AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
39 hoursFixes for compile commands extractoremu-devErwin Jansen
3 daysFix boringssl build breakErwin Jansen
5 daysMerge "Fix launcher" into emu-devTreehugger Robot
5 daysFixes for abseil-cpp mergeErwin Jansen
5 daysFix launcherErwin Jansen
9 daysMove windows rust crates and update build filesErwin Jansen
9 daysAdd missing linux rust filesErwin Jansen
9 daysUpdate registration and distribution with RutabagaErwin Jansen
11 daysAdd rust crate build filesErwin Jansen
12 daysImport windows crates from emu-master-devErwin Jansen
2024-05-03Windows fixes for launcherErwin Jansen
2024-05-03Emulator launcher for configuring and starting QEMUErwin Jansen
2024-05-03Windows: Enable plugins for qemu-system-x86_64Erwin Jansen
2024-05-01Merge "Include qemu-img in the release" into emu-devTreehugger Robot
2024-04-30Relocate packages to improve organization [cleanup]Erwin Jansen
2024-05-01Include qemu-img in the releaseErwin Jansen
2024-04-29Update distribution dependenciesErwin Jansen
2024-04-29Introduce release targetsErwin Jansen
2024-04-28Add emulator pluginErwin Jansen
2024-04-04Implement StorageCapacity class for flexible byte-based storage representationErwin Jansen
2024-03-29Merge "Bring in adb key generation library from emu-master-dev" into emu-devTreehugger Robot
2024-03-29Merge "Improve AOSP linux experience" into emu-devTreehugger Robot
2024-03-29Bring in adb key generation library from emu-master-devErwin Jansen
2024-03-29Linux build fixesErwin Jansen
2024-03-28Improve AOSP linux experienceErwin Jansen
2024-03-27Make the android files library availableErwin Jansen
2024-03-26Bring in cpu and files library from emu-master-devErwin Jansen
2024-03-26Bring in logging and system libraryErwin Jansen
2024-03-26Import filesystems from emu-master-devErwin Jansen
2024-03-26Merge "Bring in nhlohmann json" into emu-devErwin Jansen
2024-03-26Bring in nhlohmann jsonErwin Jansen
2024-03-26Add .clang-tidy and .gitignoreErwin Jansen
2024-03-22Addition bcc performance improvementsErwin Jansen
2024-03-21Set of performance improvementsErwin Jansen
2024-03-20Bazel to compile_commands.json toolErwin Jansen
2023-11-15Initial empty