AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-02-15audio: workaround for angrybirdslinaro_android_4.0.3_snowballVishal Bhoj
2011-12-19Gralloc: Adding required ST-Ericsson changes to gralloc.ST-Ericsson
2011-12-19gralloc: Fix inverted colors on BRGABernhard Rosenkraenzer
2011-12-19Use FBIOPAN_DISPLAY instead of FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFOBernhard Rosenkraenzer
2011-11-28Merge "improve h/w composer documentation" into ics-mr1android-sdk-4.0.3_r1android-sdk-4.0.3-tools_r1android-cts-verifier-4.0_r1android-cts-verifier-4.0.3_r1android-cts-4.0.3_r2android-cts-4.0.3_r1android-4.0.4_r2.1android-4.0.4_r2android-4.0.4_r1.2android-4.0.4_r1.1android-4.0.4_r1android-4.0.3_r1.1android-4.0.3_r1ics-mr1-releaseics-mr1Mathias Agopian
2011-11-21Gralloc: add a usage bit for video encodingJamie Gennis
2011-11-21improve h/w composer documentationMathias Agopian
2011-11-16improve hw composer documentationMathias Agopian
2011-11-08improve sensor HAL documentationMathias Agopian
2011-11-07Merge "New NFC HAL." into ics-mr1Martijn Coenen
2011-11-04New NFC HAL.Martijn Coenen
2011-11-01change sensor HAL documentation to allow setting polling rate for "non contin...Mathias Agopian
2011-09-27am 7bd7dd5d: am 3c935eda: resolved conflicts for merge of 33fddf0c to 'Digit' Turner
2011-09-23am 3c935eda: resolved conflicts for merge of 33fddf0c to gingerbread-plus-aospDavid 'Digit' Turner
2011-09-23resolved conflicts for merge of 33fddf0c to gingerbread-plus-aospDavid 'Digit' Turner
2011-09-18improve sensor HAL testMathias Agopian
2011-09-16emulator: Add <hardware/qemu_pipe.h> headerandroid-cts-2.3_r12android-cts-2.3_r11android-cts-2.3_r10gingerbreadDavid 'Digit' Turner
2011-08-11audio policy: register effect CPU on enableEric Laurent
2011-08-10Merge "Gralloc: add a HWComposer usage bit"Jamie Gennis
2011-08-10am 73bff7f3: am bce402a8: Merge "qemu_pipe: fix Mac build error."David Turner
2011-08-10am abe47190: am 079ff13b: Merge "Enable connection to QEMUD via pipe."Vladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-10Gralloc: add a HWComposer usage bitJamie Gennis
2011-08-09am bce402a8: Merge "qemu_pipe: fix Mac build error."David Turner
2011-08-09Merge "qemu_pipe: fix Mac build error."David Turner
2011-08-09qemu_pipe: fix Mac build error.David Turner
2011-08-08am 079ff13b: Merge "Enable connection to QEMUD via pipe."Vladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-08Merge "Enable connection to QEMUD via pipe."Vladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-07audio HAL: add support for TTY mode selectionEric Laurent
2011-08-05Enable connection to QEMUD via pipe.Vladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-04am 20013279: am 4306ca7d: Merge "GPS: added update_network_availability to AG...Mike Lockwood
2011-08-04am 4306ca7d: Merge "GPS: added update_network_availability to AGpsRilInterface"Mike Lockwood
2011-08-04Merge "GPS: added update_network_availability to AGpsRilInterface"Mike Lockwood
2011-08-04GPS: added update_network_availability to AGpsRilInterfaceKevin Tang
2011-08-03am d9f2f74e: am da51d1ca: Merge "Inline implementation of qemu_pipe_open"Vladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-03am da51d1ca: Merge "Inline implementation of qemu_pipe_open"Vladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-03Merge "Inline implementation of qemu_pipe_open"Vladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-03Inline implementation of qemu_pipe_openVladimir Chtchetkine
2011-08-02audio HAL: add defines for BT NREC parameterEric Laurent
2011-08-01Add a h/w composer HAL API to allow the HAL to trigger a redrawMathias Agopian
2011-07-28Merge "Add frame metadata to camera data callback."Wu-cheng Li
2011-07-29Add frame metadata to camera data callback.Wu-cheng Li
2011-07-28am bc287a05: am 61659b21: Merge "gps: Adding ip address for AGps"Mike Lockwood
2011-07-28am 61659b21: Merge "gps: Adding ip address for AGps"Mike Lockwood
2011-07-28Merge "gps: Adding ip address for AGps"Mike Lockwood
2011-07-28gps: Adding ip address for AGpsStephen Li
2011-07-26camera HAL: add optional put_parameters callbackIliyan Malchev
2011-07-13Merge "get rid of overlay HAL"Mathias Agopian
2011-07-13Ignore 6f3cb7d4Jean-Baptiste Queru
2011-07-12get rid of overlay HALMathias Agopian
2011-07-12Merge "Remove the simulator target from all makefiles. Bug: 5010576"Jeff Brown