path: root/perf_tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perf_tools/')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perf_tools/ b/perf_tools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ba23142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perf_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+import sys
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+# Usage:
+# python3 logcat.txt "08-23 23:10:32.555" 10 200
+# Description: extract events and timing in the log that start from timestamp "08-23 23:10:32.555"
+# till 10 seconds
+# Usage:
+# python3 logcat1.txt logcat2.txt 10 ts1 ts1 200
+# Description: report the timing that the differences are bigger than 200
+# Example:
+# python3 log_processing/ 8976224/logcat.txt 8879724/logcat.txt
+# "08-23 23:10:32.555" "07-29 06:39:06.254" 200
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) == 5:
+ process_one_log()
+ elif len(sys.argv) == 6:
+ compair_two_log()
+ else:
+ print("wrong number of arguments")
+def compair_two_log():
+ filepath1 = sys.argv[1]
+ print(filepath1)
+ if not os.path.isfile(filepath1):
+ print("File path {} does not exist. Exiting...".format(filepath1))
+ sys.exit()
+ filepath2 = sys.argv[2]
+ print(filepath2)
+ if not os.path.isfile(filepath2):
+ print("File path {} does not exist. Exiting...".format(filepath2))
+ sys.exit()
+ ts1 = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[3], '%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+ ts2 = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[4], '%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+ duration = float(sys.argv[5])*1000
+ # 1: took to complete 1000ms
+ # 2: took 33ms
+ # 3: took 33 ms or took 0.3 seconds
+ file1_events = [{}, {}, {}]
+ file2_events = [{}, {}, {}]
+ extract_events(filepath1, file1_events, ts1, duration)
+ extract_events(filepath2, file2_events, ts2, duration)
+ sum_events_timing(file1_events)
+ sum_events_timing(file2_events)
+ sum_all_events_timing_diff(file1_events, file2_events)
+ sys.exit()
+def process_one_log():
+ filepath = sys.argv[1]
+ print(filepath)
+ if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
+ print("File path {} does not exist. Exiting...".format(filepath))
+ sys.exit()
+ # 1: took to complete 1000ms
+ # 2: took 33ms
+ # 3: took 33 ms or took 0.3 seconds
+ events = [{}, {}, {}]
+ ts = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2], '%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+ duration = float(sys.argv[3])*1000
+ extract_events(filepath, events, ts, duration)
+ timing = float(sys.argv[3])
+ print_sorted_all_events(events, timing)
+ sys.exit()
+def print_sorted_all_events(file_events, timing):
+ for i in range(len(file_events)):
+ print_sorted_events(file_events[i], timing)
+def print_sorted_events(events, timing):
+ for word in sorted(events, key=events.get, reverse=True):
+ if (events[word]) > timing:
+ print("event:{} \ttiming:{} ".format(word, events[word]))
+def sum_events_timing(events):
+ total_sum = 0;
+ for i in range(len(events)):
+ sum = 0
+ print("start summary for type {}".format(i))
+ for event in events[i]:
+ sum += events[i][event]
+ #print("event {} timing {} ".format(event, events[i][event]))
+ print("sum events type {} {} : timing {}".format(i, len(events), sum))
+ total_sum += sum
+ print("sum all type events timing {}\n".format(total_sum))
+def sum_events_timing_diff(type, file1_events, file2_events):
+ sum_diff = 0
+ max_diff = 0
+ regression_events = {}
+ print("start summary for type {}".format(type))
+ for event in file1_events:
+ val = file2_events.get(event)
+ if val != None:
+ diff = file1_events[event] - val
+ if diff > 100 and val > 100:
+ # print("regression event {} \t{}: {} \t{}: {} \tdiff: {}"
+ # .format(event, "case1", file1_events[event], "case2", val, diff))
+ regression_events[event] = diff
+ sum_diff += diff
+ max_diff = max(max_diff, diff)
+ print("\nsummary for timing type {} sum_diff {} max_diff {}".format(type, sum_diff, max_diff))
+ print_events(regression_events, file1_events, file2_events)
+def sum_all_events_timing_diff(file1_events, file2_events):
+ for i in range(len(file1_events)):
+ sum_events_timing_diff(i, file1_events[i], file2_events[i])
+def print_events(events, file1_events, file2_events):
+ for word in sorted(events, key=events.get, reverse=True):
+ if (events[word]) > 10:
+ print("{} \tdiff {} \t{} \t{}".format(word, events[word],file1_events[word], file2_events[word]))
+def find_took(words):
+ for i in range(len(words)):
+ if words[i] == 'took' or words[i] == "took:":
+ return i
+def extract_time(line, events):
+ if not "took" in line:
+ return
+ # 1: took to complete 1000ms
+ # 2: took 33ms
+ # 3: took 33 ms or took 0.3 seconds
+ words = line.strip().split(' ')
+ i = find_took(words)
+ index = 0;
+ str1 = " "
+ key = str1.join(words[8:i])
+ if words[i+1] == 'to' and words[i+2] == 'complete:':
+ index = 0;
+ val = float(words[i+3][:-2]);
+ elif words[i+1][-2:] == 'ms':
+ index = 1
+ val = float(words[i+1][:-2]);
+ elif len(words) > i+2:
+ index = 2
+ if words[i+2] == 'seconds':
+ val = float(words[i+1])*1000;
+ elif words[i+2] == 'ms':
+ val = float(words[i+1])
+ else:
+ return True
+ # print("index: {} key: {} val: {}".format(index, key, val));
+ if events[index].get(key) == None:
+ events[index][key] = val
+ return True
+ else:
+ # print("duplicate key: " + key + " line: " + line)
+ return True
+def check_time_range(line, ts, duration):
+ index = line.find(" ", 6)
+ if index <= 0:
+ return False
+ try:
+ current_time = datetime.strptime(line[:index], '%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ deltatime = current_time - ts
+ if deltatime.total_seconds()*1000 < 0 or deltatime.total_seconds() > duration:
+ return False
+ return True
+def extract_events(filepath, events, ts, duration):
+ with open(filepath, errors='ignore') as fp:
+ for line in fp:
+ if check_time_range(line, ts, duration) == False:
+ continue
+ if extract_time(line, events) == False:
+ return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()