path: root/perf_tools
diff options
authorrobrajapakse <>2022-10-11 10:16:20 -0700
committerrobrajapakse <>2022-10-11 10:37:29 -0700
commit51d4eda00de2f888b0bdd95946c027d007d7e4a3 (patch)
tree78fa611bf8ed1649ada85c54b34571f884cb31b6 /perf_tools
parent51cbaa40fab82382a0916bfbc60feabbcbf61a05 (diff)
Tool to pull 20 data sets from a seahawk for SBT analysis
Test: Manual Bug: 241473698 Change-Id: Iee039709493fca776704a89e41c8cde19acdedb0
Diffstat (limited to 'perf_tools')
1 files changed, 562 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perf_tools/ b/perf_tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c6af55ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perf_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+#from calendar import c
+import sys
+import os
+import copy
+import argparse
+import statistics
+import glob
+import subprocess
+import re
+import time
+from string import digits
+class LogLine:
+ remove_digits = str.maketrans('', '', digits)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.lineNum = 0
+ self.timeStamp = 0
+ = 0
+ self.deltaDiff = 0
+ self.text = "none"
+ self.textKey = "none"
+ def parse(self, index, line, priorTimeStamp):
+ _line = line.strip()
+ words = _line.split("]", 1)
+ timeString = words[0].strip(" [")
+ self.lineNum = index
+ self.timeStamp = float(timeString)
+ = self.timeStamp - priorTimeStamp
+ self.text = words[1][:150]
+ self.textKey = self.text.translate(self.remove_digits)
+ priorTimeStamp = self.timeStamp
+ return self
+ def getTextKey(self):
+ textKey = self.textKey
+ return textKey
+ def print(self):
+ print("I, {:5d}, T, {:8.4f}, D, {: .4f}, DD, ({: .4f}) {}".format(self.lineNum, self.timeStamp,, self.deltaDiff, self.text))
+ def toString(self):
+ return "I, {:5d}, T, {:8.4f}, D, {: .4f}, DD, ({: .4f}) {}".format(self.lineNum, self.timeStamp,, self.deltaDiff, self.text)
+def sortByDelta(item):
+ return
+def sortByTimeStamp(item):
+ return item.timeStamp
+class LogLineListStats:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.numItems = 0
+ self.firstTimeStamp = 0
+ self.lastTimeStamp = 0
+ self.deltaSum = 0
+ self.deltaDiffSum = 0
+ self.status = "unknown"
+ = "unknown"
+ def print(self):
+ print("Name {:25} NumItems {:4d} FirstTimeStamp {:.3f}, lastTimeStamp {:.3f}, deltaTime {:.3f} deltaSum {:.3f}, deltaDiffSum {:.3f} Status {}".format(, self.numItems, self.firstTimeStamp, self.lastTimeStamp, (self.lastTimeStamp - self.firstTimeStamp), self.deltaSum, self.deltaDiffSum, self.status))
+ def add(self, _other):
+ if (_other.firstTimeStamp< self.firstTimeStamp):
+ self.firstTimeStamp = _other.firstTimeStamp
+ if (_other.lastTimeStamp > self.lastTimeStamp):
+ self.lastTimeStamp = _other.lastTimeStamp
+ self.deltaSum += _other.deltaSum
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+class LogLineList:
+ def __init__(self, _name= ""):
+ self.list = []
+ = _name
+ def clear(self):
+ self.list.clear()
+ def append(self, item):
+ self.list.append(item)
+ def print(self, numItems=None):
+ printLineNum = 0
+ timeStart = 0
+ sumDelta = 0
+ sumDeltaDiff = 0
+ print("List: {}",
+ for item in self.list:
+ if (timeStart==0):
+ timeStart = item.timeStamp
+ timeOffset = item.timeStamp - timeStart
+ sumDelta +=
+ sumDeltaDiff += item.deltaDiff
+ printLineNum += 1
+ printLine = "{:4d} {:.4f} {: .4f} ({: .4f}) | {} ".format(printLineNum, timeOffset, sumDelta, sumDeltaDiff, item.toString())
+ print(printLine)
+ if (numItems!=None):
+ numItems -= 1
+ if (numItems<=0):
+ break
+ def find(self, word):
+ itemList = []
+ for item in self.list:
+ if item.text.find(word) != -1:
+ itemList.append(item)
+ return itemList
+ def findFirst(self, word):
+ itemList = self.find(word)
+ if (itemList!=None):
+ if (len(itemList)>0):
+ return itemList[0]
+ return None
+ def findTextKey(self, textKey):
+ itemList = []
+ for item in self.list:
+ if item.getTextKey()==textKey:
+ itemList.append(item)
+ if (len(itemList)==0):
+ return None
+ return itemList[0]
+ def findItem(self, item):
+ textKey = item.getTextKey()
+ return self.findTextKey(textKey)
+ def findExactItem(self, item):
+ text = item.text
+ return self.find(text)
+ def filter(self, startKeyWord, endKeyWord, delta=0):
+ resultsList = LogLineList()
+ startTime = self.findFirst(startKeyWord).timeStamp
+ endTime = self.findFirst(endKeyWord).timeStamp
+ for item in self.list:
+ if ((item.timeStamp >= startTime) and (item.timeStamp<=endTime)):
+ if (item.timeStamp == startTime):
+ = 0
+ if (( > delta) or ((item.timeStamp == startTime))):
+ resultsList.append(item)
+ =
+ return resultsList
+ def findCommon(self, otherList):
+ commonList = LogLineList()
+ = + "_common"
+ notCommonList = LogLineList()
+ = + "_notCommon"
+ numFoundItems = 0
+ numNotFoundItems = 0
+ for item in self.list:
+ dm1 = otherList.findExactItem(item)
+ _item = copy.deepcopy(item)
+ if dm1!=None:
+ commonList.append(_item)
+ numFoundItems += 1
+ else:
+ notCommonList.append(_item)
+ numNotFoundItems += 1
+ print("FindCommon {} {} {} {}".format(len(self.list), len(otherList.list), numFoundItems, numNotFoundItems ))
+ return commonList, notCommonList
+ def difference(self, otherList):
+ diffList = LogLineList()
+ = + "Diff"
+ for item in self.list:
+ thisItem = copy.deepcopy(item)
+ otherItem = otherList.findItem(item)
+ if (item.text.find("EXT4-fs (sda11): recovery complete")!=-1):
+ print("here")
+ if otherItem==None:
+ print("LogLineList::difference() !Error, other does not have {}".format(item.text))
+ else:
+ thisItem.deltaDiff = -
+ diffList.append(thisItem)
+ return diffList
+ def analyze(self, checkPeriod = True, includeFirst = True):
+ numItems = 0
+ firstTimeStamp = 0
+ firstDelta = 0
+ lastTimeStamp = 0
+ deltaSum = 0
+ deltaDiffSum = 0
+ for item in self.list:
+ numItems += 1
+ deltaSum +=
+ deltaDiffSum += item.deltaDiff
+ if firstTimeStamp==0:
+ firstTimeStamp = item.timeStamp
+ firstDelta =
+ deltaSum = 0
+ deltaDiffSum = 0
+ if (item.timeStamp<firstTimeStamp):
+ firstTimeStamp = item.timeStamp
+ firstDelta =
+ if (item.timeStamp > lastTimeStamp):
+ lastTimeStamp = item.timeStamp
+ timePeriod = lastTimeStamp - firstTimeStamp
+ status = "pass"
+ if (checkPeriod):
+ diff = timePeriod - deltaSum
+ if (abs(diff)>0.0001):
+ print("LogLineList::Analyze() {} ERROR! TimePeriod:{}, CumulativeDelta: {} ".format(, timePeriod, deltaSum))
+ status = "ERROR"
+ logLineListStats = LogLineListStats()
+ logLineListStats.numItems = numItems
+ logLineListStats.firstTimeStamp = firstTimeStamp
+ logLineListStats.lastTimeStamp = lastTimeStamp
+ logLineListStats.deltaSum = deltaSum
+ logLineListStats.deltaDiffSum = deltaDiffSum
+ logLineListStats.status = status
+ =
+ return logLineListStats
+ def addList(self, otherList):
+ self.list.extend(otherList.list)
+ self.list = sorted(self.list, key=sortByTimeStamp)
+class LogFile:
+ priorTimeStamp = 0.0
+ def __init__(self, _fileName = ""):
+ self.logLineList = LogLineList()
+ if (_fileName!=""):
+ self.load(_fileName)
+ def loadLines(self, lines):
+ logLineList = LogLineList()
+ for index, line in enumerate(lines):
+ logLine = LogLine().parse(index, line, self.priorTimeStamp)
+ self.priorTimeStamp = logLine.timeStamp
+ logLineList.append(logLine)
+ return logLineList
+ def load(self, _fileName):
+ = _fileName
+ try:
+ file = open(_fileName, 'r')
+ lines = file.readlines()
+ self.logLineList = self.loadLines(lines)
+ file.close()
+ except:
+ print("Error, file '{}' does not exist".format(
+ def print(self, numItems=None):
+ self.logLineList.print(numItems)
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+class MetricSet:
+ def __init__(self, _names):
+ self.columnNames = _names
+ self.rowColArray = []
+ self.rowSum = []
+ self.rowMax = []
+ self.rowMin = []
+ self.rowStd = []
+ self.rowMedian = []
+ for col in self.columnNames:
+ self.rowSum.append(0)
+ self.rowMax.append(0)
+ self.rowMin.append(sys.maxsize)
+ self.rowStd.append(0)
+ self.rowMedian.append(0)
+ def appendSet(self, values):
+ self.rowColArray.append(values)
+ def print(self):
+ print("{}".format(" Line#"), end='')
+ for words in self.columnNames:
+ print(", '{}'".format(words), end='')
+ print("")
+ for row, values in enumerate(self.rowColArray):
+ print("{:6d}".format(row), end='')
+ for col, value in enumerate(values):
+ print(", {:.3f}".format(value), end='')
+ print("")
+ print("{}".format(" MAX"), end='')
+ for value in self.rowMax:
+ print(", {:.3f}".format(value), end='')
+ print("")
+ print("{}".format(" AVE"), end='')
+ for value in self.rowSum:
+ print(", {:.3f}".format(value), end='')
+ print("")
+ print("{}".format(" MIN"), end='')
+ for value in self.rowMin:
+ print(", {:2.3f}".format(value), end='')
+ print("")
+ print("{}".format(" STD"), end='')
+ for value in self.rowStd:
+ print(", {:2.3f}".format(value), end='')
+ print("")
+ print("{}".format("MEDIAN"), end='')
+ for value in self.rowMedian:
+ print(", {:2.3f}".format(value), end='')
+ print("")
+ def analyze(self):
+ stdCols = []
+ numCols = len(self.columnNames)
+ numRows = len(self.rowColArray)
+ for col in range(numCols):
+ stdCols.append([])
+ # compute sum
+ for row, values in enumerate(self.rowColArray):
+ for col, value in enumerate(values):
+ self.rowSum[col] += value
+ if value > self.rowMax[col]:
+ self.rowMax[col] = value
+ if value < self.rowMin[col]:
+ self.rowMin[col] = value
+ # compute std
+ for col in range(numCols):
+ for row in range(numRows):
+ try:
+ val = self.rowColArray[row][col]
+ stdCols[col].append(val)
+ except IndexError:
+ i = 3
+ for col, colList in enumerate(stdCols):
+ stdValue = 0
+ if (len(colList)>0):
+ stdValue = statistics.pstdev(colList)
+ stdMedian = statistics.median(colList)
+ self.rowStd[col] = stdValue
+ self.rowMedian[col] = stdMedian
+ #compute average
+ for col, value in enumerate(self.rowSum):
+ if numRows > 0:
+ self.rowSum[col] = self.rowSum[col] / numRows
+ else:
+ self.rowSum[col] = 0
+class AnalyzeFile:
+ initFirstTime = 0
+ initSecondTime = 0
+ def __init__(self, _fileName, _keyWords = ["init first", "init second", "boot_completed"]):
+ self.fileName = _fileName
+ self.logFile = LogFile(_fileName)
+ self.workingList = []
+ self.keyWords = _keyWords
+ def report(self):
+ print("-----------------------")
+ print("Reporting on '{}'".format(self.fileName))
+ for word in self.keyWords:
+ item = self.logFile.logLineList.findFirst(word)
+ item.print()
+ print("-----------------------")
+ def getMetrics(self, metricsSet):
+ values = []
+ for word in self.keyWords:
+ item = self.logFile.logLineList.findFirst(word)
+ if item is not None:
+ values.append(item.timeStamp)
+ else:
+ print("Did not find {} ".format(word))
+ metricsSet.appendSet(values)
+ def keyWordReport(self, keyword):
+ numItems = 0
+ cumd = 0
+ items = self.logFile.logLineList.find(keyword)
+ for item in items:
+ item.print()
+ numItems += 1
+ cumd +=
+ print("Num {} found = {}, Sum delay = {:.2f} ".format(keyword, numItems, cumd))
+ for item in items:
+ lineKeywords = item.text.split(" ")
+ if (len(lineKeywords)>2):
+ if lineKeywords[2] == "Service":
+ tookIndex = item.text.find("took")
+ if (tookIndex!=None):
+ tookTime = item.text[tookIndex:tookIndex+10]
+ print("{} took {}".format(lineKeywords[3], tookTime))
+class Analyzer:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.fileName = []
+ def rebootAndRunCmdToFile(self, fileNamePrefix, msgPrefix, Cmd, numTimes, startIndex):
+ captured = False
+ error = False
+ filenameNum = ""
+ for i in range(numTimes):
+ postfix = str(i+startIndex)
+ filenameNum = fileNamePrefix + "-" + postfix + ".txt"
+ print(msgPrefix + " to {}".format(filenameNum))
+ # try 5 times to capure status 'boot_completed'
+ for i in range(5):
+ captured = False
+ rebootCmd = "adb shell su root reboot"
+ fullCmd = Cmd + " > {}".format(filenameNum)
+ x = os.system(rebootCmd)
+ if (x!=0):
+ print("Error")
+ error = True
+ break
+ time.sleep(45)
+ x = os.system(fullCmd)
+ if (x!=0):
+ print("Error")
+ error = True
+ break
+ # check for boot complete
+ try:
+ checkBootComplete = "grep boot_complete {}".format(filenameNum)
+ output = subprocess.check_output(checkBootComplete, shell=True)
+ captured = True
+ break
+ except:
+ captured = False
+ print("trying again for {}".format(filenameNum))
+ if not captured:
+ print("ERROR - failed to capture {}".format(filenameNum))
+ if error:
+ os.system("rm {}".format(filenameNum))
+ return captured
+ def getBuildID(self):
+ buildIDCmd = "adb shell su root getprop"
+ buildString = subprocess.check_output(buildIDCmd, shell = True)
+ numberList = re.findall(r'\d+', buildString.decode('ISO-8859-1') )
+ if (numberList==None): return 0
+ if (len(numberList)==0): return 0
+ buildID = numberList[0]
+ return buildID
+ def pullDmesgLogs(self, BuildID, numTimes, startIndex):
+ fileNamePrefix = BuildID
+ msgPrefix = "Pulling Kernel dmesg logs"
+ cmd = "adb shell su root dmesg"
+ return self.rebootAndRunCmdToFile(fileNamePrefix, msgPrefix, cmd, numTimes, startIndex)
+ def pullLogcatLogs(self, BuildID, numTimes, startIndex):
+ fileNamePrefix = "LC-"+BuildID
+ msgPrefix = "Pulling Kernel Logcat"
+ cmd = "adb logcat -b all -d"
+ return self.rebootAndRunCmdToFile(fileNamePrefix, msgPrefix, cmd, numTimes, startIndex)
+ def runBootAnalyze(self, filename, numTimes, startIndex):
+ ABT = os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"]
+ if (len(ABT)<=0):
+ print("ERROR - ANDROID_BUILD_TOP not set")
+ BAFILE = "BA-" + filename + "-" + str(numTimes + startIndex) + ".txt"
+ BACmd = ABT + "/system/extras/boottime_tools/bootanalyze/ -c " + ABT + "/system/extras/boottime_tools/bootanalyze/config.yaml -n 20 -r -t > " + BAFILE
+ print(BACmd)
+ x = os.system(BACmd)
+ if (x!=0):
+ print("ERROR running bootanalze")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def pullAll(self):
+ BuildID = self.getBuildID()
+ Cmd = "adb bugreport bugreport-{}".format(BuildID)
+ print(Cmd)
+ x = os.system(Cmd)
+ if (x!=0):
+ print("ERROR Pulling all data")
+ return False
+ self.pullDmesgLogs(BuildID, 20, 0)
+ self.pullLogcatLogs(BuildID, 2, 0)
+ self.runBootAnalyze(BuildID, 20, 0)
+ self.summaryReportOnDmesgLogFiles(BuildID, 20)
+ def summaryReportOnDmesgLogFiles(self, BuildID, numFiles):
+ metricKeyWords = ["init first", "init second", "boot_completed"]
+ metricSet = MetricSet(metricKeyWords)
+ print("Summary report on log files with build ID {}".format(BuildID))
+ dirList = glob.glob("{}*.txt".format(BuildID))
+ numFilesAnalyzed = 0
+ for index, file in enumerate(dirList):
+ analyzeFile = AnalyzeFile(file, metricKeyWords)
+ #check it's a kernel log file
+ item = analyzeFile.logFile.logLineList.findFirst("build.fingerprint")
+ if (item!=None):
+ #check if it has the correct build ID
+ if (item.text.find(BuildID)==-1):
+ continue
+ else:
+ print("BuildID {} not found in file {} fingerprint {}".format(BuildID, file, item))
+ continue
+ analyzeFile.getMetrics(metricSet)
+ numFilesAnalyzed += 1
+ if ((index+1)>=numFiles):
+ break
+ if (numFilesAnalyzed>0):
+ metricSet.analyze()
+ metricSet.print()
+ else:
+ print("No files criteria {}* and build.fingerprint with {}".format(BuildID, BuildID))
+ def rename(self, BuildID1, BuildID2, fileType):
+ print("Summary report on log files with build ID {}".format(BuildID1))
+ dirList = glob.glob("*{}*".format(BuildID1))
+ for index, file in enumerate(dirList):
+ findRes = file.find(BuildID1)
+ if (findRes!=-1):
+ newFile = file.replace(BuildID1, BuildID2, 1)
+ newFile += fileType
+ os.system("mv {} {}".format(file, newFile))
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='pull all data files from seahawk and run dmesg summary report. The data files will be prefixed with the build ID')
+parser.add_argument("-plc", nargs=3, metavar=('<BuildID>', '<numTimes>', '<startIndex>'), help="pull logcat numTimes from seahawk")
+parser.add_argument("-pdm", nargs=3, metavar=('<BuildID>', '<numTimes>', '<startIndex>'), help="pull dmesg logs numTimes from seahawk")
+parser.add_argument("-pba", nargs=2, metavar=('<BuildID>', '<numTimes>'), help="pull bootanalyze numTimes from seahawk")
+parser.add_argument("-rd", nargs=2, metavar=('<BuildID>', '<numFiles>'), help="summary report on <numFiles> dmesg log files named <BuildID>-*.txt in current directory")
+parser.add_argument("-pA", action='store_true', help="pull all data from seahawk a default number of times")
+parser.add_argument("-t", nargs="*", help="test - do not use")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.pdm!=None:
+ Analyzer().pullDmesgLogs(args.pdm[0], int(args.pdm[1]), int(args.pdm[2]))
+if args.plc!=None:
+ Analyzer().pullLogcatLogs(args.plc[0], int(args.plc[1]), int(args.plc[2]))
+if args.pba!=None:
+ Analyzer().runBootAnalyze(args.pba[0], int(args.pba[1]), 0)
+if args.pA!=None:
+ Analyzer().pullAll()
+if args.rd!=None:
+ Analyzer().summaryReportOnDmesgLogFiles(args.rd[0], int(args.rd[1]))
+if args.t!=None:
+ Analyzer().getBuildID()