince.time_since_epoch())
- .count();
-bool LayerInfoV2::isFrequent(nsecs_t now) const {
- // If we know nothing about this layer we consider it as frequent as it might be the start
- // of an animation.
- if (mFrameTimes.size() < FREQUENT_LAYER_WINDOW_SIZE) {
- return true;
- }
- // Find the first active frame
- auto it = mFrameTimes.begin();
- for (; it != mFrameTimes.end(); ++it) {
- if (it->queueTime >= getActiveLayerThreshold(now)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- const auto numFrames = std::distance(it, mFrameTimes.end());
- return false;
- }
- // Layer is considered frequent if the average frame rate is higher than the threshold
- const auto totalTime = mFrameTimes.back().queueTime - it->queueTime;
- return (1e9f * (numFrames - 1)) / totalTime >= MIN_FPS_FOR_FREQUENT_LAYER;
-bool LayerInfoV2::isAnimating(nsecs_t now) const {
- return mLastAnimationTime >= getActiveLayerThreshold(now);
-bool LayerInfoV2::hasEnoughDataForHeuristic() const {
- // The layer had to publish at least HISTORY_SIZE or HISTORY_DURATION of updates
- if (mFrameTimes.size() < 2) {
- ALOGV("fewer than 2 frames recorded: %zu", mFrameTimes.size());
- return false;
- }
- if (!isFrameTimeValid(mFrameTimes.front())) {
- ALOGV("stale frames still captured");
- return false;
- }
- const auto totalDuration = mFrameTimes.back().queueTime - mFrameTimes.front().queueTime;
- if (mFrameTimes.size() < HISTORY_SIZE && totalDuration < HISTORY_DURATION.count()) {
- ALOGV("not enough frames captured: %zu | %.2f seconds", mFrameTimes.size(),
- totalDuration / 1e9f);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-std::optional<nsecs_t> LayerInfoV2::calculateAverageFrameTime() const {
- nsecs_t totalPresentTimeDeltas = 0;
- nsecs_t totalQueueTimeDeltas = 0;
- bool missingPresentTime = false;
- int numFrames = 0;
- for (auto it = mFrameTimes.begin(); it != mFrameTimes.end() - 1; ++it) {
- // Ignore frames captured during a config change
- if (it->pendingConfigChange || (it + 1)->pendingConfigChange) {
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- totalQueueTimeDeltas +=
- std::max(((it + 1)->queueTime - it->queueTime), mHighRefreshRatePeriod);
- numFrames++;
- if (!missingPresentTime && (it->presetTime == 0 || (it + 1)->presetTime == 0)) {
- missingPresentTime = true;
- // If there are no presentation timestamps and we haven't calculated
- // one in the past then we can't calculate the refresh rate
- if (mLastRefreshRate.reported == 0) {
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- continue;
- }
- totalPresentTimeDeltas +=
- std::max(((it + 1)->presetTime - it->presetTime), mHighRefreshRatePeriod);
- }
- // Calculate the average frame time based on presentation timestamps. If those
- // doesn't exist, we look at the time the buffer was queued only. We can do that only if
- // we calculated a refresh rate based on presentation timestamps in the past. The reason
- // we look at the queue time is to handle cases where hwui attaches presentation timestamps
- // when implementing render ahead for specific refresh rates. When hwui no longer provides
- // presentation timestamps we look at the queue time to see if the current refresh rate still
- // matches the content.
- const auto averageFrameTime =
- static_cast<float>(missingPresentTime ? totalQueueTimeDeltas : totalPresentTimeDeltas) /
- numFrames;
- return static_cast<nsecs_t>(averageFrameTime);
-std::optional<float> LayerInfoV2::calculateRefreshRateIfPossible(nsecs_t now) {
- static constexpr float MARGIN = 1.0f; // 1Hz
- if (!hasEnoughDataForHeuristic()) {
- ALOGV("Not enough data");
- return std::nullopt;
- }
- const auto averageFrameTime = calculateAverageFrameTime();
- if (averageFrameTime.has_value()) {
- const auto refreshRate = 1e9f / *averageFrameTime;
- const bool refreshRateConsistent = mRefreshRateHistory.add(refreshRate, now);
- if (refreshRateConsistent) {
- const auto knownRefreshRate =
- sRefreshRateConfigs->findClosestKnownFrameRate(refreshRate);
- // To avoid oscillation, use the last calculated refresh rate if it is
- // close enough
- if (std::abs(mLastRefreshRate.calculated - refreshRate) > MARGIN &&
- mLastRefreshRate.reported != knownRefreshRate) {
- mLastRefreshRate.calculated = refreshRate;
- mLastRefreshRate.reported = knownRefreshRate;
- }
- ALOGV("%s %.2fHz rounded to nearest known frame rate %.2fHz", mName.c_str(),
- refreshRate, mLastRefreshRate.reported);
- } else {
- ALOGV("%s Not stable (%.2fHz) returning last known frame rate %.2fHz", mName.c_str(),
- refreshRate, mLastRefreshRate.reported);
- }
- }
- return mLastRefreshRate.reported == 0 ? std::nullopt
- : std::make_optional(mLastRefreshRate.reported);
-std::pair<LayerHistory::LayerVoteType, float> LayerInfoV2::getRefreshRate(nsecs_t now) {
- if (mLayerVote.type != LayerHistory::LayerVoteType::Heuristic) {
- ALOGV("%s voted %d ", mName.c_str(), static_cast<int>(mLayerVote.type));
- return {mLayerVote.type, mLayerVote.fps};
- }
- if (isAnimating(now)) {
- ALOGV("%s is animating", mName.c_str());
- mLastRefreshRate.animatingOrInfrequent = true;
- return {LayerHistory::LayerVoteType::Max, 0};
- }
- if (!isFrequent(now)) {
- ALOGV("%s is infrequent", mName.c_str());
- mLastRefreshRate.animatingOrInfrequent = true;
- return {LayerHistory::LayerVoteType::Min, 0};
- }
- // If the layer was previously tagged as animating or infrequent, we clear
- // the history as it is likely the layer just changed its behavior
- // and we should not look at stale data
- if (mLastRefreshRate.animatingOrInfrequent) {
- clearHistory(now);
- }
- auto refreshRate = calculateRefreshRateIfPossible(now);
- if (refreshRate.has_value()) {
- ALOGV("%s calculated refresh rate: %.2f", mName.c_str(), refreshRate.value());
- return {LayerHistory::LayerVoteType::Heuristic, refreshRate.value()};
- }
- ALOGV("%s Max (can't resolve refresh rate)", mName.c_str());
- return {LayerHistory::LayerVoteType::Max, 0};
-const char* LayerInfoV2::getTraceTag(android::scheduler::LayerHistory::LayerVoteType type) const {
- if (mTraceTags.count(type) == 0) {
- const auto tag = "LFPS " + mName + " " + RefreshRateConfigs::layerVoteTypeString(type);
- mTraceTags.emplace(type, tag);
- }
- return;
-LayerInfoV2::RefreshRateHistory::makeHeuristicTraceTagData() const {
- const std::string prefix = "LFPS ";
- const std::string suffix = "Heuristic ";
- return {.min = prefix + mName + suffix + "min",
- .max = prefix + mName + suffix + "max",
- .consistent = prefix + mName + suffix + "consistent",
- .average = prefix + mName + suffix + "average"};
-void LayerInfoV2::RefreshRateHistory::clear() {
- mRefreshRates.clear();
-bool LayerInfoV2::RefreshRateHistory::add(float refreshRate, nsecs_t now) {
- mRefreshRates.push_back({refreshRate, now});
- while (mRefreshRates.size() >= HISTORY_SIZE ||
- now - mRefreshRates.front().timestamp > HISTORY_DURATION.count()) {
- mRefreshRates.pop_front();
- }
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(sTraceEnabled)) {
- if (!mHeuristicTraceTagData.has_value()) {
- mHeuristicTraceTagData = makeHeuristicTraceTagData();
- }
- ATRACE_INT(mHeuristicTraceTagData->average.c_str(), static_cast<int>(refreshRate));
- }
- return isConsistent();
-bool LayerInfoV2::RefreshRateHistory::isConsistent() const {
- if (mRefreshRates.empty()) return true;
- const auto max = std::max_element(mRefreshRates.begin(), mRefreshRates.end());
- const auto min = std::min_element(mRefreshRates.begin(), mRefreshRates.end());
- const auto consistent = max->refreshRate - min->refreshRate <= MARGIN_FPS;
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(sTraceEnabled)) {
- if (!mHeuristicTraceTagData.has_value()) {
- mHeuristicTraceTagData = makeHeuristicTraceTagData();
- }
- ATRACE_INT(mHeuristicTraceTagData->max.c_str(), static_cast<int>(max->refreshRate));
- ATRACE_INT(mHeuristicTraceTagData->min.c_str(), static_cast<int>(min->refreshRate));
- ATRACE_INT(mHeuristicTraceTagData->consistent.c_str(), consistent);
- }
- return consistent;
-} // namespace android::scheduler